Swap strings without reference counting - string

In QuickSort, a lot of time is spent on the swap temp:=var[i]; var[i]:=var[j]; var[j]:=temp. When the vars are integer I time 140 msec for a large random array. When the vars are string, the time is 750 msec. It appears to me that much of the difference is caused by the need to update the reference counts in all three assignments.
But is this necessary? After all, the reference counts for var[i] and var[j] will be the same before and after these three assignments. Would the following code corrupt things? (not that it solves a speed problem, but out of interest):
// P : Pstring;
There is no temp variable. Only the two pointers to the strings are interchanged. And if this is oké, is there a Delphi function to swap 2 pointers?

What you are proposing is a well known and valid optimisation. Rather than calling the Move function it is better to perform direct assignments using casts to avoid reference counting code being generated.
temp: Pointer;
temp := Pointer(var[i]);
Pointer(var[i]) := Pointer(var[j]);
Pointer(var[j]) := temp;
In order for this to work you need to be confident that no exceptions will be raised during the swap process. Simple assignments of valid memory will not lead to exceptions, so this concern can be readily dismissed.


Safely zeroing buffers after working with crypto/*

Is there a way to zero buffers containing e. g. private keys after
using them and make sure that compilers don't delete the zeroing code as
unused? Something tells me that a simple:
copy(privateKey, make([]byte, keySize))
Is not guaranteed to stay there.
Sounds like you want to prevent sensitive data remaining in memory. But have you considered the data might have been replicated, or swapped to disk?
For these reasons I use the https://github.com/awnumar/memguard package.
It provides features to destroy the data when no longer required, while keeping it safe in the mean time.
You can read about its background here; https://spacetime.dev/memory-security-go
How about checking (some of) the content of the buffer after zeroing it and passing it to another function? For example:
copy(privateKey, make([]byte, keySize))
if privateKey[0] != 0 {
// If you pass the buffer to another function,
// this check and above copy() can't be optimized away:
fmt.Println("Zeroing failed", privateKey[0])
To be absolutely safe, you could XOR the passed buffer content with random bytes, but if / since the zeroing is not optimized away, the if body is never reached.
You might think a very intelligent compiler might deduce the above copy() zeros privateKey[0] and thus determine the condition is always false and still optimize it away (although this is very unlikely). The solution to this is not to use make([]byte, keySize) but e.g. a slice coming from a global variable or a function argument (whose value can only be determined at runtime) so the compiler can't be smart enough to deduce the condition is going to be always false at compile time.

Are concatenated Delphi strings held in a hidden temporary variable that retains a reference to the string?

