Only a Set of shell script should execute a shell script - linux

I have a shell script on /usr/bin/myapp and another 12 set of scripts on a diff folder (say /opt/myapp). I want a solution that only scripts from /opt/myapp can use or execute script in /usr/bin/myapp. This is to secure the script on /usr/bin/myapp and noone else except /opt/myapp should use it.
Any other solution is also accepted. Thanks in advance

The standard way is to grant "execute" permissions on the folder (or "read" and "execute" permissions on the scripts) only for a special group.
(Note that restricting "execute" permissions for the script alone is not enough, since read permissions are enough to execute a script with e.g. sh /path/to/script.)
Then you can grant the group permissions to the other scripts for instance via sudo (using some shell wrappers) or by writing your own binary wrappers.


How to cron a bash script which requires root user access to run

I have a bash script that has a function written in Perl script called in the bash script. But when I try to run the script in cron the cron is not able to fetch the script as it says it requires root user access. When I execute the script I switch to the data manager role to execute. What can I do so that cron can also execute the script?
Few suggested converting the bash script into csh script also for reference asked me to add
source /central/confg/global.cshrc
this is in the script but I am not good at shell scripting so I am having trouble converting bash script into csh script.
If anyone has any ideas what can be done here please share.
add the below line into file: /etc/sudoers
The default user is root if no user is specified as a parameter when creating a cronjob. Give the script the executable permissions to run successfully and to set any environment variables the root user needs to run the script.
Note: The root user should not be used for security reasons unless necessary.

Linux/mac permissions as a jenkins slave

In short my jenkins on a slave machine can execute a program like for example ionic from the execute shell segment, although when I start it by executing a shell script .sh file then it says the command doesn't exist. Is that permissions related? How to set that up? Do I need to exclude that application using visudo?
You need to set the permission of the .sh file to be executable,
which can be done with
chmod +x filename
. You need root privilege if you are not the owner of the file.
See to understand permissions.

linux file access read/write by root, execute by all

I'm trying to create a shell script that can only be read/written by root but can be executed by everyone. I created a file, set ownership to "chown root:me" and set permissions to "chmod 711", hoping this would do the trick. However, this results in a file that always needs sudo in order to execute. Is it possible to edit the rights such that anyone (without using sudo) can execute the script, but only root (using sudo) can read/write the file?
this is not possible to be achieved, at least with shell scripts.
In fact, at the moment of the execution, the shell program (I presume Bash) needs to read the content of the shell file and the process runs with your user name and permissions.
Having said this, the BASH program (ZSH, SH or any other shell follow the same rules) needs to be able to read the content of the file and this can be achieved only by granting read privileges +r. So, the bare minimum would be a 755 permission model.
An alternative is to run an actual program which does the job and wouldn't require read permission in order to be executed. But this is a totally different pattern.
This response explains it as well.

Why do we need execution permission although we can run any script without it using "bash script file"?

I am wondering when and why do we need execution permission in linux although we can run any script without execute permission when we execute that script using the syntax bellow?
bash SomeScriptFile
Not all programs are scripts — bash for example isn't. So you need execute permission for executable programs.
Also, when you say bash SomeScriptFile, the script has to be in the current directory. If you have the script executable and in a directory on your PATH (e.g. $HOME/bin), then you can run the script without the unnecessary circumlocution of bash $HOME/bin/SomeScriptFile (or bash ~/bin/SomeScriptFile); you can simply run SomeScriptFile. This economy is worth having.
Execute permission on a directory is somewhat different, of course, but also important. It permits the 'class of user' (owner, group, others) to access files in the directory, subject to per-file permissions also allowing that.
Executing the script by invoking it directly and running the script through bash are two very different things.
When you run bash ~/bin/SomeScriptFile you are really just executing bash -- a command interpreter. bash in turns load the scripts and runs it.
When you run ~/bin/SomeSCriptFile directly, the system is able to tell this file is a script file and finds the interpreter to run it. There is a big of magic invoking the #! on the first line to look for the right interpreter.
The reason we run scripts directly is that the user (and system) couldn't know or care of the command we are running is a script or a compiled executable.
For instance, if I write a nifty shell script called fixAllIlls and later I decide to re-write it in C, as long a I keep the same interface, the users don't have to do anything different.
To them, it is just a program to run.
The operating system checks permissions first for several reasons:
Checking permissions is faster
In the days of old, you could have SUID scripts, so one needed to check the permission bits.
As a result, it was possible to run scripts that you could not actually read the contents of. (That is still true of binaries.)

shell script run when I am root but I get a permission denied when it is invoked from a Makefile (still as root)

I need to run a Make script that invokes a shell script.
I can run the shell script directly as root but when running make on the makefile (still as root) make is denied permission to run the same shell script?
The offending line in the Makefile is that one:
PLATFORM=$(shell $(ROOT)/
I could go in and hardcode the value of every PLATFORM variable of every Makefile scrip on the system but that would be pointless fix, I'd like to understand why there is that Permission Denied error:
make[1]: execvp: ../ Permission denied
PS: The content of the shell script is not the issue even if the shell script only contain ls or echo linux the Permission is Denied to the Make utility to run the shell script.
PS: I am not a make expert by an mean so if the explanation is related to Make please be as specific as you can.
In your comments above you say when you "run it manually" you use ., is that correct? You use . followed by
That does not run the script, that sources the script. Your statement that will execute with and without the x permission since it is a shell script is wrong. You can source the script if you have read permissions. But you cannot execute the script unless you have execute permissions.
"Sourcing" means that a new shell is not started: instead your current shell (where you type that command) reads the contents of the script and runs them just as if you'd typed them in by hand, in the current shell. At the end all the side-effects (directory changes, variable assignments, etc.) that were performed in that script are still available in your current script.
"Executing" means that the script is treated like a program, but the program is a new shell that's started, which then reads the contents of the script and executes it. Once the script ends the shell exits and all side-effects are lost.
The $(shell ...) function in make will not source your script (unless you also use . there, which you did not). It will try to run your script. The error you show implies that either did not have the execution bit set, or else that it had an invalid #! line. There's no other explanation I can think of.
If sourcing the file really does what you want then why not just use the same method in $(shell ...) that you use in your own personal use:
PLATFORM=$(shell . $(ROOT)/
If changing the user permission didn't work, are you sure that whatever user owns the script is the same user you're using to invoke make? You say you're "running as root"; is the script owned by root? Or is it owned by you and you're running sudo make or similar?
I don't know why you don't just use:
chmod +x
and call it a day.
Adding execution permission to the file Group rather that the file User fixed the issue.
PS: I wonder why? It seems the Make utility run shell scripts not with the same user that started Make...
