Unable to receive callback from DocuSign for failed email delivery - docusignapi

We are trying to get a callback from DocuSign to our application when an email failed to be delivered to a signer.
So far, we have set up an ‘AutoResponded’ listener, but did not manage to get a callback.
In our developer account admin settings, we have also enabled following settings:
Account > Updates: Send Individual Messages [Switched status to
See screenshot
Integrations > Connect: In our custom configuration, under
Trigger Events, we have enabled Recipient Delivery Failed See screenshot
Any advise if we need to enable any other setting? Thanks!

There is a setting which needs to be enabled and it is available only in back-end in DocuSign. You need to create a ticket through our support center provide your account number and ask support to enable it.
You need to be admin on the account to request this change


User status change notification webhook

I knew Docusign could use RestAPI to create users, but most time users will get an activation email from DocuSign and go through set passwords and security questions. After everything is done, the user status will change from Pending to Active in the Docusign Admin portal. Is there any way when user status from pending to active, it could send a notification to the API/Url endpoint to allow us to capture user status change event?
I am trying to build DocuSign and other system integration, I want to create DocuSign users from other systems directly, and monitor the user status in other systems.
It looks like DocuSign Monitor can send you alerts for the relevant events. See page 20 of the docs
I don't see a User completed activation event but perhaps you can use another event, eg User Login instead.

Resend Webhook Notification on Docusign

Is it possible to request from the API to resend a webhook?
From here i can see this is possible from the Admin Panel
When a webhook request fails, the Failures screen also enables you to
resend the notification. This can be very helpful when debugging your
listener software.
I want to do the same but from the API.
You can use the ConnectEvents Api's.
Specifically the following api's
Republishes Connect information for the specified envelope.
Republishes Connect information for the specified set of envelopes. The primary use is to republish Connect post failures by including envelope IDs for the envelopes that failed to post in the request. The list of envelope IDs that failed to post correctly can be retrieved by calling to [ML:GetConnectLog] retrieve the failure log.

How to disable DocuSign ID Check during signing

We are using basic api plan for production. Just received our production key. when a doc loads for signing, we see the ID check page.
Can it be skipped? We want to see our doc without this step
Depending on your Api plan, you can change the default Id Check authentication option in your account settings.
See this answer
Since you have a basic Api plan, you will have to contact DocuSign customer support to disable the default id Check authentication.

How can we check docusign email status check and Notification?

Once any document is sent for signature, we can see that document status like in process, completed. Also email notification is coming to document sender mail. Are these features exposed by docusign rest API?
Yes, absolutely. The status updates are delivered to your program via a "webhook" -- you register a url with DocuSign and then DocuSign calls your app when a change occurs.
You can create a webhook subscription at the account level or for individual envelopes.
See the docs. Recipes are also available at the DocuSign Developer Center.
You can also determine the current status of your signing requests (your envelopes) by polling the DocuSign platform. However, this is actively discouraged, and in any case, you can't poll more than once per 15 minutes for a given envelope. The docs discuss this as well.

not receiving all docusign connect events

In our DocuSign Demo environment, we noticed that when several envelopes were voided, we did not receive the corresponding connect events. We checked the connect logs and the envelope ID's are not listed. We checked the envelopes in DocuSign and verified that the envelopes were properly voided. We sent a couple more through and recieved the events successfully.
Has anyone else experienced this issue and if so, were you able to correct it?
I'd suggest you verify the following Connect settings via the DocuSign UI (Preferences >> Connect >> [Connect_Configuration_Name]).
Ensure that Allow Envelope Publish is selected:
Ensure that Envelope Voided is selected, and also that All Users Integrated is selected (assuming you want Connect to send notifications for all envelope void events, i.e., for all Envelope Senders)
Provided that the Connect configuration settings are specified as described above (and logs are enabled via the Enable Log checkbox), you should at least see the Envelope Id in the Connect Log file anytime an envelope is Voided (even if some connectivity issue prevented the message from actually reaching your listener). Also, keep in mind that the Log file only preserves the 100 most recent log file entries -- so if there have been more than 100 messages sent since the Envelope Void that you're looking for in the Connect log, it's expected that you wouldn't see that Envelope Id in the log file.
Working with enterprise support, we determined that our missing connect event problem was caused by using the 'Send on Behalf Of' feature. We were listing the authenticating user in the 'Select Users to Integrate', and needed to list the send on behalf of user.
Also, Require Acknowledgement is NOT mentioned here and can and generally does play into debugging connect issues.
Related article:
Docusign Connect retry frequency when require acknowledgement enabled