I'm trying to understand memory issues in a Delphi server application: originally I suspected an outright leak, but now believe we're seeing memory hanging around longer than it should due to the compiler's use of a hidden temporary when dynamically concatenating strings with +, causing painful free-space memory fragmentation.
This is a suite of 32-bit server applications on Windows, Delphi version is quite old, I think it's 7 but is for sure pre-Unicode, and uses the Nexus 3 memory manager where I've written a DLL to hook all the allocate/free calls (and gigabytes of memory traces).
I have application source code but not the compiler; I am not the developer of this app (or even a Delphi dev) but have created extensive custom tools to monitor, trace, and analyze memory. I've been picking the .EXE apart in the IDA Pro disassembler.
Some sample code:
I've tried to whittle this down to the bare minimum case; this code is not intended to compile:
procedure TaskThread.RunWorkLoop
while not Terminated do
tsk := WaitForWorkToDo(); // this could sit for minutes at a time
SetThreadName('Working on ' + tsk.Name);
SetThreadName() takes a const string parameter and hangs onto it so that other parts of the system know what this thread is doing.
My disassembly of the code shows that the compiler has allocated a hidden local temporary variable to receive the concatenation of the "Working on" and task name parts, and this is what's passed to SetThreadName, where it also retains a handle to the string.
While the task is running - and this could be 20 minutes - I believe there are two handles to the string. One is held within SetThreadName, the other is in the hidden temporary.
This is all fine and good.
Then, when the task is over and the thread name is set to 'Idle', SetThreadName() releases the original string and assigns the literal Idle.
BUT: I believe the hidden local temporary still retains a handle to that string, with a refcount=1, so it's going to take up space until either the procedure returns, or the next loop comes around to overwrite that hidden local temporary, releasing the old value.
And during this time, it's not accessible to the program, can't be explicitly released, and is serving no useful purpose but is still consuming memory.
For most procedures this doesn't matter because they start and finish relatively close to each other, so everything is released all at once, but in a looping server app, these can hang around much longer. This is causing us memory fragmentation.
It gets worse
In the actual application, it's more along the lines of:
SetThreadName(tsk.Name + '-' + FormatDateTime('mm/dd/yy hh:nn:ss', Now));
In this case, there are two hidden temporaries: one for the result of FormatDateTime, and the other for the overall concatenation result, in effect running as:
tmp1: String;
tmp2: String;
tmp1 := FormatDateTime('...');
tmp2 := tsk.Name + '-' + tmp1;
I am certain I'm seeing the string result of FormatDateTime hanging around in memory long after the task has completed, and I've seen it literally be a single ~30-byte allocation sitting in the middle of a 1 megabyte memory section, surrounded by free space; Nexus3MM uses VirtualAlloc to allocate larger OS-level chunks.
That single 30-byte string will be released eventually, either on the next loop or when the procedure exits, so I'm certain it's not a leak, but I would rather that single 30-byte allocation sitting in the middle of a lonely one megabyte section actually go away when we're done with it so the whole section could be released to the OS.
But if it sticks around long enough, the memory manager is going to allocate something else from it, and this hole in memory gets more permanent.
We have very detailed busy/free memory maps and are sure that this fragmentation is killing us (this is certainly not the only cause).
My Questions:
1) Am I understanding this correctly?
2) If so, is the only workaround to elide the hidden temporaries by using explicit ones, where we do things like:
tmp1: String;
tmp2: String;
tmp1 := FormatDateTime('...');
tmp2 := tsk.Name + '-' + tmp1;
tmp1 := ''; // release the date/time string
tmp2 := ''; // release the overall thread name string
I'm pretty confident I have to do this with the FormatDateTime intermediate result (I've seen it specifically), but am not sure about the overall concatenation.
This just feels wrong.
EDIT: Just an update a few weeks later. We've rewritten the central loop to use explicit temporaries, and it's actually made a noticeable (though not major) difference in memory fragmentation of some key server processes. We still have other things to look into, but it's clear to me that this was a road worth going down.
From my experience, it does work exactly like that. I'm not sure if this is by contract or by implementation. I guess with the recent addition of inline variable declaration, this might be slightly different now. But in pre-unicode Delphi, I believe it works exactly as you described.
All routines using variables (implicit or explicit) of a managed type, or a record containing one, will generate an implicit try/finally block in the routine, with the finally part clearing the reference. What your code really does is :
procedure TaskThread.RunWorkLoop
sImplicit : string;
sImplicit := '';
while not Terminated do
tsk := WaitForWorkToDo(); // this could sit for minutes at a time
sImplicit := 'Working on ' + tsk.Name;
sImplicit := '';
In your situation, since you never exit the routine where the implicit variable is used, it does remain in memory.
As for a solution, I believe what you propose would work. But you could also simply move the code to another method (or a local procedure).
procedure TaskThread.RunWorkLoop
procedure JustKeepWorking;
tsk := WaitForWorkToDo(); // this could sit for minutes at a time
SetThreadName('Working on ' + tsk.Name);
while not Terminated do
Also, you might want to check this question for additional insight.

