Why do we need execution permission although we can run any script without it using "bash script file"? - linux

I am wondering when and why do we need execution permission in linux although we can run any script without execute permission when we execute that script using the syntax bellow?
bash SomeScriptFile

Not all programs are scripts — bash for example isn't. So you need execute permission for executable programs.
Also, when you say bash SomeScriptFile, the script has to be in the current directory. If you have the script executable and in a directory on your PATH (e.g. $HOME/bin), then you can run the script without the unnecessary circumlocution of bash $HOME/bin/SomeScriptFile (or bash ~/bin/SomeScriptFile); you can simply run SomeScriptFile. This economy is worth having.
Execute permission on a directory is somewhat different, of course, but also important. It permits the 'class of user' (owner, group, others) to access files in the directory, subject to per-file permissions also allowing that.

Executing the script by invoking it directly and running the script through bash are two very different things.
When you run bash ~/bin/SomeScriptFile you are really just executing bash -- a command interpreter. bash in turns load the scripts and runs it.
When you run ~/bin/SomeSCriptFile directly, the system is able to tell this file is a script file and finds the interpreter to run it. There is a big of magic invoking the #! on the first line to look for the right interpreter.
The reason we run scripts directly is that the user (and system) couldn't know or care of the command we are running is a script or a compiled executable.
For instance, if I write a nifty shell script called fixAllIlls and later I decide to re-write it in C, as long a I keep the same interface, the users don't have to do anything different.
To them, it is just a program to run.
The operating system checks permissions first for several reasons:
Checking permissions is faster
In the days of old, you could have SUID scripts, so one needed to check the permission bits.
As a result, it was possible to run scripts that you could not actually read the contents of. (That is still true of binaries.)


linux file access read/write by root, execute by all

I'm trying to create a shell script that can only be read/written by root but can be executed by everyone. I created a file test.sh, set ownership to "chown root:me test.sh" and set permissions to "chmod 711 test.sh", hoping this would do the trick. However, this results in a file that always needs sudo in order to execute. Is it possible to edit the rights such that anyone (without using sudo) can execute the script, but only root (using sudo) can read/write the file?
this is not possible to be achieved, at least with shell scripts.
In fact, at the moment of the execution, the shell program (I presume Bash) needs to read the content of the shell file and the process runs with your user name and permissions.
Having said this, the BASH program (ZSH, SH or any other shell follow the same rules) needs to be able to read the content of the file and this can be achieved only by granting read privileges +r. So, the bare minimum would be a 755 permission model.
An alternative is to run an actual program which does the job and wouldn't require read permission in order to be executed. But this is a totally different pattern.
This response explains it as well.

Linux basics - automating a script execution

When beginning to work, I have to run several commands:
source work/tools
cd work/tool
source tool
Off course, doing this a few times a day is really annonying, so I tried to make a bash script tool where I put these commands and put it in /user/bin to run it with command
However, there is a problem. When i run the script and then try to work by typing some of the tool-based commands, it does not work.
I figured out, that it is fine, since if I make a script and then run it, the script seems to run in the same terminal window, but what it really does is, that it behaves as if it created a "hidden window" for its execution and after termination of the script, the "hidden window" terminates too. So I am asking - is there a way to automatize the source command?
I have tried using xterm -hold -e command, but it runs the programmed script in the new window. Obviously, I don't want that. How can I achieve running it in the current window?
Don't put files like that in /usr/bin. As a general rule you don't want to mess with the distribution owned locations like that. You can use /usr/local/bin if you need a system-wide location or you can create a directory in your home directory to hold things like this that are for your own usage (and add that to the $PATH).
What you've noticed is that when run as a script on its own (tool, /path/to/tool, etc.) that the script runs in its own shell session (nothing to do with terminal windows as-such) and you don't want that (as the changes the script makes don't persist to your current shell session).
What you want to do instead is "source"/run the script in your current session. Which you are already doing with that set of commands you listed (source work/tools is doing exactly that).
So instead of running tool or /path/to/tool instead use source /path/to/tool or . /path/to/tool.
As fedorqui correctly points out you don't even need a script for this anywhere as you can just make a shell function for this instead (in your normal shell startup files .bashrc, etc.) and then just run that function when you need to so that setup.
Be careful to use full paths for things when you do this though since you, presumably, want this to work no matter what directory you happen to be in when you run it.
It doesn't create a new hidden window, nor does it create a terminal. What happens is that if you're running a script, normally it runs on a new shell process. The script you're running is supposed to modify the shell environment, but if you're running the script in a new shell process, that shell process's environment is the one that gets modified, instead of your shell environment.
Scripts that needs to modify the current shell environments usually must be run with the source command. What you need to do is to run the script in the current shell. So you should do source /path/to/tool.
If you want to be able to source the script with just tool, put this in your alias file/shell startup (check your distro doc where the file is, but it's usually either .bash_aliases or .bashrc):
alias tool="source /path/to/tool"

shell script run when I am root but I get a permission denied when it is invoked from a Makefile (still as root)

