Apache Ignite 2.9.0 Recover from lost partitions - azure

We have setup a apache ignite 2.9.0 cluster with native persistence using kubernetes in Azure with 4 nodes. To update some cache configuration, we restarted all the ignite nodes. After restart, running any sql query on one particular table - results in restart of 2 ignite nodes and after that we see lost partitions exception.
If we try to restart all nodes to recover from lost partitions, then its fine until we run any sql query on that table after which 2 nodes restart and we get lost partitions exception.
Is there anyway we can recover from lost partitions and overcome this problem? We also wanted to understand why its occuring?We could not find any logs related to this.

When all partition owners left the grid, the partition is considered to be lost, you might think of this as a special internal marker. Depending on the PartitionLossPolicy Ignite might ignore this fact and allow cache operations or disallow them to protect data consistency.
If you use native persistence, then most likely there was no physical data loss and all you need is to tell Ignite that you are aware of the situation, now all data are in place and it's safe to remove the "lost" mark from the partitions.
I think the most simple way to handle this would be to use the control script from within a pod:
control.sh --cache reset_lost_partitions cacheName1,cacheName2,...
More details:


cassandra enable hints and repair

I am adding a new node to my cassandra cluster which is currently 5 nodes. The nodes have hints turned on and I am also running repairs using cassandra reaper. When adding the node node, the node addition is taking foreever and the other nodes are becoming unresponsive. I am running cassandra 3.11.13.
As I understand hints are used to make sure writes are correctly propagated to all replicas
Cassandra is designed to remain available if one of it’s nodes is down or unreachable. However, when a node is down or unreachable, it needs to eventually discover the writes it missed. Hints attempt to inform a node of missed writes, but are a best effort, and aren’t guaranteed to inform a node of 100% of the writes it missed.
repairs do something similar
Repair synchronizes the data between nodes by comparing their respective datasets for their common token ranges, and streaming the differences for any out of sync sections between the nodes.
If I am running repairs with cassandra reaper, do I need to disable hints?
If hints are enabled and repairs are carried. Does it cause double writes of data in nodes?
Is it okay to carry repair while a node is joining?

Cassandra : how to properly implement "global" back-pressure with multiples applications?

As you know, with Cassandra, when nodes are overloaded, it may seriously hurt your production depending on required consistency, because nodes might become unresponsive, the entire daemon might also crash, hints might fill-up your data mount point, and so on.
So the keyword here is back-pressure.
To do appropriate back-pressure with Spark on Cassandra, there are especially the following properties :
--conf "spark.cassandra.output.throughputMBPerSec=2"
--total-executor-cores 24
(There are also similar back-pressure options with Datastax driver, or cqlsh. You basically limit the throughput per core, to apply some back-pressure)
Let say, I found my global write throuput on my Cassandra cluster, and I set appropriate settings for my application1 that works fine.
BUT still, the challenge, is that there are many developers on a Cassandra cluster. So at a given time, I may have Spark application1, application2, application3, ... that runs concurrently.
Question : What are my options to ensure that the write troughput (no matter how many applications runs concurrently) at a given time is globally NOT going to reach too much pressure for Cassandra, thus hurting my production workload ?
Thank you
What I recommend folks do to separate analytical workloads, is to spin-up another (logical) data center. Sure, it could be in the same physical data center. But what you want is separate compute and storage to keep the analytics load from interfering with the production traffic.
First, make sure that you're running with the GossipingPropertyFileSnitch (cassandra.yaml) and that your keyspaces are using the NetworkTopologyStrategy. Likewise, you'll want to make sure that your keyspace definition contains a named data center and that your production application/services are configured to use that data center (ex: dc1 as below) as their default DC:
Once the new infra is up, install Cassandra and join the nodes to the cluster as a new DC by specifying the new name in the cassandra-rackdc.properties file. Something like:
Next adjust your keyspace(s) to replicate data to the new DC.
Run a repair/rebuild on the new DC, and then configure the Spark jobs to only use dc1_analytics.

Cassandra directory setup of replica datacenter

I have a Cassandra cluster and plan to add a new datacenter to replicate data. There will be no write on this node, only reads.
My questions are:
in this case is it still recommended to have separate drives for commit log and data?
if I know, that my cluster will receive data only by hints (and lots of them) should I create a separate disk for the hints? I did not find any mention of this.
in this case is it still recommended to have separate drives for commit log and data?
So the whole idea of putting your commitlog on a separate mount point, goes back to spinning disks being a chokepoint for I/O. If you have your cluster/nodes backed by SSDs, you shouldn't need to do that.
if I know, that my cluster will receive data only by hints (and lots of them) should I create a separate disk for the hints?
Hints only build up when a node is down. When your writes happen, the Snitch handles propagation of all of the required replicas. So no, I wouldn't worry about putting your hints dir on a separate mount point, either.

