Azure Build Sql Dacpac not found - azure-pipelines-build-task

so we are trying to build an MS SQL database pipeline. the issue that I'm running into is due to dacpac not found. They are in our repo
error message
now I did notice that the build is looking at an enterprise pathway. my local build and my push to the repo was from a professional VS version. How can this be resolved? Every DB reference is having the same issue in my solution. my sln files are being recognized just not my Database references.

According to your error message, the reference to the master.dacpac is incorrect. Please open and check your .sqlproj file. You will find the reference to the Master database like this:
<ArtifactReference Include="$(DacPacRootPath)\Extensions\Microsoft\SQLDB\Extensions\SqlServer\130\SqlSchemas\master.dacpac">
If your Include=" is a hard coded path, you can try to copy the contents of the HintPath element to the Include attribute.
Please refer to this ticket for more details.


Azure Build pipeline not able to retrieve latest source version

I'm running into a strange problem whenever I start a particular build, and I can't get my head around it.
I just imported an existing VSTS-repository into my new GIT-Repository on Azure DevOps. My next step is to create a Build-pipeline which should lead to an artifact which I can deploy. For the company I work for I've done this many times, but I've never seen this error before.
The buildpipeline is setup, and as soon as I start a build it immediately fails with the following error;
Hopefully somebody can help out in resolving this.
UPDATE - Added settings for retrieving sources
After posting the second screenshot and going through everything again properly, I saw that I didn't point the Build Pipeline to the proper GIT-Repository in Azure Devops. After updating this, the issue was resolved.

Unable to check into TFS and Build with Continuous Integration '

I have an Azure Web application that I checked into TFS yesterday with no issues. Upon checking in, the resource manager will inject our nuget packages and deploy if it builds successfully.
I made a few changes (added a class) and checked in today. I received this error on the build:
Here's the quote to help the future search bots:
Exit code 1 returned from process: file name 'tf', arguments 'vc unshelve Gated_xxxxxx;****** /loginType:OAuth /login:.,******** /noprompt'.
I looked into the log response, to see if I get more detail, but it says the exact same thing. I have not changed my password or username.
How can I debug this to figure out the issue?
To save others from the headache. The issue was that we had CI builds per project. A file from another project had snuck in as well. So I was checking in for 2 different projects on 2 different solutions (Which both go to the same TFS server). So make sure you only check in for that one project!
To save others from the headache. The issue was that we had CI builds per project. A file from another project had snuck in as well. So I was checking in for 2 different projects on 2 different solutions (Which both go to the same TFS server). So make sure you only check in for that one project!
You can receive that error as well if you try to check in a file that is in a project that is not mapped in your build definition.
Let's say that you have a file named FileA.cs that is in a project named ProjectA.csproj. If you do changes in FileA.cs and this file is included in your changes, you need to map ProjectA.csproj in the Get source step of the build definition.

Azure Website Git deployment with 3rd party libs not in nuget

I would like to use Azure git deployment with a product I am working on. We reference a 3rd party library which is privately supplied and not available on Nuget.
Azure syncs with the git repo as you would expect, but when it compiles it fails with errors saying it is unable to find the types within the 3rd party library.
The library is checked in to git in the bin folder.
How can I get Azure to reference this library when compiling?
There should be nothing special about doing this on Azure Web Apps vs doing it locally. If your assembly is committed and you reference it from its committed location, everything should just work.
If it doesn't, please try running through the steps in this document to help identify the issue.
You should be able to use standard NuGet practices to make this work. Looking at the documentation for Package Sources you just need to add the package source (like to the nuget.config file place this at the same level as you *.sln file.

TFS: Automated publish a folder to Azure website

I am trying to create automated build to publish a folder with files onto Azure web-site. And I cannot accomplish this.
I am NOT publishing a solution (.sln), but rather a folder with files. I am using VS2013 and Visual Studio Online.
I have experience with TFS web publishing, so I published solutions many times.
So, what I did so far:
Created an MSBuild build.xml file that just copies files from the folder to the output.
Created a build definition based on AzureContinuousDeployment.11.xaml
Specified build.xml in my build definition, Process tab, in "Solution to build" parameter:
If I build my project, it is correctly built, files are copied to the output, etc (I can verify it by opening drop location, all files are there).
Then, I:
Created a web-site in Azure, linked it to my TFS subscription.
Downloaded a publish profile (.PublishSettings from a web-site).
Created a Web publish profile (.pubxml) in Visual Studio based on .PublishSettings file).
Specified Web Deploy Publish Profile and Deployment Settings Name:
But now I am getting an error during build:
Exception Message: Please specify a Visual Studio Solution (.sln) to build. (type BuildFromSolutionException)
So it asks me for a Visual Studio solution, but earlier it worked perfectly with MSBuild file (after step 3).
I tried to rename my .xml to .sln (probably it is not what I should have done), and build now says "There was no Windows Azure project (.ccproj) detected in the solution. Continuous delivery to an Azure Cloud Service requires an Azure project. (type CCProjNotFoundException)"
If I don't specify "Deployment Settings Name", build completes without errors, but again no publishing to Azure.
So, the question is, how to publish a custom MSBuild build, without a solution, onto Azure? Is TFS continuous Azure publishing for Solutions only? I expect it to be agile, like I published folders from Local Git to Web-site without any hassle.
What should I do?
There are a few confused ideas in your question. Fits, there is no relationship between and automated build and Git. You are using Team Foundation Build to run the workflow of deployment. It is the workflow that is not working for you. In effect the build and deployment script. In fact the script you are using works with both Git and TFVC so that is not the issue.
That specific script is designed specifically for building an azure project that is then continuously delivers to Azure and you likley can't use it as you are. You can however create another script and use that. I would suggest you try instead to use the Default build script and use a powershell script within the build to collect the files and then push them to Azure.
If you want to go a little more advanced you could create a copy of the default and make one that does not require MSBuild at all.

Teamcity MsBuild generates wrong cspkg file

I am trying to build and Deploy our solution to Azure using TeamCity.
When I Build the azure solution (Web.Azure.ccproj) using TC, it always generates wrong file like Web.Azure.ccproj.cspkg in Release\app.publish folder. I am not understaing why it is generating a file like ccproj.cspkg. Rather it should have just generated Web.Azure.cspkg.
Note: when I try directly in command prompt (msbuild Web.Azure.ccproj /t:Publish) am able to see proper files generated.
Any reason why this is happening?
Thanks in Advance
I don't know why the generated files are different. However, if you are looking to deploy to Azure Cloud Services from TeamCity, maybe this link will help.
The linked post has a powershell script that will deploy the solution and you can include that as a build step in TeamCity. The script deals with having different Live and UAT environments etc, which you may not need.
For what it's worth, we're building the entire solution with a Visual Studio (.sln) runner and it builds the Azure projects fine.
Some of our parameters:
Targets: Rebuild
Configuration: Dev (Could be Stage or Release per our environments)
Command line parameters: /p:TargetProfile=Dev /P:Configuration=Dev
The last set of parameters are where I originally got stuck. We have profiles for Azure projects and configurations for the entire solution. We need both to get the right packages created.
