Effiecient Windows to Linux desktop sharing solution that support multiple screens - linux

I am looking for an efficient Windows to Linux desktop sharing software that support multiple screen.
As of now my team develops (mustly Scala) code on our local windows machines (laptops).
For various reasons the data we are working on can't usually be copied to our local machines.
Currently we quite frequently need to exports our code/jars to a different environment that is also connected to an Hadoop cluster containing the data.
We are looking for a desktop sharing solution that will enable us to develop and execute code on remote, strong, stable Linux machines, that are connected via broadband connection to our data clusters.
Its crucial for us that the solution above will be able to run remote GUI based developing tools such as IntelliJ on the Linux machines and display them on our local Windows machine multiple screens smoothly.
Any recommendation?
Thanks in advance,

One of the options is to use Cygwin - this will allow you to run UI applications from a remote server on your Windows environment
In order to that you should do the following:
A. On Windows side:
Download and install Cygwin/X from : http://x.cygwin.com/
In the Cygwin/X installer make sure the following packages are chosen:
xorg-server (required, the Cygwin/X X Server)
xinit (required, scripts for starting the X server: xinit, startx,
X-start-menu-icons (optional, adds icons for X Clients to the Start menu)
xorg-docs (optional, man pages)
Setup X Launcher
Create a new shortcut on your desktop which points to the following (assume your cygwin was installed in c:\software):
C:\software\cygwin\bin\run.exe C:\software\cygwin\bin\XWin.exe -multiwindow -clipboard -ac
Double click the shortcut you just created :) this will start small icon on the left side of windows taskbar.
B. On Linux side
login to your remote server for the same windows machine (use any terminal - e.g Putty)
set the DISPLAY parameter your server:
export DISPLAY=<windows-host-name>:0.0
now you can run any application that requires GUI and it will open up on your windows machine


Tell x2goclient to capture the windows key?

I'm working on a Windows 10 machine, connecting to multiple Debian linux machines (stable, up-to-date) via x2go. I'd like x2go to grab the Windows key when I'm working within the remote linux system. I've looked at the x2go docs, searched the web, and looked at the local x2go client files, but found nothing.
When I connect to a remote Windows Terminal Server, that machine captures the Windows key, so I know in theory it is possible for the remote to obtain the Windows key press.
If this is not possible, are there other ways to make the remote desktop connection from Windows 10 to linux such that I could accomplish this?
Thank you for your time and thoughts.
I had the same problem and found the following solution.
In the X2GO client, go to your client settings (not the session preferences) and go to the X.Org Server settings tab. Here select custom server, go to your vcxsrv executable. Windows default location: C:/Program Files (x86)/x2goclient/VcXsrv/vcxsrv.exe
For the command line options, add -keyhook this will grab all pressed keys and forward them to the session. For me I use -multiwindow -notrayicon -clipboard -keyhook

How to use ec2 instance as personal dev box using intellij as IDE?

I have searched the questions and have not found an answer to this one:
I am developing an existing project (git repo) that runs only on Linux. For the time being I have at my disposal only a windows laptop which I cannot modify. This laptop has Intellij installed and internet access. I cannot, for example, create a Linux VM on this laptop.
Is there a way I can put the project code on an Amazon ec2 Linux instance and build the project on that instance, while viewing and developing the code in Intellij? All compilation and code execution has to be done remotely, on the ec2 Linux instance. I cannot build locally and push from the windows laptop.
2 possible configurations might be:
(1) install intellij on the ec2 instance and x-window in from windows to view the intellij screens;
(2) use the intellij on the Windows laptop and somehow point the intellij to the ec2 instance in order to view, edit, build, and run the project on that instance.
Any ideas are greatly appreciated!
ec2 with enough memory for development is billed / hour. For 32gb RAM it's >$80/month (always online ~450h).
You could use wls 2 under windows. You can install IDEA and use it trough X server like
VcXsrv and access to windows files. It's not the best idea to run full GNOME (even xfce4). Google chrome also works very well
Downsides are:
(still) slow access to drive compared to raw Linux
I cannot configure WSL to access same VPN as in Windows. It simply cuts off internet connection for WSL while I click connect in windows.

Setting up Rsync to pull from Windows to Linux Box using cwrsync

I have a set of machines, a mixture of Linux and Windows Boxes.
I hav set up rsync to pull from the Linux Machines to a Linux Server box.
I am trying to accomplish the same using cwRsync, to pull to the Linux box from the windows machines. I have downloaded the free version from https://www.itefix.no/i2/content/cwrsync-free-edition and also I have downloaded CopSSH. I have managed to install CopSSH fine and I am able to SSH between the Linux and Windows hosts no problem using keys rather than passwords.
However, for the life of me I can't get this cwRsync working, I've googled the matter to death, and your meant to unzip the directory, configure the environment settings in the batch file then install it. However, there is nothing to install it with! and the reason it isn't working is because it needs to install a windows service for it to run.
Any help would be much appreciated!
As described at itefix web page for the free edition, it allows to initiate rsync from your Windows machine, i.e. client functionality only (push data). Server functionality allowing you to set up an rsync server on Windows to pull data from it is not a part of the free edition.