Enabling vNodes in Cassandra 1.2.8

I have a 4 node cluster and I have upgraded all the nodes from an older version to Cassandra 1.2.8. Total data present in the cluster is of size 8 GB. Now I need to enable vNodes on all the 4 nodes of cluster without any downtime. How can I do that?
As Nikhil said, you need to increase num_tokens and restart each node. This can be done one at once with no down time.
However, increasing num_tokens doesn't cause any data to redistribute so you're not really using vnodes. You have to redistribute it manually via shuffle (explained in the link Lyuben posted, which often leads to problems), by decommissioning each node and bootstrapping back (which will temporarily leave your cluster extremely unbalanced with one node owning all the data), or by duplicating your hardware temporarily just like creating a new data center. The latter is the only reliable method I know of but it does require extra hardware.
In the conf/cassandra.yaml you will need to comment out the initial_token parameter, and enable the num_tokens parameter (by default 256 I believe). Do this for each node. Then you will have to restart the cassandra service on each node. And wait for the data to get redistributed throughout the cluster. 8 GB should not take too much time (provided your nodes are all in the same cluster), and read requests will still be functional, though you might see degraded performance until the redistribution of data is complete.
EDIT: Here is a potential strategy to migrate your data:
Decommission two nodes of the cluster. The token-space should get distributed 50-50 between the other two nodes.
On the two decommissioned nodes, remove the existing data, and restart the Cassandra daemon with a different cluster name and with the num_token parameters enabled.
Migrate the 8 GB of data from the old cluster to the new cluster. You could write a quick script in python to achieve this. Since the volume of data is small enough, this should not take too much time.
Once the data is migrated in the new cluster, decommission the two old nodes from the old cluster. Remove the data and restart Cassandra on them, with the new cluster name and the num_tokens parameter. They will bootstrap and data will be streamed from the two existing nodes in the new cluster. Preferably, only bootstrap one node at a time.
With these steps, you should never face a situation where your service is completely down. You will be running with reduced capacity for some time, but again since 8GB is not a large volume of data you might be able to achieve this quickly enough.
No you need to restart servers once the config has been edited
The problem is that enabling vnodes means a lot of the data is redistributed randomly (the docs say in a vein similar to the classic ‘nodetool move’

how to integrate cassandra with zookeeper to support transactions

I have a Cassandra cluster and Zookeeper server installed. Now I want to support transactions in cassandra using zookeeper. How do i do that.
Zookeeper creates znodes to perform read and write operations and data to and fro goes through znodes in Zookeeper. I want to know that how to support rollback and commit feature in cassandra using Zookeeper. Is there any way by which we can specify cassandra configurations in zookeeper or zookeeper configurations in cassandra.
I know cassandra and zookeeper individually how data is read and written but I dont know how to integrate both of them using Java.
how can we do transactions in Cassandra using Zookeeper.
I have a Cassandra cluster and Zookeeper server installed. Now I want to support transactions in cassandra using zookeeper. How do i do that.
With great difficulty. Cassandra does not work well as a transactional system. Writes to multiple rows are not atomic, there is no way to rollback writes if some writes fail, and there is no way to ensure readers read a consistent view when reading.
I want to know that how to support rollback and commit feature in cassandra using Zookeeper.
Zookeeper won't help you with this, especially the commit feature. You may be able to write enough information to zookeeper to roll back in case of failure, but if you are doing that, you might as well store the rollback info in cassandra.
Zookeeper and Cassandra work well together when you use Zookeeper as a locking service. Look at the Cages library. Use zookeeper to co-ordinate read/writes to cassandra.
Trying to use cassandra as a transactional system with atomic commits to multiple rows and rollbacks is going to be very frustrating.
There are ways you can use to implement transactions in Cassandra without ZooKeeper.
Cassandra itself has a feature called Lightweight transactions which provides per key linearizability and compare-and-set. With such primitives you can implement serializable transactions on the application level by youself.
Please see the Visualization of serializable cross shard client-side transactions post for for details and step-by-step visualization.
The variants of this approach are used in Google's Percolator system and in CockroachDB.
By the way, if you're fine with Read Committed isolation level then it makes sense to take a look on the RAMP transactions paper by Peter Bailis.
There is a BATCH feature for Cassandra's CQL3 (Cassandra 1.2 is the formal version that released CQL3), which allegedly can atomically apply all the updates in the BATCH as one unit all-or-nothing.
This does not mean you can rollback a successfully executed BATCH as an RDBMS could do, that would have to be manually done.
Depending on the consistency and preferences you provide to the BATCH statement, guarantees of atomicity of the updates can be increased or decreased to some degree with the UNLOGGED option.
Well, I'm not an exepert at this (far from it actually) but the way I see it, either you deploy some middleware made by yourself, in order to guarantee the specific properties you are looking for or you can just have Cassandra write data to auxilliary files and then copy them through the file system, since the copy function in Java works as an atomic operation.
I don't know anything about the size of the data files you are considering so I don't really know if it is doable, however there might be a way to use this property through smaller bits of information and then combining them as a whole.
Just my 2 cents...
