Azure Function: Limiting number of concurrant Service Bus messages - azure

I am working on an Azure Function that triggers from a session-based Service Bus topic and sends data to a CRM system via API requests. The CRM's API has usage and load-protection limits, and we may recieve a huge amount of messages in a short timeframe, so I am looking for the best way to throttle the function.
I'm thinking the maxConcurrentSessions setting in the host.json might help me, I could limit it to around 20 messages at a time. I could also look at the "Enforce Scale Out Limit" in the Function App, but I guess that wouldn't necessarily limit the number of messages processed at one time. Would maxConcurrentSessions be the best setting to go for, or are there other considerations?
Another approach (probably in addition to the above) would be to "pause" or stop the function from taking any more messages for a period of time after I reach an API limit. Does anyone know if it's possible to programatically pause the execution of an Azure Function in real-time, or to prevent it from taking any more messages?

I'm thinking the maxConcurrentSessions setting in the host.json might
help me, I could limit it to around 20 messages at a time. I could
also look at the "Enforce Scale Out Limit" in the Function App, but I
guess that wouldn't necessarily limit the number of messages processed
at one time. Would maxConcurrentSessions be the best setting to go
for, or are there other considerations?
You can use maxConcurrentCalls to limit, the maximum number of concurrent calls to the callback that the message pump should initiate. By default, the Functions runtime processes multiple messages concurrently. If you set to 1, it will process only a single queue or topic message at a time.
The structure is like below:
"version": "2.0",
"extensions": {
"serviceBus": {
"prefetchCount": 100,
"messageHandlerOptions": {
"autoComplete": true,
"maxConcurrentCalls": 1,
"maxAutoRenewDuration": "00:05:00"
"sessionHandlerOptions": {
"autoComplete": true,
"messageWaitTimeout": "00:00:30",
"maxAutoRenewDuration": "00:55:00",
"maxConcurrentSessions": 1
At the same time, you can set the Maximum Scale Out Limit to a smaller value to prevent the function from expanding under high load.

I could also look at the "Enforce Scale Out Limit" in the Function App, but I guess that wouldn't necessarily limit the number of messages processed at one time.
I would also suggest looking at the Singleton attribute as a way to control scale-out concurrency (see the Microsoft docs). It will provide control over concurrency down to the function level. The documents also discuss your scenario of using it with maxConcurrentSessions/Calls.


Azure Functions ServiceBus Trigger Scaling Behavior

We are currently running load tests on our Azure Function App but the throughput is not what we expected.
There are multiple functions in the Function App but the ones with the most traffic are one with an Event Hub Trigger and one with a Service Bus Trigger consuming messages from a Session-Enabled Queue.
When the system is under load, Messages in the Session-Enabled Queue wait for up to 10 Minutes in the queue until they get processed by the consuming Function.
I know there are some settings in host.json to tune this behavior but it's still far from what we expect.
This is our host.json
"version": "2.0",
"logging": {
"applicationInsights": {
"samplingSettings": {
"isEnabled": true,
"excludedTypes": "Request"
"extensions": {
"serviceBus": {
"prefetchCount": 100,
"sessionHandlerOptions": {
"autoComplete": true,
"messageWaitTimeout": "00:00:30",
"maxAutoRenewDuration": "00:55:00",
"maxConcurrentSessions": 200
"batchOptions": {
"maxMessageCount": 1000,
"operationTimeout": "00:01:00",
"autoComplete": true
So i would expect the Function App to process up to 200 Sessions concurrently but in fact, although the Function Runtime provisions lots of instances, most of them seem to sit there and idle out. So to me it seems there is still another setting limiting the througput of the Function App.
I know it would improve performance if we would split the functions to separate Function Apps but as the load on the both functions is quite similar my plan was to postpone this step to a later stage and still get acceptable throughput with a single Function App.
We are using Azure Functions 3 on .NET Core 3.1 with
Microsoft.Azure.Functions.Extensions 1.1.0
Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs.Extensions.ServiceBus 5.0.0
Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs.Extensions.EventHubs 5.0.0
on a Windows Consumption Plan.
Thank you for any hints on how to achieve acceptable throughput.
I figured out that handling Batch Messages (receiving ServiceBusMessage[] instead of single instances) in the ServiceBus-Triggered Function along with enabled Sessions has a massively negative impact on scalability.
After changing this to single instances, the behavior of the system was as expected and the sessionHandlerOptions in host.json were respected.
I am wondering though what's the reason for this. I guess it could be related to the circumstance that Azure Function Instances lease a number of sessions from Service Bus to process but could not find anything in the documentation on that.

