Why would I not used Databricks as my data mart? - databricks

I'm trying to get my head around Databricks.
I've found documentation stepping through importing data from S3 or Azure Datalake, and then outputting into Azure Synapse Analytics or another Data Warehouse solution.
After a quick play, I've recognised that you can simply save a table in Databricks, access it using SQL, and even pull it into PowerBI as a source.
So my question: for a small Datamart (10 dims, 5 facts), why would I choose to pay for an additional database solution like Azure SQL, Synapse, RDS or other when I could simply leave the data in a table in Databricks and then access it directly from my reporting tool from there?
Thank you in advance.

Yes this is very much possible . Just to let you know that SQL Azure and Synapse may be a Microsoft offering but they are for different purpose , Synapse supports MPP and so it more big data implementation . Also its not only how many dimension and fact table you have , how much data you have , what kind of aggregation it has etc becomes decisive .


Is Azure Synapse Link a good way of loading the data in a Data Warehouse?

Azure Synapse Analytics is the datawarehouse solution from Azure.
There are 3 ways to load the data into the warehouse:
COPY statement
Bulk insert
The fastest and most scalable way to load data is through the COPY statement or the PolyBase.
However now it is also possible to load the data through Synapse Links. Which allows near-real time data.
But I do not see any documentation referring to Synapse Links being used in a traditional Data Warehouse for analytics.
The use cases in the documentation are:
Supply chain analytics, forecasting & reporting
Real-time personalization
Predictive maintenance, anomaly detection in IOT scenarios
Which are use cases that need real time data.
I do not need near real time data. Therefore I assume "Synapse Link" has some disadvantages for a traditional data warehouse solution.
Could someone please tell me their knowledge about using "Synapse Link" in a traditional analytics data warehouse ?
Thanks in advance
With "Traditional datawarehouse solution" I assume you have ETL processes, that load/refresh your DWH say once a day.
The Synapse Link is a very convenient way to import Cosmos DB or Dataverse Data into a Data Lake connected to Synapse. The "real time" part of it shouldn't bother you, because you can always use batch jobs (dataflows) to load the data periodically from the lake into your datawarehouse.
With the Synapse Link you save time and development effort to bring the data properly from the Cosmos DB or Dataverse into your analytical environment. It works great for us.

Azure Data Factory architecture with Azure SQL database to Power BI

I'm no MS expert - recently hopped onto the Azure train and apologies in advance if I get some information wrong.
Basically need some input in Azure's architecture utilising Azure Data Factory (as the ETL/ELT tool) and Azure SQL database (as the storage), to a BI output - Power BI. My situation is this;
I have on-premise data sources such as Oracle DB, Oracle Cloud SSAS, MS SQL server db
I'd like to have a MS cloud infrastructure solution for reporting purposes.
No data migration needed - merely pumping on-prem data onto cloud and producing a BI reporting solution
Based on my limited knowledge and Google research, Azure Data Factory caters for all my on-prem sources, as well as the future cloud Azure SQL database. If future analysis is needed, Azure Storage and Azure Databricks can be added in to this architecture. I have sketched out the architecture of my proposed solution.
Just confirming my understanding
Without Azure Storage & Databricks (the 2 pink boxes), the 2 Azure component (DF & SQL database) is sufficient to take data from on-premise sources, process on cloud & output into Power BI.
With Azure Storage & Databricks (the 2 pink boxes), processing will be more efficient as their summarised function is to store training data models & act as an analytics processing engine.
Azure SQL database is more suitable, as compared to Azure SQL datawarehouse as my data sources does not exceed 1TB; cost-wise is cheaper AND one of my data sources contain data from call centers, hence OLTP is more suitable. Plus I have Azure Databricks to support the analytical bit that SQL datawarehouse does (OLAP).
Any other comments to help me understand this whole architecture will be great!
I am a new learner of Azure. I was wondering if we have #Query (value="...") kind or any equivalence for DocumentDb (CosmosDB). Because, the documentDB does not take #Query. I am looking to convert the sql query (From jpa to cosmosDB).
Taking data from on-prem or IaaS sources like SQL on a VM, Oracle etc, requires a Self-Hosted Integration Runtime (SHIR).
Please review the Modern Data Warehouse pattern which sounds similar to what you are proposing.