I need to run a Make script that invokes a shell script.
I can run the shell script directly as root but when running make on the makefile (still as root) make is denied permission to run the same shell script?
The offending line in the Makefile is that one:
PLATFORM=$(shell $(ROOT)/systype.sh)
I could go in and hardcode the value of every PLATFORM variable of every Makefile scrip on the system but that would be pointless fix, I'd like to understand why there is that Permission Denied error:
make[1]: execvp: ../systype.sh: Permission denied
PS: The content of the shell script is not the issue even if the shell script only contain ls or echo linux the Permission is Denied to the Make utility to run the shell script.
PS: I am not a make expert by an mean so if the explanation is related to Make please be as specific as you can.
In your comments above you say when you "run it manually" you use . scriptname.sh, is that correct? You use . followed by scriptname.sh?
That does not run the script, that sources the script. Your statement that scriptname.sh will execute with and without the x permission since it is a shell script is wrong. You can source the script if you have read permissions. But you cannot execute the script unless you have execute permissions.
"Sourcing" means that a new shell is not started: instead your current shell (where you type that command) reads the contents of the script and runs them just as if you'd typed them in by hand, in the current shell. At the end all the side-effects (directory changes, variable assignments, etc.) that were performed in that script are still available in your current script.
"Executing" means that the script is treated like a program, but the program is a new shell that's started, which then reads the contents of the script and executes it. Once the script ends the shell exits and all side-effects are lost.
The $(shell ...) function in make will not source your script (unless you also use . there, which you did not). It will try to run your script. The error you show implies that either systype.sh did not have the execution bit set, or else that it had an invalid #! line. There's no other explanation I can think of.
If sourcing the file really does what you want then why not just use the same method in $(shell ...) that you use in your own personal use:
PLATFORM=$(shell . $(ROOT)/systype.sh)
If changing the user permission didn't work, are you sure that whatever user owns the script is the same user you're using to invoke make? You say you're "running as root"; is the script owned by root? Or is it owned by you and you're running sudo make or similar?
I don't know why you don't just use:
chmod +x systype.sh
and call it a day.
Adding execution permission to the file Group rather that the file User fixed the issue.
PS: I wonder why? It seems the Make utility run shell scripts not with the same user that started Make...

Why calling a script by "scriptName" doesn't work?

I have a simple script cmakeclean to clean cmake temp files:
#!/bin/bash -f
rm CMakeCache.txt
rm *.cmake
which I call like
$ cmakeclean
And it does remove CMakeCache.txt, but it doesn't remove cmake_install.cmake:
rm: *.cmake: No such file or directory
When I run it like:
$ . cmakeclean
it does remove both.
What is the difference and can I make this script work like an usual linux command (without . in front)?
I am sure the both times is same script is executed. To check this I added echo meme in the script and rerun it in both ways.
Remove the -f from your #!/bin/bash -f line.
-f prevents pathname expansion, which means that *.cmake will not match anything. When you run your script as a script, it interprets the shebang line, and in effect runs /bin/bash -f scriptname. When you run it as . scriptname, the shebang is just seen as a comment line and ignored, so the fact that you do not have -f set in your current environment allows it to work as expected.
. script is short for source script which means the current shell executes the commands in the script. If there's an exit in there, the current shell will exit (and e. g. the terminal window will close).
This is typically used to modify the environment of the current shell (set variables etc.).
script asks the shell to fork itself, then exec the given script in the child process, and then wait in the father for the termination of the child. If there's an exit in the script, this will be executed by the child shell and thus only terminate this. The father shell stays intact and unaltered by this call.
This is typically used to start other programs from the current shell.
Is this about ClearCase? What did you do in your poor life where you've been assigned to work in the deepest bowels of hell?
For years, I was a senior ClearCase Administer. I haven't touched it in over a decade. My life is way better now. The sky is bluer, bird songs are more melodious, and my dread over coming to work every day is now a bit less.
Getting back to your issue: It's hard to say exactly what's going on. ClearCase does some wacky things. In a dynamic view, the ClearCase repository on Unix systems is hidden in the shell's environment. Now you see it, now you don't.
When you run a shell script, it starts up a new environment. If a particular shell variable is not imported, it is invisible that shell script. When you merely run cmakeclean from the command line, you are spawning a new shell -- one that does not contain your ClearCase environment.
When you run a shell script with a dot prefix like . cmakeclean, you are running that shell script in the current shell which contains your ClearCase environment. Thus, it can see your ClearCase view.
If you're using a snapshot view, it is possible that you have a $HOME/.bashrc that's changing directories on you. When a new shell environment runs in BASH (the default shell in MacOS X and Linux), it first runs $HOME/.bashrc. If this sets a particular directory, then you end up in that directory and not in the directory where you ran your shell script. I use to see this when I too was involved in ClearCase hell. People setup their .kshrc script (it was the days before BASH and most people used Kornshell) to setup their views. Unfortunately, this made running any other shell script almost impossible to do.

What's a .sh file?

