Setting vimwiki_list in a lua.init file - vim

I am using neovim and am trying to use lua for my settings.
I have installed vimwiki and following the instructions to set
let g:vimwiki_list = [{'path': '~/vimwiki/',
\ 'syntax': 'markdown', 'ext': '.md'}]
I have tried doing this in lua with
vim.api.nvim_set_var('vimwiki_list', {path = "~/mywiki/"})
This results in the error
Error detected while processing function vimwiki#vars#init[2]..<SNR>31_populate_wikilocal_options:
line 49:
E714: List required
Error detected while processing function <SNR>30_vimwiki_get_known_extensions:
line 3:
E727: Start past end
E714: List required
Error detected while processing /home/me/.local/share/nvim/site/pack/packer/start/vimwiki/plugin/vimwiki.vim:
line 303:
E714: List required
line 315:
E712: Argument of map() must be a List or Dictionary
E714: List required
Error detected while processing function <SNR>30_build_menu:
line 2:
E727: Start past end
E714: List required
How do I correctly set these type of options, specifically for vimwiki, and more generally for other cases?

I did;
vim.g.vimwiki_list = {{path = '~/Docs/Mywiki', syntax = 'markdown', ext = '.md'}}
which resolved the error and set the options


Neovim config error: '<eof>' expected near 'local'

I'm setting up Neovim like this guy in this video:
I'm using WSL - Windows subsystem for Linux.
And I have this error in ~/.config/nvim/lua/suleiman/plugins-setup.lua file:
Error detected while processing /home/suleiman/.config/nvim/init.lua:
E5113: Error while calling lua chunk: vim/_init_packages.lua:0:
/home/suleiman/.config/nvim/lua/suleiman/plugins-setup.lua:24: '<eof>' expected near 'local'
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'error'
vim/_init_packages.lua: in function <vim/_init_packages.lua:0>
[C]: in function 'require'
/home/suleiman/.config/nvim/init.lua:1: in main chunk
And here is the file itself:
augroup packer_user_config
autocmd BufWritePost plugins.lua source <afile> | PackerCompile
augroup end
local status, packer = pcall(require, 'packer')
if not status then
return packer.startup(function(use)
if packer_bootstrap then
local ensure_packer = function() // This is the line:24
local fn = vim.fn
local install_path = fn.stdpath('data')..'/site/pack/packer/start/packer.nvim'
if fn.empty(fn.glob(install_path)) > 0 then
fn.system({'git', 'clone', '--depth', '1', '', install_path})
vim.cmd [[packadd packer.nvim]]
return true
return false
local packer_bootstrap = ensure_packer()
return require('packer').startup(function(use)
use 'wbthomason/packer.nvim'
-- My plugins here
-- use 'foo1/bar1.nvim'
-- use 'foo2/bar2.nvim'
-- Automatically set up your configuration after cloning packer.nvim
-- Put this at the end after all plugins
if packer_bootstrap then
And this is here is the ~/.config/nvim/init.lua file where I require that file:
I searched on this error, I didn't find the solution.
There isn't supposed to be an error at all I think, because I copied what that guy on that video did.

Issues creating a virtual HANA table

I am trying to create a virtual table in HANA based on a remote system table view.
If I run it at the command line using hdbsql
hdbsql H00=> create virtual table HanaIndexTable at "SYSRDL#CG_SOURCE"."<NULL>"."dbo"."sysiqvindex"
0 rows affected (overall time 305.661 msec; server time 215.870 msec)
I am able to select from HanaIndexTable and get results and see my index.
When I code it in python, I use the following command:
cursor.execute("""create virtual table HanaIndexTable1 at SYSRDL#CG_source.\<NULL\>.dbo.sysiqvindex""")
I think there is a problem with the NULL. But I see in the output that the escape key is doubled.
self = <hdbcli.dbapi.Cursor object at 0x7f02d61f43d0>
operation = 'create virtual table HanaIndexTable1 at SYSRDL#CG_source.\\<NULL\\>.dbo.sysiqvindex'
parameters = None
def __execute(self, operation, parameters = None):
# parameters is already checked as None or Tuple type.
> ret = self.__cursor.execute(operation, parameters=parameters, scrollable=self._scrollable)
E hdbcli.dbapi.ProgrammingError: (257, 'sql syntax error: incorrect syntax near "\\": line 1 col 58 (at pos 58)')
/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/hdbcli/ ProgrammingError
I have tried to run the command without the <> but get the following error.
hdbcli.dbapi.ProgrammingError: (257, 'sql syntax error: incorrect syntax near "NULL": line 1 col 58 (at pos 58)')
I have tried upper case, lower case and escaping. Is what I am trying to do impossible?
There was an issue with capitalization between HANA and my remote source. I also needed more escaping rather than less.

