Override NestJS route within controller - node.js

I want to completely override a controller route. E. g:
export class ShipmentsController {
async find(): Promise<Activities> {
return service.find()
In order to make a request to the previous example, The URL will be: http://localhost:8080/shipments/create
I want to change that URL without moving the controller to another class. For example, I want the URL for that specific function to be http://localhost:8080/whatever/i/want.
Is this possible?

This is not possible, and goes against the ideas of the framework of having easy to configure routes with structure and uniformity. If you want a route like that, you can use express on it;s own, or technically add the route in the bootstrap file like so
async function bootstrap() {
const app = await NestFactory.create(AppModule);
app.getHttpServer().get('/whatever/you/want', (req, res, next) => {});
await app.listen(3000);
But now you don't have (easy) access to services, testing this is a pain, and generally it's confusing, not to mention no use of any Nest enhancers like interceptors or pipes.


Is it possible to create two identical routes with a different param name using Fastify?

In my application, I would like to have two routes that match the following paths
fastify.get('/thing/:id', async () => {})
fastify.get('/thing/:name', async () => {})
I tried giving the ':id' path a regex, but Fastify still recognized them as duplicate routes. Is it possible to accomplish this aside from running a regex in the handler to determine if it is an id or a name?
EDIT: I failed to mention that I am familiar with the Fastify documentation. I was hoping to discover something that is not currently documented.
A nice alternative would be if it were possible to declare alternate params at the same path level and to have the schema determine which param applies. For example:
'/thing/:id|:name' and then have the params schema or be the determining factor, or separate regexs in the route like, '/thing/:id()|:name()'.
Anyway, would be cool.
That is not possible. Each has to be different from other somehow. But what you can do is Route Prefixing.
Like this
// server.js
const fastify = require('fastify')()
fastify.register(require('./routes/v1/things'), { prefix: '/v1' })
fastify.register(require('./routes/v2/things'), { prefix: '/v2' })
fastify.listen({ port: 3000 })
// routes/v1/things.js
module.exports = function (fastify, opts, done) {
fastify.get('/thing/:id', handler_v1)
// routes/v2/things.js
module.exports = function (fastify, opts, done) {
fastify.get('/thing/:name', handler_v2)
Fastify will not complain because you are using the same name for two different routes, because at compilation time it will handle the prefix automatically (this also means that the performance will not be affected at all!).
Now your clients will have access to the following routes:
You can do this as many times as you want, it also works for nested register, and route parameters are supported as well.
You can read more about fastify routes here.

How to use only PART of the functionality in nested routes NodeJS

So I have a router schoolsRouter where all the school-specific functionality is being handled { login school, adding a new teacher, ...etc.). And I want the admin of the app to be able to add and delete new schools. Now the pattern I'm using encapsulates all the routing functionality in one file schools.routes.js where the School model is exposed. So the createSchool and deleteSchool routes are in the schools.routes.js but I need only the admin to be able to perform those operations and that seems pretty easy with merged routes like this (in admins.routes.js):
adminsRouter.use('/schools/', schoolsRouter);
but the problem is that now the admin can access all the other routes in schools.routes.js like schools/login which is something that I don't want to happen. So how can I make the adminsRouter use the create and delete operations from the schoolsRotuer without being able to access all these other functionalities? (Keeping in mind I'm using JWT authentication).
You could use middlewares in the routes that you wish to controll.
This is the middleware that I will name of admin-middleware.js
module.exports = (req, res, next) => {
if (user.admin === true) {
return next();
} else {
return res.status(403).send('Unauthorized')
So, this is your route declaration at schools.routes.js
const adminMiddleware = require('../YOUR_FOLDERS/admin-middleware.js');
schools.delete('/:id', adminMiddleware, (req, res) => {
return res.send('ok');
If you wish disregard a route, you can use this validation at your code in the middleware.
return next();
I hope that it works to you.

Are controllers inside the application layer or infrastructure layer? Should I even use controllers in Clean Architecture?

