Are controllers inside the application layer or infrastructure layer? Should I even use controllers in Clean Architecture? - node.js

As far as I can understand, Clean Architecture/DDD states that your use cases can be triggered by anything, let it be a HTTP request or GUI, correct?
I am trying to emulate that, but I am not really sure if I am doing it correctly.
Inside my infrastructure folder, I have routers. For example:
import express from 'express'
import UserController from '../controllers/user_controller.js'
import ExpressRouterAdapter from './ExpressRouterAdapter.js'
export default function UsersRouter () {
const router = express.Router()
return router
(ExpressRouterAdapter is just an adapter that transforms Express requests into a simple httpRequest JS object)
And here is my GetUser controller:
export class GetUser {
constructor ({ FindUserService }) {
this.findUser = FindUserService
async handle (httpRequest = {}) {
try {
const { username } = httpRequest.params
if (!username) {
return {
statusCode: 400,
body: 'Missing username parameter.'
const user = await this.findUser.execute(username)
// ...
I have a few questions:
Should I even have controllers? Should the Router direct it to the use-case/service directly?
^^ The reason I ask that is because my controllers are really HTTP centered. For example some of them are called: PostUser, GetUser, DeleteUser. So I am guessing they should be inside the infrastructure folder, right?
I am guessing that controllers are ONLY used if your delivery mechanism is a web app, right?

You're right. There's nothing really to do with DDD because DDD is about contexts and language, but for clean architecture and ports and adapters that's the correct thought.
Normally, you would have the structure like this:
So, your application exposes an API that represents a port and you can connect different edge components that implement a physical delivery protocol of different kinds to talk to your application.


Use TypeORM repository or method on a service from outside any module

I have a nestjs app that has an AuthService which has these parts:
export class AuthService {
private readonly userRepo: Repository<User>,
) {}
async updateFromInternally () {
I have another file which is, crucially, outside of any module, which contains a number of helpful functions relating to Google oauth. For example, this file initiates Google's oauth2 client like so:
export const oauth2Client = new google.auth.OAuth2(
This file also has a listener function which I found in Google's documentation as a way to catch when my use of Google's oauth2 client automatically uses a refresh token to obtain a new access token:
oauth2Client.on('tokens', async (tokens) => {
At [****], I need to query in my database for a particular user and update them. Either of these conceptually work:
I somehow get userRepo into this file right here and use it to query + update
I somehow call updateFromInternally in AuthService from here
But I don't know how to interact with either TypeORM repositories or methods within services from outside of any module in nestjs! Can I do either of these?
The first question is why you're using nestjs?
You can access the internals of nestjs by using the instantiated app;
In your main.ts file you have something like this:
const app = await NestFactory.create(AppModule);
You can access the services or DataSource from the app by using the get method.
import {DataSource} from 'typeorm'
const dataSource = app.get<DataSource>(DataSource)
// or custom service
const someServices = app.get<SomeService>(SomeService)
you just need a way to export app from main.ts and import it in your outside world.
for example:
// main.ts
let app;
async bootstrap() {
app = await NestFactory.create(AppModule);
export const getApp = () => app;
and in your other file
// outside.ts
import {getApp} from './main.ts'
const app = getApp()
I didn't write the whole logic, but I think it would give you an idea of what you need to do.
But in my opinion, it's the worst thing you can do. You're using 'nestjs` and try to respect its philosophy.
Just write a module that handles all the work you want.
I figured out #1:
import {getRepository} from "typeorm";
oauth2Client.on('tokens', async (tokens) => {
const gaRepo = getRepository(Googleauth);
// Can now use gaRepo like you do in a service

Override NestJS route within controller

I want to completely override a controller route. E. g:
export class ShipmentsController {
async find(): Promise<Activities> {
return service.find()
In order to make a request to the previous example, The URL will be: http://localhost:8080/shipments/create
I want to change that URL without moving the controller to another class. For example, I want the URL for that specific function to be http://localhost:8080/whatever/i/want.
Is this possible?
This is not possible, and goes against the ideas of the framework of having easy to configure routes with structure and uniformity. If you want a route like that, you can use express on it;s own, or technically add the route in the bootstrap file like so
async function bootstrap() {
const app = await NestFactory.create(AppModule);
app.getHttpServer().get('/whatever/you/want', (req, res, next) => {});
await app.listen(3000);
But now you don't have (easy) access to services, testing this is a pain, and generally it's confusing, not to mention no use of any Nest enhancers like interceptors or pipes.