Error when attempting to install Octave IO package

When attempting to install the Octave io package on Windows 7 I receive the following error:
>> pkg install io-2.4.12.tar.gz
0 [main] us 0 init_cheap: VirtualAlloc pointer is null, Win32 error 487
AllocationBase 0x0, BaseAddress 0x60EA0000, RegionSize 0x190000, State 0x10000
C:\Octave\Octave-4.2.0\bin\perl.exe: *** Couldn't reserve space for cygwin's heap, Win32 error 0
warning: doc_cache_create: unusable help text found in file 'getxmlattv'
For information about changes from previous versions of the io package, run 'news io'.
I have a read a few other similar questions but have been unable to find an answer, and I do not understand the error message in all honesty. I understand cygwin in a Unix-like interface for windows, but that is about it. I have tried running as administrator, deleting all temp files, restarting etc. but cannot get the pkg to install successfully. Any ideas?
The referenced file 'getxmlattv' is just a function and not a text file as described and cannot be run as a standalone file:
function [retval] = getxmlattv (xmlnode, att)
retval = '';
## Get end of first tag
iend = index (xmlnode, ">");
## Get start of value string. Concat '="' to ensure minimal ambiguity
vals = index (xmlnode, [att '="']);
if (vals == 0)
## Attribute not in current tag
elseif (vals)
vals = vals + length (att) + 2;
vale = regexp (xmlnode(vals:end), '"[ >/]');
if (! isempty (vale))
retval = xmlnode(vals:vals+vale-2);
I don't see how this is of any use.
For the windows version of octave the packages are already available in the installer
so you don't need to install io from source package. Just re-run the installer
if you missed it.
Please note that the error message is misleading as you are not using the
cygwin version of octave but msys/mingw one; that is based on a modified
version of the cygwin1.dll where they forgot to update the messages:
$ strings msys-1.0.dll | grep cygwin
%P: *** Couldn't reserve space for cygwin's heap (%p <%p>) in child, %E

fread error? invalid file identifier

while executing, I have this error ?? Error using ==> fread
Invalid file identifier. Use fopen to generate a valid file identifier. fid is equal to -1 but the file does exist.
what shall I do?
seq=dir('C:\Windows\system32\config\systemprofile\Desktop\pfe\code final version 1\nor\info');
for i = 3 : length(seq)
cd 'C:\Windows\system32\config\systemprofile\Desktop\pfe\code final version 1\nor\info'
fin = fopen('seq(i).name','r');
cd 'C:\Windows\system32\config\systemprofile\Desktop\pfe\code final version 1'
As you put '' around the name, you are trying to open a file called seq(i).name, remove the '' and you are using the variable named seq(i).name
fin = fopen(seq(i).name,'r');

Lua script unable to detect/catch error while executing invalid linux command

I have the following function that works fine as long as I give it a valid command to execute. As soon as I give it a non-existent command, the script is interrupted with an error message.
function exec_com(com)
local ok,res=pcall(function() return io.popen(com) end)
if ok then
local tmp=res:read('*a')
return ok,tmp
return ok,res
local st,val=exec_com('uptime')
print('Executed "uptime" with status:'..tostring(st)..' and value:'..val)
print('Executed "zzzz" with status:'..tostring(st)..' and value:'..val)
When I run the script above I get the following output:
Executed "uptime" with status:true and value: 18:07:38 up 1 day, 23:00, 3 users, load average: 0.37, 0.20, 0.20
sh: zzzz: command not found
Executed "zzzz" with status:true and value:
You can clearly see above that pcall() function still reported success when executing "zzzz" which is odd.
Can someone help me devise a way to catch an exception when executing a non-existent or ill-formed Linux command using Lua script? Thanks.
Edit: Restated my request after getting the clarification that pcall() works as expected, and the problem is due to popen() failing to throw an error.
I use a method which is similar to your "temporary workaround" but which gives you more information:
local cmd = "uptime"
local f = io.popen(cmd .. " 2>&1 || echo ::ERROR::", "r")
local text = f:read "*a"
if text:find "::ERROR::" then
-- something went wrong
print("error: " .. text)
-- all is fine!!
If you look at io.popen(), you'll see that it'll always return a file handle.
Starts program prog in a separated process and returns a file handle
that you can use to read data from this program (if mode is "r", the
default) or to write data to this program (if mode is "w").
Since, a file handle returned is still a valid value for lua, the pcall(), your local function inside the pcall is returning a true value (and an error is not being propagated); thereby, giving you a true status and no output.
I have come up with my own temporary workaround that pipes the error to /dev/null and determines the success/failure of executed command based on the text received from io.popen():read('*a') command.
Here is my new code:
function exec_com(com)
local res=io.popen(com..' 2>/dev/null')
local tmp=res:read('*a')
if string.len(tmp)>0 then
return true,tmp
return false,'Error executing command: '
local st,val=exec_com('uptime')
print('Executed "uptime" with status:'..tostring(st)..' and value:'..val)
st,val=exec_com('cat /etc/shadow')
print('Executed "cat /etc/shadow" with status:'..tostring(st)..' and value:'..val)
And the corresponding output is now correct:
Executed "uptime" with status:true and value: 00:10:11 up 2 days, 5:02, 3 users, load average: 0.01, 0.05, 0.19
Executed "cat /etc/shadow" with status:false and value:Error executing command: cat /etc/shadow
In my example above I am creating a "generic" error description. This is an intermediate fix and I am still interested in seeing alternative solutions that can return a more meaningful error message describing why the command failed to execute.
Rather than taking the time reading the whole file into a variable, why not just check if the file is empty with f:read(0)?
Local f = io.popen("NotExist")
if not f:read(0) Then
for l in st:lines() do
error("Command Does Not Exist")
From the lua Manual:
As a special case, works as a test for end of file: It returns an empty string if there is more to be read or nil otherwise.