So I am not experienced in dealing with a plethora of file types, and I haven't been able to find much info on exactly what .sh files are. Here's what I'm trying to do:
I'm trying to download map data sets which are arranged in tiles that can be downloaded individually: http://daymet.ornl.gov/gridded
In order to download a range of tiles at once, they say to download their script, which eventually leads to daymet-nc-retrieval.sh: https://github.com/daymet/scripts/blob/master/Bash/daymet-nc-retrieval.sh
So, what exactly am I supposed to do with this code? The website doesn't provide further instructions, assuming users know what to do with it. I'm guessing you're supposed to paste the code in to some other unmentioned application for a browser (using Chrome or Firefox in this case)? It almost looks like something that could be pasted in to Firefox/Greasemonkey, but not quite. Just by a quick Google on the file type I haven't been able to get heads or tails on it.
I'm sure there's a simple explanation on what to do with these files out there, but it seems to be buried in plenty of posts where people are already assuming you know what to do with these files. Anyone willing to just simply say what needs to be done from square one after getting to the page with the code to actually implementing it? Thanks.
What is a file with extension .sh?
It is a Bourne shell script. They are used in many variations of UNIX-like operating systems. They have no "language" and are interpreted by your shell (interpreter of terminal commands) or if the first line is in the form
they will use that particular interpreter. Your file has the first line:
and that means that it uses Bourne Again Shell, so called bash. It is for all practical purposes a replacement for good old sh.
Depending upon the interpreter you will have different languages in which the file is written.
Keep in mind, that in UNIX world, it is not the extension of the file that determines what the file is (see "How to execute a shell script" below).
If you come from the world of DOS/Windows, you will be familiar with files that have .bat or .cmd extensions (batch files). They are not similar in content, but are akin in design.
How to execute a shell script
Unlike some unsafe operating systems, *nix does not rely exclusively on extensions to determine what to do with a file. Permissions are also used. This means that if you attempt to run the shell script after downloading it, it will be the same as trying to "run" any text file. The ".sh" extension is there only for your convenience to recognize that file.
You will need to make the file executable. Let's assume that you have downloaded your file as file.sh, you can then run in your terminal:
chmod +x file.sh
chmod is a command for changing file's permissions, +x sets execute permissions (in this case for everybody) and finally you have your file name.
You can also do it in your GUI. Most of the time you can right click on the file and select properties; in XUbuntu the permissions options look like this:
If you do not wish to change the permissions, you can also force the shell to run the command. In the terminal you can run:
bash file.sh
The shell should be the same as in the first line of your script.
How safe is it?
You may find it weird that you must perform another task manually in order to execute a file. But this is partially because of a strong need for security.
Basically when you download and run a bash script, it is the same thing as somebody telling you "run all these commands in sequence on your computer, I promise that the results will be good and safe". Ask yourself if you trust the party that has supplied this file, ask yourself if you are sure that you have downloaded the file from the same place as you thought, maybe even have a glance inside to see if something looks out of place (although that requires that you know something about *nix commands and bash programming).
Unfortunately apart from the warning above I cannot give a step-by-step description of what you should do to prevent evil things from happening with your computer; so just keep in mind that any time you get and run an executable file from someone you're actually saying, "Sure, you can use my computer to do something".
If you open your second link in a browser you'll see the source code:
# Script to download individual .nc files from the ORNL
# Daymet server at: http://daymet.ornl.gov
# For ranges use {start..end}
# for individul vaules, use: 1 2 3 4
for year in {2002..2003}
for tile in {1159..1160}
do wget --limit-rate=3m http://daymet.ornl.gov/thredds/fileServer/allcf/${year}/${tile}_${year}/vp.nc -O ${tile}_${year}_vp.nc
# An example using curl instead of wget
#do curl --limit-rate 3M -o ${tile}_${year}_vp.nc http://daymet.ornl.gov/thredds/fileServer/allcf/${year}/${tile}_${year}/vp.nc
So it's a bash script. Got Linux?
In any case, the script is nothing but a series of HTTP retrievals. Both wget and curl are available for most operating systems and almost all language have HTTP libraries so it's fairly trivial to rewrite in any other technology. There're also some Windows ports of bash itself (git includes one). Last but not least, Windows 10 now has native support for Linux binaries.
sh files are unix (linux) shell executables files, they are the equivalent (but much more powerful) of bat files on windows.
So you need to run it from a linux console, just typing its name the same you do with bat files on windows.
Typically a .sh file is a shell script which you can execute in a terminal. Specifically, the script you mentioned is a bash script, which you can see if you open the file and look in the first line of the file, which is called the shebang or magic line.
I know this is an old question and I probably won't help, but many Linux distributions(e.g., ubuntu) have a "Live cd/usb" function, so if you really need to run this script, you could try booting your computer into Linux. Just burn a .iso to a flash drive (here's how http://goo.gl/U1wLYA), start your computer with the drive plugged in, and press the F key for boot menu. If you choose "...USB...", you will boot into the OS you just put on the drive.
How do I run .sh scripts?
Give execute permission to your script:
chmod +x /path/to/yourscript.sh
And to run your script:
Since . refers to the current directory: if yourscript.sh is in the current directory, you can simplify this to:
or with GUI
open the location in terminal then type these commands
1. chmod +x filename.sh
2. ./filename.sh
that's it