Reading data from lake

I need to read data from azure data from azure data lake and apply some joins in sql and show in Web UI.
Data is around 300 gb and migrating data from azure data factory to azure sql database is happening at the speed of 4Mbps.
I have also tried to use sql server 2019 which has polybase support but that is also taking 12-13 hours to copy data.
Also tried cosmos db for storing data from lake but seems it is taking large amount of time.
Any other way we can read data from lake.
One way can be azure data warehouse,but that is too costly and support only 128 concurrent transactions.
Can databricks be used,but its a computation engine and we need it to be available 24*7 for UI Queries
I still suggest you using Azure Data Factory. As you said, your data is around 300 gb.
Here's the Copy performance and scalability achievable using ADF:
I agree with David Makogon. The performance of your Data Factory is very slowly( 4Mbps). Please reference this document Copy activity performance and scalability guide.
It will help you improve the Data Factory data copy performance, give more suggestions about Data Factory settings or Database settings.
Hope this helps.
I had a very similar situation, just more data +-900GB.
If you need to show it in ui, you will still need to load data to Azure SQL, as DWH is not very good at handling parallel load and its costy.
We ended up using bulk insert from blob storage.
I created sp to call bulk insert with parameters (source file, target table) and ADF to orchestrate and run in parallel.
Could not find anything faster than that.

Which Azure storage technology for weather forecast data

I would like some advice/tips about the right technology to select in order to store some forecast data on Azure technologies.
My team and I are scraping some weather forecast data everyday from various sources and store it as is on a Azure File Storage. The files format is "grib2" which is a standard format of weather forecast data.
We are able to extract the data from those "grib2" files using python script running on a Azure VM.
We now have several files that represent hundreds gigabytes of data to store and I'm struggling to find which data store from the Azure technologies suits the best our needs in term of praticity and cost.
We started using "Azure Table Storage" first because it's cheap solution,
but I've read on many posts that it is a bit old and not very adapted to our solution as it for example does not allow more than 1,000 entites per query and no aggregation on data.
I considered using Azure SQL db but it seems that it can become very expensive very fast.
I also considered the Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 (and HDinsight) technologies but am not very at ease with those blob storages and am not really able to say if it can suit my needs in terms of praticity and if it is "easy to query".
By now we just plan to achieve that :
1) Extract data from grib2 files thanks to a python script running on an Azure VM
2) Insert the transformed data into [Azure storage]
3) Query the [Azure storage] from Azure Machine Learning Service or a local R script (for example)
4) Insert the computed data into [Azure storage]
where [Azure Storage] technology is to determine.
Any help or advice would be much appreciated, thanks.
A couple of things I would see here:
To store the downloaded files in raw format (grib2 in your case), either place them on good ol' Azure Blob Storage. Cheap storage exactly for your needs.
Use Azure Databricks to load the data from the storage account and unpack it into memory. (python or scala)
Load the data in memory - still in Databricks - to run you ML inferencing. You could also use SparkR if you really want to.
Store the computed files in a serving layer. This really depends on what you want to do with it later. Often Azure SQL Database is an obvious choice. There is a native Spark connector which efficiently writes data from Databricks to SQL DB.
In addition to using Databricks as your inferencing environment, it's also a good choice for ML training (e.g. utilizing Azure ML Service).

Google Analytics data in Azure

Has anybody ever moved Google Analytics data into Azure? I have seen a handful of ways to do it but I am not sure what I am getting myself into. The Google Analytics data is becoming quite large and I am wondering if it is best suited to leave it in google storage and access it from Azure or move it to something like HDInsight or Data Lake. I need to join the data across several disparate data stores, SQL Azure, Blob, and Table Storage. I was also looking into Apache Drill and Presto as a possible solution to unify the data access. Just looking to see if anybody out there has dealt with this same issue and has any experience to share. Thanks!
I don't have experience with Presto so I can only comment on the feasibility of doing this with Drill. Also I have not used Azure services so my advice is theoretical.
Drill Storage Plugins
Drill will allow you to perform any SQL queries you want on data originating from different sources, provided that each data source has a storage plugin. A storage plugin is simply a piece of code in Drill that allows you to interface with a data source. Since you are concerned with performing queries on 3 data sources, we need to determine if each of those 3 data sources have a Storage plugin.
SQL Azure
I assume SQL Azure has a jdbc driver for java. If so then Drill can be configured to use SQL Azure by following these instructions.
Azure Blob
Azure Blob storage has an implementation of the hadoop filesystem api which Drill uses to read data from file systems. So you could theoretically add the hadoop-azure jar and its dependencies https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/org.apache.hadoop/hadoop-azure/2.7.0 to Drill's class path and configure Drill's DFS storage plugin to use it.
Additionally the data in Azure Blob would have to be stored in a supported file format like: json, parquet, csv, or hadoop sequence files.
Azure Table
This looks like Microsoft's custom NoSQL database. Currently Drill does not support it.
With a bit of work you could use Drill to query data on both Azure SQL and Blob, but not Azure Table.
