Tell x2goclient to capture the windows key? - remote-access

I'm working on a Windows 10 machine, connecting to multiple Debian linux machines (stable, up-to-date) via x2go. I'd like x2go to grab the Windows key when I'm working within the remote linux system. I've looked at the x2go docs, searched the web, and looked at the local x2go client files, but found nothing.
When I connect to a remote Windows Terminal Server, that machine captures the Windows key, so I know in theory it is possible for the remote to obtain the Windows key press.
If this is not possible, are there other ways to make the remote desktop connection from Windows 10 to linux such that I could accomplish this?
Thank you for your time and thoughts.

I had the same problem and found the following solution.
In the X2GO client, go to your client settings (not the session preferences) and go to the X.Org Server settings tab. Here select custom server, go to your vcxsrv executable. Windows default location: C:/Program Files (x86)/x2goclient/VcXsrv/vcxsrv.exe
For the command line options, add -keyhook this will grab all pressed keys and forward them to the session. For me I use -multiwindow -notrayicon -clipboard -keyhook


How can I mount an aws linux instance locally?

I work on a windows machine but I ssh into an AWS linux box to do most of my work. I'm trying to figure out a way I can use my local tools (specifically Spyder) to open up files (python files) from the server so I can edit them in the IDE and then run them on the server. (Note: its not just for code, I also want to be able to open csv's I generate, etc...).
Many modern IDE's provide this option through SSH, looking at the documentation for Spyder, it seems to refer to this configuration as a 'remote kernel'.
I do not use Spyder, but I use a similar configuration to do development with Visual Studio Code on my laptop with remote execution over SSH to an EC2 instance. In VS Code it is referred to as Remote SSH, you open a folder on the remote server as your VS Code workspace.

Connecting to Remote Windows Desktop

Need help.Wanted to know is there any module in Python which helps to connect to Remote windows and copies some text file, say vb file, and executes it and get the result test file back to source system which may be Unix (mostly) or windows. However, the destination is always remote windows desktop.
Earlier we used Winrm module and ran scripts on remote desktop. However, we got to know that some system does not have Winrm so need to change the tactic, tried searching but could not get any in Python.
You could use module os
and the os.popen() to use NET.exe service command or more advanced scripting tools like At least on windows NT like systems.

Setting up Rsync to pull from Windows to Linux Box using cwrsync

I have a set of machines, a mixture of Linux and Windows Boxes.
I hav set up rsync to pull from the Linux Machines to a Linux Server box.
I am trying to accomplish the same using cwRsync, to pull to the Linux box from the windows machines. I have downloaded the free version from and also I have downloaded CopSSH. I have managed to install CopSSH fine and I am able to SSH between the Linux and Windows hosts no problem using keys rather than passwords.
However, for the life of me I can't get this cwRsync working, I've googled the matter to death, and your meant to unzip the directory, configure the environment settings in the batch file then install it. However, there is nothing to install it with! and the reason it isn't working is because it needs to install a windows service for it to run.
Any help would be much appreciated!
As described at itefix web page for the free edition, it allows to initiate rsync from your Windows machine, i.e. client functionality only (push data). Server functionality allowing you to set up an rsync server on Windows to pull data from it is not a part of the free edition.

Effiecient Windows to Linux desktop sharing solution that support multiple screens

I am looking for an efficient Windows to Linux desktop sharing software that support multiple screen.
As of now my team develops (mustly Scala) code on our local windows machines (laptops).
For various reasons the data we are working on can't usually be copied to our local machines.
Currently we quite frequently need to exports our code/jars to a different environment that is also connected to an Hadoop cluster containing the data.
We are looking for a desktop sharing solution that will enable us to develop and execute code on remote, strong, stable Linux machines, that are connected via broadband connection to our data clusters.
Its crucial for us that the solution above will be able to run remote GUI based developing tools such as IntelliJ on the Linux machines and display them on our local Windows machine multiple screens smoothly.
Any recommendation?
Thanks in advance,
One of the options is to use Cygwin - this will allow you to run UI applications from a remote server on your Windows environment
In order to that you should do the following:
A. On Windows side:
Download and install Cygwin/X from :
In the Cygwin/X installer make sure the following packages are chosen:
xorg-server (required, the Cygwin/X X Server)
xinit (required, scripts for starting the X server: xinit, startx,
X-start-menu-icons (optional, adds icons for X Clients to the Start menu)
xorg-docs (optional, man pages)
Setup X Launcher
Create a new shortcut on your desktop which points to the following (assume your cygwin was installed in c:\software):
C:\software\cygwin\bin\run.exe C:\software\cygwin\bin\XWin.exe -multiwindow -clipboard -ac
Double click the shortcut you just created :) this will start small icon on the left side of windows taskbar.
B. On Linux side
login to your remote server for the same windows machine (use any terminal - e.g Putty)
set the DISPLAY parameter your server:
export DISPLAY=<windows-host-name>:0.0
now you can run any application that requires GUI and it will open up on your windows machine

Xserver on Windows7

I have been using X11 with windows Maker provided with cygwin package for multi windows in windows Xp. Currently I am moving to windows 7 but unable to install cygwin.
Is there any other multi windowing system like windows maker for cygwin on windows ?
Thanks for your help in advance.
I really like to use MobaXterm as nice ssh client, but more importantly as very lightweight and fast X server for Windows.
Typical usage on Windows: start MobaXterm, then from its console ssh user#linux-box. Now, you can simply execute any GUI program on your Linux box, like gedit, eclipse, etc., and it simply works! This is because MobaXterm automatically supports forwarding of you graphical DISPLAY from Linux to Windows.
This method for remote access works much faster than VNC. Performance is actually similar to Remote Desktop, if not even faster.