System.Move and Array of String

I am trying to move some array elements (of string) to some other position.
When I use System.Move(), FastMM4 reports leaks.
Here is a small snippet to show the problem:
procedure TForm1.Button2Click(Sender: TObject);
TArrayOfStr = array of string;
Count1 = 100;
String1 = 'some string '; {space at end}
Array1: TArrayOfStr;
Index1: Integer;
SetLength(Array1, Count1);
Index1 := 0;
while Index1 < Count1 do begin
Array1[Index1] := String1 + IntToStr(Index1);
System.Move(Array1[0], Array1[3], 2 * SizeOf(string)); {move 2 cells from cell 0 to cell 3}
It probably has something to do with SizeOf(String) but I don't know what.
Could someone help me make the leaks go away?
The problem you are having has to do with the reference counting of the string.
If there is already a string in the areas you're overwriting these strings will not get freed. These are the leaks you are reporting.
Potential access violations
You copy the string pointers, but you do not increase the reference count of the string. This will lead to access violations if the original strings ever get destroyed due to going out of scope. This is a very subtle bug and will bite you when you least expect it.
Best solution
It's far simpler to just let Delphi do the copying and then all internal bookkeeping will get done properly.
{move 6 from cell 1 to cell 3}
System.Move(Array1[0], Array1[3], 2 * SizeOf(string));
//This does not increase the reference count for the string;
//leading to problems at cleanup.
Array1[3]:= Array1[0];
Array1[4]:= Array1[1]; //in a loop obviously :-)
//this increases the reference count of the string.
Note that Delphi does not copy the strings, it just copies the pointers and increases the ref counts as needed. It also frees any strings as needed.
Hack solution
You should manually clear the area first.
for i:= start to finish do Array1[i]:= '';
The next part of this solution horrible hack is to manually increase the ref counts on the strings you've copied.
See: http://docwiki.embarcadero.com/RADStudio/Seattle/en/Internal_Data_Formats#Long_String_Types
procedure IncreaseRefCount(const str: string; HowMuch: integer = 1);
Hack: PInteger;
Hack:= pointer(str);
Dec(Hack,2); //get ref count
Hack^:= AtomicIncrement(Hack^,HowMuch);
System.Move(Array1[0], Array1[3], 2 * SizeOf(string));
.... do this for every copied item.
Note that this hack is not completely thread safe if you get the strings from somewhere outside your array.
However if you are really really in need of speed it might be a solution to gain a wooping 2% in the performance of the copy.
Don't use this code to decrease ref counts manually, you'll run into thread-safety issues!
Need for speed
It is unlikely that simply coping a few strings leads to slowness.
There is no way to get out of the clean up issues if you insist on using managed strings.
On the other hand the overhead of the reference counting is really not that bad, so I suspect the reason for the slowness lies elsewhere; somewhere we can't see because you haven't told us your problem.
I suggest you ask a new question explaining what you're trying to do, why and where the slowness is hurting you.
The String type in Delphi is a managed type. Delphi keeps record of references and dereferences and automatically releases memory allocated to the string when it's no longer being referenced.
The reason for the leak is that you are bypassing Delphi's management of the string type. You are simply overwriting the pointer that references the 4th string in the array. (and for that matter the 5th as well because of 2 * ...) So you now have strings in memory that are no longer referenced. But Delphi doesn't realise this and cannot free the memory.
Solution: write Array1[3] := Array1[0];
I've fully answered your question; giving you everything you need to: 1) Understand why you've got the memory leaks. 2) And make the leaks go away.
Yet you're not satisfied... In comments you've explained that you're trying to improve a phantom performance problem you've conjured up via an artificial benchmark.
It's been explained to you that the only reason Move is a little faster than normal string assignment is that: string assignment needs to do additional record keeping to prevent memory leaks and access violations.
If you insist on using Move, you'll need to do said record keeping yourself. (Johan has even demonstrated how.)
And then you complain that this will slow down your Move "solution".
Seriously, take your pick: If you want to use string, you can have it a little faster with AV's and memory leaks OR a little slower but behaving correctly. There's no magic wand waving that's going fix it for you.
You could choose to abandon the string type (and all the goodness it gives you). I.e. Use array of char instead. Of course, you'll have to do all the memory management yourself, and see how far multi-byte string copying helps you.
I still maintain that if you ask a new question demonstrating a specific performance problem you're trying to solve, you'll get much better feedback.
E.g. In comments you've mentioned that you're trying to improve the performance of TStringList.
I have previously encountered a performance problem with TStringList in older versions of Delphi. It's generally fine even working with hundreds of thousands of items. However, even with only 10,000 strings, CommaText was noticeably slow; and at 40,000 it was almost unbearable.
The solution didn't involve trying to bastardise reference counting: because that's not the reason it was slow. It was slow because the algorithm was a little naive and performed a huge number of incremental memory allocations. Writing a custom CommaText method solved it.
I'm adding a fundamentally different answer in which I present an option how you can do something you really and truly should not be doing at all.