Blob-triggered Azure Function doesn't process only one blob at a time anymore

I have written a blob-triggered function that uploads data on a CosmosDB database using the Gremlin API, using Azure Functions version 2.0. Whenever the function is triggered, it is going to read the blob, extract relevant information, and then queries the database to upload the data on it.
However, when all files are uploaded on the blob storage at the same time, the Function is going to process all files at the same time, which results in too many requests for the database to handle. To avoid this, I ensured that the Azure Function would only process one file at a time, by setting the batchSize to 1 in the host.json file :
"extensions": {
"queues": {
"batchSize": 1,
"maxDequeueCount": 1,
"newBatchThreshold": 0
"logging": {
"applicationInsights": {
"samplingSettings": {
"isEnabled": true,
"excludedTypes": "Request"
"version": "2.0"
This worked perfectly fine for 20 files at a time.
Now, we are trying to process 300 files at a time, and this feature doesn't seem to work anymore, the Function processes all the files at the same time again, which results in the database not being able to handle all the requests.
What am I missing here ? Is there some scaling issue I'm not aware of ?
From here:
If you want to avoid parallel execution for messages received on one queue, you can set batchSize to 1. However, this setting eliminates concurrency as long as your function app runs only on a single virtual machine (VM). If the function app scales out to multiple VMs, each VM could run one instance of each queue-triggered function.
You need to combine this with the app setting WEBSITE_MAX_DYNAMIC_APPLICATION_SCALE_OUT when you run in Consumption plan.
Or, according to the docs, the better way would be through the Function property functionAppScaleLimit:
You can also scale to multiple Function App instances within one Host then you can have less hosts and more FUNCTIONS_WORKER_PROCESS_COUNT per host. Cost implications would depend on your plan.
Note that all workers within a Host would share resources, so this is recommended for more IO bound workload.

azure servicebus maxConcurrentCalls totally ignored

I have thsese in my host.json but every time i run the function it runs in parallel runing much more threads then 1 ( so much as there are messages in queue)
"version": "2.0",
"extensions": {
"serviceBus": {
"prefetchCount": 1,
"messageHandlerOptions": {
"maxConcurrentCalls": 1
my function
public async Task Run([ServiceBusTrigger("%TopicName%", "%SubscriptionName%", Connection = "ServiceBusConnection", IsSessionsEnabled = true)]Message message, IMessageSession messageSession, ILogger log)
Leveraging sessions
Since you are using sessions, you can use the same sessionId for all messages, and they will be processed in order by a single instance, regardless of the settings in your host.json.
Using Singleton attribute
If you can't use the sessionId for your purpose, you should try the [Singleton] attribute on your function. This will ensure that only one instance across all of your function instances will process the request.
We have this working successfully for WebJobs in production, and it should work just the same for Azure Functions. If you have dedicated app service plans, using this attribute should be enough. This is not recommended for a consumption plan.
[Singleton] does work on functions. The Azure Function host will create or wait for a lock in the Azure Storage account. The lock is the host ID which should be the same for all hosts of an app across all instances - so all instances share this lock and will only allow one execution to occur at a time.
To test this I put 1000 queue messages at once on a function with [Singleton]. The function would wake up, emit the invocation ID, sleep, and then emit the invocation ID. After processing all 1000 I looked at logs and never saw invocation IDs overlap. Only one invocation would happen globally at a time.
public async Task Run([ServiceBusTrigger("%TopicName%", "%SubscriptionName%", Connection = "ServiceBusConnection", IsSessionsEnabled = true)]Message message, IMessageSession messageSession, ILogger log)
In a consumption plan
Continuing the quote above:
With that said I think the recommendation is: [Singleton] isn't recommended for consumption hosted function plans. If you have a dedicated app service plan it's fine (as you are paying for the instance anyway). If you want to enforce [Singleton] like behavior in a consumption plan you are likely best to:
Set WEBSITE_MAX_DYNAMIC_APPLICATION_SCALE_OUT to 1 so you never scale to more than one instance
Set the host.json file to only allow 1 concurrent execution at a time for that trigger (for instance a batch size of 1 for Azure Queues).
"version": "2.0",
"extensions": {
"serviceBus": {
"prefetchCount": 1,
"messageHandlerOptions": {
"maxConcurrentCalls": 1
Maybe you can set WEBSITE_MAX_DYNAMIC_APPLICATION_SCALE_OUT to 1 to make the function run only one instance at a time.
If you develop locally, you can set it in local.settings.json, if you develop in Azure portal, you can set it in Configuration -> Application settings.
1. If you set WEBSITE_MAX_DYNAMIC_APPLICATION_SCALE_OUT to 1, your function will not scale out and can only run in one instance.
2. In addition to setting WEBSITE_MAX_DYNAMIC_APPLICATION_SCALE_OUT, you still need to set maxConcurrentCalls to 1
3. This setting is in preview. An app property for function max scale out has been added and is the recommended way to limit scale out.
For more details, you can refer to this official document.
so the problem was that every message had a differnet sessionId.
Disabling sessionId on subscription in azure solved this problem.
In details below for bounty :D
azure docs doesnt exactly specify how to limit thread number, but I looked a bit dipper.
there is MessageRecievePump
one uses MaxConcurrentCalls the other one MaxConcurrentSessions and MaxConcurrentAcceptSessionCalls
be aware of this if you include session in your subscription (MaxConcurrentCalls doesnt work) it works only when session id is the same.
when session is differnt try to use MaxConcurrentSessions or MaxConcurrentAcceptSessionCalls but be aware there are no docs about this....

