Facing issues while connecting to website from Cyberark - cyber-ark

I am trying to connect to website by PSM with IE however its throwing error to me although same is working while connecting to PTA. Error : Error occured while while waiting for the display her to communicatie PSMSR606E

It seems that your WebForm dispatcher is deprecated. You will need to use the WebApp Dispatcher. Once that's done, you should be able to work.


'Error [ERR_STREAM_CANNOT_PIPE]: Cannot pipe, not readable' facing this error when running testcafe testcases in saucelabs

What im trying to do here:
Im trying to run testcafe scripts through azure pipelines in SauceLabs.
Trying to run through localhost URL, as we are yet to figure out the authentication strategies.
The testcases are passing when i see the video in SauceLabs build job, but end of the run testcase is failing with this error.
Unhandled promise rejection:
Error [ERR_STREAM_CANNOT_PIPE]: Cannot pipe, not readable
at ServerResponse.pipe (_http_outgoing.js:821:22)
at Object.respondOnWebSocket
at Array.decideOnProcessingStrategy
at Object.run
at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:68:7)
Browser: Chrome 90.0.4430.85 / Windows 10
From the submitted bug, it looks like the problem might have been that your corporate proxy was preventing connections to Sauce Labs' OnDemand endpoint.
Tunnels, the REST API, Real Devices and Browsers/Virtual Devices can all have different endpoints to connect too. If your networking team only makes exceptions for specific ports and/or URLs, they might not have allowed enough access.

How do I fix Connect Document error in Tinylicious server?

Sometimes when I restart my Tinylicious server, I receive the following error many times in the server logs.
Connect Document error: {} {"messageMetaData":{"documentId":"1608426861167","tenantId":"tinylicious"},"label":"winston","timestamp":"2020-12-20T21:20:50.591Z"}
What exactly does this error mean and how can I fix it?
This error is created when we fail to make a socketio connection. You can see our code to create the connection here and the error message you're seeing here.
I don't believe this error will cause you significant issues, but it shouldn't be there. There's an issue on the project's github that you can add to if you're looking for more information.

How to solve the error SequelizeHostNotFoundError?

Problem essence
Writing the API server in NodeJS (Express) using the PostgreSQL database (connecting to it remotely through the service ElephantSQL and work through Sequelize). Today appeared an error "SequelizeHostNotFoundError". It occurs even in the checked endpoints.
Error text
(it remains only a screenshot of the error)
My attempts to solve the problem
Tried to perform a GET request to my API not via Postman and via the browser (did not help).
Tried to create a new DB on the same service ElephantSQL (didn't help, but migrations to create new tables and relationships somehow executed and endpoints still not working).
Tried to connect to the database directly via IDE DataGrip (connection test is successful and the database is loaded with all the tables).
What could be the problem ? On stackoverflow some wrote that the problem may occur due to the lack of a paid subscription to Google Cloude Functions, but I do not seem to use it. There is an option to connect to PostgreSQL locally, but I want to understand.

Trying to login into application using NodeJS and Sails.JS and receiving server timeout on XHR Polling

I am working on a NodeJS application that uses Sails.JS, that requires a login to get to the dashboard of the application.
Originally I was receiving errors with websockets and used this solution to get past this issue.
Receiving error "connection to ws://localhost:1337/socket.io/1/websocket" was interrupted while the page was loading"
Now, I have another problem, where the application is xhr-polling and not connecting to anything, and the server timesout and never redirects to the dashboard. This behavior is not happening on some peeers computers, they are able to login successfully. I am trying to figure out why the xhr polling runs and does not redirect me to the dashboard after successful login. Why is this only happening on my machine and not theirs. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.Simply boggles my mind.
Thank You

connect to mongodb remotely node.js

I know this is kind of trivial, but I have been searching on google for a solution to this problem, this here is my first time deploying a mongodb+node.js application, I have succeeded in hosting a node.js application with static data, I have changed it to use a database -mongodb, I have created a mongodb database on mongolab.com,
I have tried connecting but I keep getting this error
Database error
Error details: Error: failed to connect to [subdomain.mongolab.com:10027]
I have been searching over google, did not get a solution, have also contacted the site admin, my database connection and the entire code to fetch from mongodb remotely is
here on github , thanks
