How do I fix Connect Document error in Tinylicious server? - fluid-framework

Sometimes when I restart my Tinylicious server, I receive the following error many times in the server logs.
Connect Document error: {} {"messageMetaData":{"documentId":"1608426861167","tenantId":"tinylicious"},"label":"winston","timestamp":"2020-12-20T21:20:50.591Z"}
What exactly does this error mean and how can I fix it?

This error is created when we fail to make a socketio connection. You can see our code to create the connection here and the error message you're seeing here.
I don't believe this error will cause you significant issues, but it shouldn't be there. There's an issue on the project's github that you can add to if you're looking for more information.


nodeJS express fails when bulk call

I have an API for downloading files using It works fine when single call is made.
However, when bulk call (e.g. call 10 times within 1 second), several of the request are failed and prompt below error:
Error: read ECONNRESET
Can anyone explain this behavior? Thanks in advance.
"ECONNRESET" means the other side of the TCP conversation abruptly closed its end of the connection. This is most probably due to one or more application protocol errors. You could look at the API server logs to see if it complains about something.
How do I debug error ECONNRESET in Node.js?
Your best bet is to make sure you are not throttling the API.

Unable to run the angular application. Getting error No such file exists robots933456.txt

I am running the angular application in Microsoft Teams and deploying it on Azure.
But it's not running up as it is looking for the robots933456.txt route.
It wasn’t the case before today.
Please guide me on how to proceed further.
On running the app the logs shows:
The error was natively on my side nothing to do with the above but pretty much seen and raised by people so thought of sharing below:
After doing some research figured out I can safely ignore this message. /robots933456.txt is a dummy URL
the path that App Service uses to check if the container is capable of serving
requests. A 404 response simply indicates that the path doesn't exist, but
it lets App Service know that the container is healthy and ready to respond
to requests.

Facing issues while connecting to website from Cyberark

I am trying to connect to website by PSM with IE however its throwing error to me although same is working while connecting to PTA. Error : Error occured while while waiting for the display her to communicatie PSMSR606E
It seems that your WebForm dispatcher is deprecated. You will need to use the WebApp Dispatcher. Once that's done, you should be able to work.

Node.js app on Heroku experience a lot of H12 errors

I can't seem to figure out why I get H12 errors throughout the day. I see the consoles showing 30000ms for a response and my Heroku starts calling. If I debug the exact same route in postman....responds in under 300ms.
Please, any advice is appreciated.
This generally occurs when you have a long async process. Heroku imposes a 30 second timeout on all of its routes. If no data is received in that time, then it sends the H12 error.
I had faced this issue while scraping a lot of social media data for a website. I installed expressJS timeout so that timeout errors are caught at dyno level. This stops the server from crashing.
However, the timeout error would still remain. To get rid of that, investigate the code to find which route you're having the timeout issue with. Heroku has given a few tips here:
Explain your exact problem here, as in what you are trying to accomplish with your NodeJS app in order for more specific help to be provided. connection breaks on "socket.emit()" in some cases

I am building an app with node.js as server and vue.js in frontend with this package
I am sending a lot of data from the server to the client (inital on connection)
Node.js loads the data from mongodb.
So in some cases, when I do a
the connection breaks up (with no error) and does instantly a reconnect. And this in an infinit loop.
I found out, that the problem was once caused by german "Umlauts", for example "ä, ö, ü", etc. I fixed this issue by doing this encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(myDataToSend))) and in the frontend decode it like this: JSON.parse(decodeURIComponent(payload))
So now this doesnt help anymore and I cant figure out why. And there is no kind of error log or something where I can start debugging, it just breaks up and reconnects forever.
Can this happen because my Object I want to send to the client is too big?
I tried sending my data in smaller packages one after another and this did not break. I hoped I would find the problem like this.
Any advice for debugging or ideas for packing my data is appreciated.
I found the issue wich caused my problem.
Note: I have still no idea, why the socket connection crashed in my case, but I used the package in the "wrong way".
I did:
Vue.use(VueSocketio, '', store);
but the kind of better way ist
Vue.use(VueSocketio, socketio(''), store); uses a very old version of the socket-io.client when just using a string as connection and no actual socketio instance.
Maybe this helps someone else
