Excel 2013 - Alternate Highlight Rows Based on Cell Data CHANGING - excel

I don't know much about conditional formatting in Excel. I'd like to be able to use the background color of rows to indicate "groups" of rows. One of the cells (all the same column) determines which "group" the row belongs to. I don't want to associate 1 color per group; instead, I'd like to alternate between 2 (or more?) colors. So, I am content to say, "switch colors when the value of this column changes". (I realize that will only work if I'm sorting on that column, but I am sorting on that column.)
This feels like it should be dead simple, but I haven't been able to figure it out, or even figure out how to google for it.

Here's a solution which doesn't use a helper column:
Rule 1: =MOD(SUMPRODUCT(1/COUNTIF($O$1:$O1,$O$1:$O1)),2)=1
Rule 2: =MOD(SUMPRODUCT(1/COUNTIF($O$1:$O1,$O$1:$O1)),2)=0
Important: This assumes that all instances of account numbers are always grouped together - for example it will fail if O7 is changed to "Account 1". I assume this is not an issue since you are sorting on Column O.


Identifying conflicting cells with duplicate IDs in Excel

So I have an excel table setup consisting of rows with their own IDs. Each ID should be unique but we have a lot of duplicate IDs that I'm trying to remove. So the first thing I tried to do was identify and remove the duplicates using the Conditional Formatting and Remove Duplicates tool in Excel but unfortunately I'm still left with several rows that share an ID but haven't been removed. So now I have to go into them and look through them manually. I was wondering if there was a way to have excel highlight the discrepancies between the rows. I've provided an example below.
In this sort of table the discrepancies are 3 and 4 since they belong to the same ID but differ in value so I would want Excel to highlight them. Is this possible in Excel? Thank you.
if you want just highlight duplicate and unique cell use Conditional formating. there is a rule of duplicate filter.
In the Number column, use a Conditional Format formula rule like:
Assuming the ID is in column A, and you may need to change the 3000.
Sorting by the ID column would also be useful.

How do you count the occurrence of same data set in two columns-set in excel?

How can we count the occurrence of each set of data? For eg I want to check how many time the customer country in column A comes alongside country in column B ie (How many times Australia-Australia occurs in column A and column B?). The result for unique occurrences are place in right hand side of the sheet. I have found out unique occurrences of the sets and want to count how many times each occur.
You asked for a formula, but a pivot table can do the same thing faster; and without requiring you to create the table for unique countries (option found under insert, usually the first button in the ribbon):
This is how it looks like after pulling the fields in the right 'boxes', the 'Tabular' report layout is selected and the subtotals turned off.
You can make 'Australia' repeat itself too under report layout if so you wish.
Again, SUMPRODUCT is your friend:
You can use COUNTIFS function as below.
Adjust the ranges to suit your data and copy down.

Excel conditional formatting doesn't match formula TRUE/FALSE output

This should theoretically be a simple use-case: many people in my organization have a need to regularly figure out interest earned by specific deposits or investment contributions. My sheet expedites this by allowing users to input the date and amount of each item into a table, after which it handles all the necessary calculation. The table's length is, necessarily, variable.
Because not all of my users are technically literate, I want this table to look like a table, but I only want to format rows with actual data. The automatic table formatting will not work for this use1, so I want to apply conditional formatting to each even row containing data. I wrote a formula that should work, just checking whether the row is even and whether the "amount" column isn't blank:
I've placed this formula in a column to the right of the table, and as expected it displays TRUE for every even row with data in the "amount" column, and FALSE for everything else. Trouble is, when I go to apply conditional formatting to the table area, it continues to apply formatting even when NOT(ISBLANK(INDIRECT("B"&ROW())) evaluates to FALSE, which should make the entire AND() FALSE.
So the question is: Does anyone have any idea how to resolve this? I'm stumped, since the formula outputs correctly when used on the sheet, and I can't directly evaluate it from the conditional formatting page.
1 Automatic table formatting should work for this, but my users have found ways to break it without knowing they've done so, so I need something I have more control over.

Conditional Format in Excel when adjacent cells are equal

I have numbers stored in cells D5:S19. Each row of this array represents a specific product, the number in each column represents the cost of this item in a given financial quarter (if the product is not available in a given quarter then the cell is blank):
I'm struggling with setting up a conditional format which will highlight the cells which are adjacent and equal on a row by row basis (excluding the blank cells). I have tried using a formula based around the EXACT function (EXACT($D5,$E5)) for the entire array but this doesn't seem to work at all.
Any pointers here would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
The way I see it, your highlighted data is going to be in one of three states. It is either:
The first entry of several consecutive entries
The last entry of several consecutive entries
Somewhere in the middle.
This lends itself to three distinct conditional formatting rules, to make sure that the use can distinguish between different sets of consecutive values. These come through as follows:
Notice the borders specified for each rule. We then order the rules in reverse order, and set rule 3 to "Stop if True". This means that left and right borders aren't added to our middle cells, like so:
This results in the following conditional formatting (I have only used a subset of your data)
Here's a text version of each of the rules for you to copy:
Hope this helps!

How can I mark duplicate values in a column based on a second value in a different column in Excel 2007?

I have been trying to mark duplicates in the same excel column based on a criteria in a different column, and I would love to have some help. In reference to the example below, I would like to highlight all the rows that is a duplicate value of another row red, and put a Y in a third column ("Delete" in the example below). When the value in the Name column is a duplicate of another, disregarding case sensitivity, I would like to mark all but one value based on a hierarchy in the Status column, i.e Excellent, Good, and Bad.
Only one of each unique value can be left unmarked, and if two share the same status with no duplicate value of a higher status then either one can be marked (the one further down the list if thats easier to specify).
I have been looking around the site and have found lots of similar entries on deleting duplicates but nothing quite the same. I need to highlight and not delete the duplicate rows and I have not been able to find anything that will let me sort based on a heirarchy in a second column. I only need to execute the command once as oppose to on a recurrence so the time it takes is not a concern to me. Any help you guys can throw my way would be greatly appreciated.
See if the sheet and steps below solves your issue.
Status_order Formula: Range("E2") =VLOOKUP(D2,$I$2:$J$4,2,FALSE)
Sort A1:E15 by Name, Then by Status_Order Smallest to Largest
Delete Formula =IF(A2=A3,"Delete","")
Fill All Formulas Down
Add Conditional Formatting on all columns to be Red if Column C = "Delete"