Disclaimer: What I describe here is terrible advice and should not be done (but it would work). Feel free to learn from it, but don't use it.
As has already been discussed ad nauseam, your problem is that when you use Move you bypass reference counting.
The solution involves making "internal" reference counting unnecessary by working on the principal that no matter how many times a string is internally referenced, you'll hold only a single count to the string.
And you'll only remove that single count when you're certain you have no more "internal" references to the string.
Unfortunately, having abandoned internal reference counting, the only time you can be sure of this is when you've completely finished with your internal array.
At this point you must first manually clear the internal array.
Then reduce the reference count of all strings you had previously used by 1.
This implies you need a separate "master reference" to each string.
There are 2 immediate problems:
You need a second list to track the master reference count; wasting memory.
You cannot recover memory used by strings that are no longer referenced internally until you've finished with the internal array entirely because you've abandoned your ability to track internal reference counts.
(Technically this is still a memory leak, albeit controlled. And FastMM won't report it provided you cleanup correctly.)
Without further ado, some sample code:
//NOTE: Deliberate use of fixed size array instead of dynamic to
//avoid further complications. See Yet Another Warning after code
//for explanation and resolution.
TStringArray100 = array[0..99] of string;
TBadStrings = class(TObject)
FMasterStrings: TStrings;
FInternalStrings: TStringArray100;
constructor TBadStrings.Create()
FMasterStings := TStringList.Create;
destructor TBadStrings.Destroy;
procedure TBadStrings.Clear;
for I := 0 to 99 do
Pointer(FInternalStrings[I]) := 0;
//Should optimise to equivalent of
//Move(0, FInternalStrings[0], 100 * SizeOf(String));
//NOTE: Only now is it safe to clear the master list.
procedure TBadStrings.SetString(APos: Integer; AString: string);
FMasterStrings.Add(AString); //Hold single reference count
//Bypass reference counting to assign the string internally
//Equivalent to Move
Pointer(FInternalStrings[APos]) := Pointer(AString);
LBadStrings := TBadStrings.Create;
for I := 0 to 199 do
//NOTE 0 to 99 are set, then all overwritten with 100 to 199
//However strings 0 to 99 are still in memory...
LBadStrings.SetString(I mod 100, 'String ' + IntToStr(I));
//...until cleanup.
NOTE: You can add methods to do whatever you like using Move on FInternalStrings. It won't matter that those references aren't being tracked because the master reference can perform correct cleanup at the end. However....
WARNING: Anything you do to FInternalStrings MUST also bypass reference counting otherwise you'll have nasty side-effects. So it should go without saying you need to solidly guard access to the internal array. If client code gets direct access to the array, you can expect accidental 'abuse'.
Yet Another Warning: As commented in code this uses a fixed size array to avoid other problems. Said problems are that if you use a dynamic array, then resizing the array can apply reference counting. Increasing the array size shouldn't be a problem (I recall that being a pointer copy). However, when the size is decreased, elements that are discarded will be dereferenced as necessary. This means you'll have to take the precaution of first pointer nilling these elements before shrinking the array.
The above is a way you can bypass string reference counting in a controlled fashion. But let me reiterate what a terrible idea it is.
You should have no trouble concocting an artificial benchmark to demonstrate that it's faster. However, I seriously doubt it will provide any benefit in a real-world environment.
In fact, if it does you probably have a different problem entirely; because why on earth would be shuffling the strings around so much that time spent there overshadows other aspects of your application?
procedure TamListVar<T>.Insert(aIndex: Integer; aItem: T);
if not IsIndex(aIndex) then Add(aItem)
System.Move(Items[aIndex], Items[aIndex + 1], (FCount - aIndex) * SizeOf(Items[aIndex]));
Items[aIndex]:= aItem;
Here is the solution I have come up with. It is heavily inspired by System.Move().
As far as I could see, after doing a number of tests, it seems to work OK --no leaks reported by FastMM4.
Obvioulsy, this is not the hand-optimized asm routine I was after; but given my (lack of) talents in asm area, this has to do for now.
I'd be most appreciative if you commented on this --especially to point out any pitfalls, as well as any other (e.g. speed) improvements.
{ACount refers to the number of actual array elements (cells of strings), not their byte count.}
procedure MoveString(const ASource; var ATarget; ACount: NativeInt);
PString = ^string;
SzString = SizeOf(string);
Source1: PString;
Target1: PString;
Source1 := PString(#ASource);
Target1 := PString(#ATarget);
if Source1 = Target1 then Exit;
while ACount > 0 do begin
Target1^ := Source1^;
//Source1^ := ''; {enable if you want to avoid duplicates}
procedure TForm1.Button2Click(Sender: TObject);
TArrayOfStr = array of string;
Count1 = 100;
String1 = 'some string '; {space at end}
Array1: TArrayOfStr;
Index1: Integer;
SetLength(Array1, Count1);
Index1 := 0;
while Index1 < Count1 do begin
Array1[Index1] := String1 + IntToStr(Index1);
MoveString(Array1[0], Array1[3], 2); {move 2 cells from cell 0 to cell 3}
ShowMessage(Array1[3]); {should be 'some string 0'}
MoveString(Array1[3], Array1[0], 2); {move 2 cells from cell 3 to cell 0}
ShowMessage(Array1[0]); {should be 'some string 0'}