Access model method inside express route (Loopback 4)

I will show you an example of what i'm trying to do :
export class ExpressServer {
public readonly app: express.Application;
public readonly lbApp: ImportedApp;
private server?: Server;
constructor(options: ApplicationConfig = {}) { = express();
this.lbApp = new ImportedApp(options);'/hello', async function (_req: Request, res: Response) {
//Here i'd like to call a model like User.findById() but can't figure out how to do it..
As you see in the comment i'm trying to access my models method to use them in my route (Like showing users informations on my view) But can't figure out how to do it. I'v already tryed to import the DataSource, the model, the controller but nothing's containing my methods (FindById, Create etc..)
If i find nothing i will have to use something like Axios or Request to request the ressource from the api instead of inside my code like await request('api/users/myusername)
In LoopBack 4, we use Repository design patter for accessing data. In order to find a user instance by its id, you need to obtain an instance of UserRepository via dependency injection. Quoting from
Repositories are adding behavior to Models. Models describe the shape of data, Repositories provide behavior like CRUD operations. This is different from LoopBack 3.x where models implement behavior too.
To obtain an instance of a Repository class, you can use the Service Locator design pattern and get the instance from the per-request Context object provided by LoopBack's REST layer.
import {MIDDLEWARE_CONTEXT, RequestContext} from '#loopback/rest';
import {UserRepository} from '../repositories';
function expressHandler(req, res, next) {
const ctx = (req as any)[MIDDLEWARE_CONTEXT];
const userRepo = await ctx.get<UserRepository>('repositories.UserRepository');
const users = await userRepo.find({limit: 10});
// render your view
We are discussing how to make this use case easier to implement in GitHub pull request loopback-next#6793, feel free to join the discussion there.
Instead of writing an Express route for your rendered pages, I recommend you to write a LoopBack 4 Controller instead; and inject Express Response object to allow you to render the HTML view, as explained in
import {Response, RestBindings, oas} from '#loopback/rest';
import {inject} from '#loopback/core';
import {UserRepository} from '../repositories';
export class PingController {
private response: Response
public userRepository: UserRepository,
) {}
// Hide this endpoint from OpenAPI spec generated for the app
list(): Response {
// Access User data via this.userRepository API
const users = await this.userRepository.find({limit: 10});
// Access the response object via `this.response`
this.response.render('users', {users});
// Return the HTTP response object so that LoopBack framework skips the
// generation of HTTP response
return this.response;
Having said that, if you already know how to access DataSource instances from your LB4 app in your Express routes, then you can instantiate Repository classes manually from your routes too:
const db = // your datasource'/hello', async function (_req: Request, res: Response) {
const repo = new UserRepository(db);
const users = await this.userRepository.find({limit: 10});
To me the solution is not working. Started from the express-composition example, i just need to access lb repositories from a generic express route outside of the lb4 request handler:
constructor(options: ApplicationConfig = {}) { = express();
this.lbApp = new NoteApplication(options);
// Expose the front-end assets via Express, not as LB4 route'/api', this.lbApp.requestHandler);'/hello', async (req: Request, res: Response) => {
const ctx = (req as any)[MIDDLEWARE_CONTEXT];
const userRepo = await ctx.get('repositories.UserRepository');
res.send('Hello world!');
the ctx in the line
const ctx = (req as any)[MIDDLEWARE_CONTEXT];
is always undefined.
My main goal is to have routes not under /api that can still access lb4 repositories.

Can Open Telemetry Instrument Two Express Services in the Same Node Program?