How to limit concurrent Azure Function executions

I've seen this problem expressed a lot but I've yet to find a working solution.
In short, I periodically have a large batch of processing operations to be done. Each operation is handled by an Azure Function. Each operation makes calls to a database. If I have too many concurrent functions running at the same time, this overloads the database and I get timeout errors. So, I want to be able to limit the number of concurrent Azure Function calls that are run at a single time.
I've switched the function to be queue-triggered and tweaked the batchSize / newBatchThreshold / maxDequeueCount host.json settings in many ways based on what I've seen online. I've also set the WEBSITE_MAX_DYNAMIC_APPLICATION_SCALE_OUT application setting to 1 in my function application settings to prevent more than one VM from being spawned.
Yet still, every time I fill that queue, multiple functions will spawn indiscriminately and my database will fall over.
How can I throttle the number of concurrent operations?
The problem ended up being a difference in formatting of host.json in V1 and V2 Functions. Below is the correct configuration (using Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs.Extensions.Storage at least 3.0.1). The following host.json configures a single function app to process queue messages sequentially.
"extensions": {
"queues": {
"batchSize": 1,
"newBatchThreshold": 0
Setting App Setting WEBSITE_MAX_DYNAMIC_APPLICATION_SCALE_OUT = 1 restricts a function app from dynamically scaling out beyond one instance.

Azure Queue trigger - execute one message at the time not working

I have an azure queue trigger associated to a queue, and I want to ensure that the trigger only reads and executes one message at the time. So, when the message is executed (successfuly or not) it processes the next message.
What is happening is that the queue executes one message, yet it begins to execute other message. My host.json:
"queues": {
"maxPollingInterval": 20000,
"visibilityTimeout": "00:01:00",
"batchSize": 1,
"maxDequeueCount": 5,
"newBatchThreshold": 1
Following instructions from MS link:
If you want to avoid parallel execution for messages received on one
queue, you can set batchSize to 1
So it would be expected to run only one message at the time (I'm using consumption plan).
This is critical because I need to ensure that only one message it processed at the time.
Is there any setting that I could change?
Or is queue trigger not a good option to address this requirement?
Storage Queue does NOT guarantee ordering - so if needing sequential processing because order of delivery matters you need to consider Azure Service Bus and set in Function setting (host.json)
maxConcurrentCalls = 1
Even if you do the trick by setting maximum number of instances that a function app can scale to as follow, ordering is still not guaranteed with Azure Storage Queue.
Microsoft documentation is not the perfect one. It's being continuously updated.
If you want to minimize parallel execution for queue-triggered functions in a function app, you can set the batch size to 1. But this setting eliminates concurrency only so long as your function app runs on a single virtual machine (VM).
If you have multiple Virtual Machines and function instances on each VM, there will be one message processed for each function instance running in each virtual machine.
This microsoft document explains concurrency on triggers.
For those coming across this question looking to debug locally and getting issue with multiple queue items making this difficult, you can add the following to your local.settings.json to override the default functionality on your machine only:
"IsEncrypted": false,
"Values": {
"AzureFunctionsJobHost__extensions__queues__batchSize": 1
