How to make my electron app install-able on Linux - linux

Recently made build an application using Electron Framework. It is very basic. Now I have built it for Linux and published it to snap-store.
Now I want the application to be install-able by the apt-get command.
Is there any such way that I can do this?


How to install linux application made with flutter?

I have created an application in flutter for Linux devices, using the following command
flutter build linux
I don't want to use snap, because it's my personal application.
So, how can I install it in my system.

How to run an Electron .exe app on Linux?

I'm trying to run an application build with Electron on Linux. They app maker offers an .exe installation file. So I figured I'd install it in WINE, but I seem to be missing something the app needs to run.
Since the install is an .exe, do I need WINE? And if I need WINE, what do I need to install to make the app work? I have tried two Electron apps, both only downloadable as a .exe install file.
Electron adds os native calls, so .exe files usually do not work. WINE is not able to emulate all of those calls, so if it isn't working for you, then you are out of luck I guess. Look for apps that offer linux versions, like If you have access to the repository, chances are they build it using electron-builder. You can just build it yourself with the command electron-builder build --linux in most cases

How create build .net with MSBuild in Jenkins on Server Linux

I tried to configure jenkins that is mounted on a server with linux, is it possible to install msbuild.exe to compile a .NET application? or is it necessary for Jenkins to be on a windows server?
The .NET Core SDK can be installed on Linux and comes with a tool called dotnet which can work pretty similar to MSBuild when you run it as dotnet build.
It depends on what purpose. If it is to study, I recommend installing Jenkins on a Windows Server, then installing the .Net Framework SDK that you want to use.
If it is a productive environment, I recommend installing Jenkins Master on Linux Server and a Slave on Windows Server, then installing the .Net Framework SDK that you want to use. So you do not overload the Jenkins as you compile.
If you look at the version of the .Net Framework SDK, because if any font needs something specific, you will have to install the Microsoft Windows SDK.
For configuration see this link.

Cross-platform package a node.js app

So I have a Node.js app that runs on the command line.
I created a very simple GUI window in Qt which calls the Node.js command line program.
I can package up the Qt GUI with Qt Installer Framework.
It works great.
But it only works on my machine...
I need to:
install node.js on the user's computer. I don't want to rely on the "system" version of node.js and would prefer to have a "sandboxed" version of node.js somewhere in my application's directory. Also, user may not have any compilers installed...
run npm and install a couple of packages to the user's computer
needs to run on Mac/Windows/Linux
Am I being unrealistic here?

Can we install a ROR web app developed in Windows platform to Linux machine?

We have developed a Ruby on Rails application in Windows 7. Now we want to try installing it on a Linux machine and see if it can work.
What all points should I consider here?
Can we directly deploy the code in Linux? and Should i consider some gems being specific to windows?( I remember using win32ole gem for interacting with excels) Linux is completely new to me. Any help is appreciated.
Ruby version - 1.9.3p327
Rails - 3.2.9
Database - MySQL