Let's say I have a NodeJS program that has two separate instances of an express server running.
const express = require('express')
const app1 = express()
app1.listen(3000, () => { //... })
const app2 = express()
app2.listen(3001, () => { //... })
I've been able to instrument a program like this via open telemetry, and have my spans sent/exported successfully to Zipkin. All I needed to do is/was add code like the following to the start of my program.
const { NodeTracerProvider } = require('#opentelemetry/node');
const { ZipkinExporter } = require('#opentelemetry/exporter-zipkin');
const provider = new NodeTracerProvider({
plugins: {
express: {
enabled: true,
http: {
requestHook: (span, request) => {
span.setAttribute("custom request hook attribute", "request");
const options = {
url: 'http://localhost:9411/api/v2/spans',
serviceName: 'service-main'
const zipkinExporter = new ZipkinExporter(options);
provider.addSpanProcessor(new SimpleSpanProcessor(zipkinExporter))
and make sure that the express and http plugins were/are installed
npm install #opentelemetry/plugin-http #opentelemetry/plugin-express
This all works great -- except for one thing. Open Telemetry sees both my express services running as the same service-main service.
When I instrumented these services directly with Zipkin -- I would add the Zipkin middleware to each running express server
app1.use(zipkinMiddleware({tracer: tracer1}));
app2.use(zipkinMiddleware({tracer: tracer2}));
Each tracer could be instantiated with its own service name, which allowed each service to have its individual name and show up as a different service in Zipkin.
(/main, /hello, and /goobye are all service via a different express service in the above URL)
Is this sort of thing (instrumenting two services in one program) possible with Open Telemetry? Or would I need to separate these two services out into separate programs in order to have each services have an individual name? This question is less about solving a particular problem, and more about understanding the semantics of Open Telemetry.
It is possible to create two separate tracer providers. Only one of them will be the global tracer provider, which the API will use if you call API methods. You can't use the plugins in this configuration, which means you will have to manually instrument your application. If this is a use-case which is important to you, I suggest you create an issue on the github repo.
yes, you can have multiple express running in the same node process (thats how clustering works in node as well)
but you will need to have them running on different ports.;
# const express = require('express')
const app1 = express()
app1.listen(3001, () => { //... })
const app2 = express()
app2.listen(3002, () => { //... })

Having control flow issue with mongoose model's find

I'm completely new to node and it's frameworks Koa and express. I've a mongoose model called Drawing and a router module for that.
Problem is with express routers I was able the get the data from database using Drawing.find method but with Koa, control is not even going into Drawing.find. And I'm not able to get the data at all. Please find the following related code and help me understand the things better.
This is my router module
import * as Router from "koa-router";
import Drawing from "../../models/drawing";
function getRoutesForDrawing(): Router {
console.log("Inside getRoutes for drawing");
let route = new Router();
route.get("/drawing", function(context,next) {
console.log("Inside /drawing");
Drawing.find(function(err,drawings) {
console.log("Not gettig executed");
context.body = "Welcome";
//context.body = "Welcome";
export default getRoutesForDrawing();
And the model is
import mongoose = require("mongoose");
export interface IDrawing extends mongoose.Document {
export const DrawingSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
const Drawing = mongoose.model<IDrawing>('Drawing', DrawingSchema);
export default Drawing;
As you can see in my router module, the control is actually coming for /drawing and it's printing in console "Inside /drawing" but then control isn't coming to Drawing.find. I'm getting difficulty in understanding this.
It's a little bit hard to figure out what's going on because it looks like you have problems all over the place. Let me point out the things that stand out:
getRoutesForDrawing is declared to return a router and doesn't return anything
Koa routes are not like express. In particular they are not callback based. They take either generator functions (Koa 1.x) or async functions (Koa 2.x). You seem to expect that it's wanting a callback function which won't work. Assuming koa 2.x, its router.get('/drawing', async(context) => {...});
Assuming koa 2.x, you need to await the result of the mongoose methods, e.g. context.body = await Drawing.find({})