Delphi [volatile] and InterlockedCompareExchange not reliable?

I wrote a simple lock-free node stack (Delp[hi XE4, Win7-64, 32-bit app) where I can have multiple 'stacks' and pop/push nodes between them from various threads simultaneously.
It works 99.999% of the time but eventually glitch under a stress test using all CPU cores.
Stripped-down, it comes down to this (not real/compiled code):
Nodes are :
type POBNode = ^TOBNode;
[volatile]TOBNode = record
[volatile]Next : POBNode;
Data : Int64;
Simplified stack :
type TOBStack = class
function Pop:POBNode;
procedure Push(NewNode:POBNode);
procedure TOBStack.Push(NewNode:POBNode);
var zTmp : POBNode;
zTmp:=InterlockedCompareExchangePointer(Pointer(Head),nil,nil);(memory fenced-read*)
if InterlockedCompareExchangePointer(Head,NewNode,zTmp)=zTmp
then break (*success*)
else continue;
until false;
function TOBStack.Pop:POBNode;
Result:=InterlockedCompareExchangePointer(Pointer(Head),nil,nil);(memory fenced-read*)
if Result=nil
the exit;
if InterlockedCompareExchangePointer(Pointer(Head),NewHead,Result)=Result
then break (*Success*)
else continue;(*Fail, try again*)
until False;
I have tried many variations on this but cannot get it to be stable.
If I create a few threads that each have a stack and they all push/pop to/from a global stack, it eventually glitch, but not quickly. Only when I stress it for minutes on end from multiple threads, in tight loops.
I cannot have hidden bugs in my code, so I need more advice than to ask a specific question to get this running 100% error-free, 24/7.
Does the code above look fine for a lock-free thread-safe stack?
What else can I look at? This is impossible to debug normally as the errors occur at various places, telling me there is a pointer or RAM corruption happening somewhere. I also get duplicate entries, meaning that a node that was popped of one stack, then later returned to that same stack, is still on top of the old stack... Impossible to happen according to my algorithm? This lead me to believe it's possible to violate Delphi/Windows InterlockedCompareExchange Methods or there is some hidden knowledge I have yet to be revealed. :) (I also tried TInterlocked)
I have made a complete test case that can be copied from ftp.true.co.za.
In there I run 8 threads doing 400 000 push/pops each and it usually crashes (safely due to checks/raised exceptions) after a few cycles of these tests, sometimes many many test cycles complete before one suddenly crash.
Any advice would be appreciated.
At first I was skeptical of this being an ABA problem as indicated by gabr. It seemed to me that: if one thread looks at the current Head, and another thread pushes then pops; you're happy to still operate on the same Head in the same way.
However, consider this from your Pop method:
if InterlockedCompareExchangePointer(Pointer(Head),NewHead,Result)=Result
If the thread is swapped out after the first line.
A value for NewHead is stored in a local variable.
Then another thread successfully pops the node this thread was targetting.
It also manages to push the same node back, but with a different value for Next before the first thread resumes.
The second line will pass the comparand check allowing head to receive the NewHead value from the local variable.
However, the current value for NewHead is incorrect, thereby corrupting your stack.
There's a subtle variation on this problem not even covered by your test app. This problem isn't checked in your test app because you aren't destroying any nodes until the end of your test.
Look at current head
Another thread pops some nodes.
The nodes are destroyed, and new nodes created and pushed.
By the time your "looking thread" is active again, it could be looking at an entirely different node that is coincidentally at the same address.
If you're popping, you might assign a garbage pointer to Head.
Apart form the above...
Looking at your test app there's also some really dodgy code. E.g.
You generate a "random number": J:=GetTickCount and 7;(*Get a 'random' number 0..7*).
Do you realise how fast computers are?
Do you realise that GetTickCount will generate reams of duplicates in a tight loop?
I.e. the numbers you generate will be nothing like random.
And when comments don't agree with code, my spidey-sense kicks in.
You're allocating memory of a hard-coded size: GetMem(zTmp,12);(*Allocate new node*).
Why aren't you using SizeOf?
You're using a multi-platform compiler.... The size of that structure can vary.
There is absolutely zero reason to hard-code the size of the structure.
Right now, given these two examples, I wouldn't be entirely confident that there isn't also an error in your test code.