As far as I can understand, Clean Architecture/DDD states that your use cases can be triggered by anything, let it be a HTTP request or GUI, correct?
I am trying to emulate that, but I am not really sure if I am doing it correctly.
Inside my infrastructure folder, I have routers. For example:
import express from 'express'
import UserController from '../controllers/user_controller.js'
import ExpressRouterAdapter from './ExpressRouterAdapter.js'
export default function UsersRouter () {
const router = express.Router()
return router
(ExpressRouterAdapter is just an adapter that transforms Express requests into a simple httpRequest JS object)
And here is my GetUser controller:
export class GetUser {
constructor ({ FindUserService }) {
this.findUser = FindUserService
async handle (httpRequest = {}) {
try {
const { username } = httpRequest.params
if (!username) {
return {
statusCode: 400,
body: 'Missing username parameter.'
const user = await this.findUser.execute(username)
// ...
I have a few questions:
Should I even have controllers? Should the Router direct it to the use-case/service directly?
^^ The reason I ask that is because my controllers are really HTTP centered. For example some of them are called: PostUser, GetUser, DeleteUser. So I am guessing they should be inside the infrastructure folder, right?
I am guessing that controllers are ONLY used if your delivery mechanism is a web app, right?
You're right. There's nothing really to do with DDD because DDD is about contexts and language, but for clean architecture and ports and adapters that's the correct thought.
Normally, you would have the structure like this:
So, your application exposes an API that represents a port and you can connect different edge components that implement a physical delivery protocol of different kinds to talk to your application.

Next.js with MySQL/Mongo backend

I have an existing Node.js/Express app which connects to 2 separate databases, it has a MySQL DB for all the relational and a MongoDB store for the non-relational vertical data.
It uses Sequelize and Mongoose and works absolutely swimmingly.
I've been looking at Next.js today and I'm pretty impressed, one of my pet peeves with React is actually how much bootstrapping there is and how much code it takes to achieve something simple. Next.js seems to solve some of those issues for me, so I'm willing to embrace it.
First issue - Is it possible to connect Next.js to existing DB's and read their objects directly in the view?
e.g. ./server.js:
const mongoDb = mongoose.connect(configDB.url); // MongoDB connection
const models = require('./models'); // Sequelize connection
app.prepare().then(() => {
server.use((req, res, next) => {
req.mongodb = mongoDb
req.mysqldb = models
// Logging req.mysqldb/req.mongodb at this point gives the correct result.
server.get('*', (req, res) => {
return handle(req, res)
Index.getInitialProps = async function(req) {
// Example of what I want: req.mysqldb.users.findAll()....... to populate collection for this view
When the console statements are executed in the index.js page, they are logged as undefined.
Ideally I want to use the objects/ORM layer directly in the next.js templates, I do not want to have to call my own API internally, it seems like a huge waste of resources!
Any help, greatly appreciated.
Just for future reference. getInitialProps gets passed in an object with one of the keys being req. So you're meant to do something like the following instead
// add the curly braces around req
Index.getInitialProps = async function({ req }) {
// code
This is known as Function Parameter Destructuring and was introduced in ES6. What this accomplishes is similar to the following code
Index.getInitialProps = async function(_ref) {
var req = _ref.req;
Meaning, it takes the value of req of the object that gets passed and uses that value.
Well apparently by the time the request gets to the template it has changed a bit! Namely, it is nested within another request object.
req.req.mongodb and req.req.mysqldb both work fine :).

per-request session in meteor server?

I am adding an auth layer and I think I have it figured out except for one tricky detail.
My Meteor app doesn't have any routes but I've added a hook into the connect middleware so that the "/" route errors if there isn't a correct API token. If the token is okay then I call next() to forward the route to Meteor.
The problem is that, depending on the token, I need to set server-side parameters for the connection, and I don't know how to do this. For example, say I have a static list of API keys mapped to permission levels. If a user sends a request with "ADMIN_API_KEY" then I would like to set Session.permission_level = "admin" for use by the Meteor server's functions. Session is just for the client in Meteor, though.
# this code's in coffeescript
WebApp.connectHandlers.use '/', (req, res, next) ->
validator = new RequestValidator(req, next)
validations = [
error = validator.validate(validations)
# <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
# Here I want to set some config option which can be
# read by the server in the same way it can read things like
# Meteor.user()
In Rails I would just say session[:permission_level] = "admin". But it seems to not work this way in Meteor.
By the way, I am not using a Routing package yet in Meteor, though if that would make this easier than I would.
I'm not sure about Session I've been doing something like
import { DDP } from 'meteor/ddp';
import { DDPCommon } from 'meteor/ddp-common';
export const authMiddleware = (req, res, next) => {
const userId = identifyUser(req); // parse the request to get the token you expect
if (!userId) {
return next();
DDP._CurrentInvocation.withValue(new DDPCommon.MethodInvocation({
isSimulation: false,
}), () => {
// in that context, Meteor.userId corresponds to userId
for my REST api and that works well regarding the user Id and being able to call Meteor function that should be invoke in a DDP context, like Users.find(...).