Is it Safe to use 'Unsafe' Thread Functions?

Please pardon my slightly humorous title. I use two different definitions of the word 'safe' in it (obviously).
I am rather new to threading (well, I have used threading for many years, but only very simple forms of it). Now I am faced with the challange of writing parallal implementations of some algorithms, and the threads need to work on the same data. Consider the following newbie mistake:
N = 2;
value: integer = 0;
function ThreadFunc(Parameter: Pointer): integer;
i: Integer;
for i := 1 to 10000000 do
result := 0;
procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
threads: array[0..N - 1] of THandle;
i: Integer;
dummy: cardinal;
for i := 0 to N - 1 do
threads[i] := BeginThread(nil, 0, #ThreadFunc, nil, 0, dummy);
if WaitForMultipleObjects(N, #threads[0], true, INFINITE) = WAIT_FAILED then
A beginner might expect the code above to display the message 20000000. Indeed, first value is equal to 0, and then we inc it 20000000 times. However, since the inc procedure is not 'atomic', the two threads will conflict (I guess that inc does three things: it reads, it increments, and it saves), and so a lot of the incs will be effectively 'lost'. A typical value I get from the code above is 10030423.
The simplest workaround is to use InterlockedIncrement instead of Inc (which will be much slower in this silly example, but that's not the point). Another workaround is to place the inc inside a critical section (yes, that will also be very slow in this silly example).
Now, in most real algorithms, conflicts are not this common. In fact, they might be very uncommon. One of my algorithms creates DLA fractals, and one of the variables that I inc every now and then is the number of adsorbed particles. Conflicts here are very rare, and, more importantly, I really don't care if the variable sums up to 20000000, 20000008, 20000319, or 19999496. Thus, it is tempting not to use InterlockedIncrement or critical sections, since they just bloat the code and makes it (marginally) slower to no (as far as I can see) benefit.
However, my question is: can there be more severe consequences of conflicts than a slightly 'incorrect' value of the incrementing variable? Can the program crash, for instance?
Admittedly, this question might seem silly, for, after all, the cost of using InterlockedIncrement instead of inc is rather low (in many cases, but not all!), and so it is (perhaps) stupid not to play safe. But I also feel that it would be good to know how this really works on a theoretical level, so I still think that this question is very interesting.
Your program won't ever crash due to a race on the increment of an integer that is only used as a count. All that can go wrong is that you don't get the correct answer. Obviously if you were using the integer as an index into an array, or perhaps it was a pointer then you could have problems.
Unless you are incrementing this value incredibly frequently, it's hard to imagine that an interlocked increment would be expensive enough for you to notice the performance difference.
What's more the most efficient approach is to get each thread to maintain its own private count. Then sum all the individual thread counts when you join the threads at the end of the calculation. That way you get the best of both worlds. No contention on the incrementing, and the correct answer. Of course, you need to take measures to ensure that you don't get caught out by false sharing.