Xserver on Windows7

I have been using X11 with windows Maker provided with cygwin package for multi windows in windows Xp. Currently I am moving to windows 7 but unable to install cygwin.
Is there any other multi windowing system like windows maker for cygwin on windows ?
Thanks for your help in advance.
I really like to use MobaXterm as nice ssh client, but more importantly as very lightweight and fast X server for Windows.
Typical usage on Windows: start MobaXterm, then from its console ssh user#linux-box. Now, you can simply execute any GUI program on your Linux box, like gedit, eclipse, etc., and it simply works! This is because MobaXterm automatically supports forwarding of you graphical DISPLAY from Linux to Windows.
This method for remote access works much faster than VNC. Performance is actually similar to Remote Desktop, if not even faster.

Remote Control WinCE 6.0 device from Windows 7

I am trying to find out a tool to remote control a Motorola MC3190 device running Windows CE 6.0 from a Windows 7 machine.
I have already used Mymobiler with Intermec CN3 device so I tried the answers in this question but I am unable to get it to work.
I have tried both remote.exe.40 and remote.exe.50 in the Mymobiler folder
Using Task Manager on CodeProject mentioned in a question on superuser it seems remote.exe completes execution very quickly (or is crashing silently).
My Start/Programs menu has a MyMobiler entry, so somewhere along the line something seems to have got installed
But when I run Mymobiler on desktop it cannot connect, its icon in system trey remains gray and on mouse hover says Not Connected/
In Proof MyMobiler works for WinCE video the processor is ARM920T-PXA270M while my device has a Marevell, PXA32X-P (link to image) processor could that be the reason?
I have also tried ActiveSync Remote Display from Windows Mobile Developer Power Toys. It installs but at start up it shows an error box with message "The OS or CPU of this device is unknown to this application"
How do I get MyMobiler to work with Motorola MC3190 device running Windows CE 6.0?
Is there any other tool, preferably free, to remote control this device?
EDIT: I came across EveryWAN and found an installer. It works out of box, but it is not available for commercial use and the web-site seems defunct.
PS: I realize the tags are not accurate but I wanted to use something that will attract attention of experts in these similar tags.
I want to clarify one answer to the above which is correct. When using the Microsoft PowerToy activesync remote display, there must be an application on both sides - host(the phone) and remote (the pc). The same is true for MyMobiler.
Install the powertoy on the pc.
For the original Poster: This is what your error message means:
In the case of Activecync Remote display, for newer devices (anything above ARM4 cpus - which means, 2008 and up, or over 200mhz cpus - as a very general guide), the display software cannot detect what type of device you have (it's too new, and not in the list).
For the motorola mc3190, your cpu is arm5 compatible,
and should work with software that has arm4 compliant components. ARD does have arm 4 options. see here...
To Fix it:
You must use file explorer on your pc, and navigate into the application folder: c\Programs...\Windows Mobile Developer...\ActiveSync...\Devices\wce400\armv4t and copy the two files.
While still on the pc, you must then navigate to the Windows folder of the device (with activesync running, OR the phone configured to be seen as a hard disc), use explorer on the PC to navigate to the device.
Vaguely, it will look like this:
Explorer. > Device (such as HTC Phone:)
Or, X:\ , where x is a drive letter.
The first subfolder your select should be Windows. Paste the two files there.
The two files are now copied onto the phone.
At that point, you must, using the phone, load it's file explorer and navigate to that Windows folder on internal memory and manually run cerdisp2.exe that you have now copied there.
With activesync running, and the phone connected to the pc,
You can now run the powertoy active remote display on the pc, and it will communicate with the exe that is running on the phone.
ActiveSync on Xp, or Windows Mobile Device Center on Windows Vista/7/8 must be running for this all to work.
Alternately, the app allows for a networking ip connection instead of activesync, but I have not used it.
When you are done using this app, you must run the kill.exe on the phone, in the windows folder (the second file you copied), to unload the dll that is running.
I can verify this setup works on Xp, Win7 and Win8 - with an Xscale ARM11 528mhz cpu phone.
For MyMobiler, visit their site and get the newest version.
It WILL fix connections that fail, if you have the older version. It's free. They don't support it anymore.
My Mobiler must have activesync running and showing the device connected.
My Mobiler is vastly superior to ActiveSyncRD.
* It will automatically install the pc side app, and push the remote app to the phone, via activesync.
*Further, when activesync is running and anytime you connect the phone, the MyMobiler app will autoload on the phone as well.
That way, whenever you run MyMobiler on the desktop, it will connect to the phone and load right up.
*My Mobiler allows full resolution display, while ARD is limited to 320x400 or similar. 640x800 looks much better.
*MyMobiler also allows full mouse gesture sends, and copy and paste. ARD offers very limited mouse gesture compatability.
MyMobiler also allows IP connections, but they indicate this is slower.
I am now using MyMobiler with Win8 and a touchpad w/ multitouch, and the mouse gestures send very well.
For Windows V/7/8, you might need to run compatability mode on the Mymobiler.exe file. Navigate to the MyMobiler folder, which might be on your desktop. Drill down til you find the exe. Right Click and chose properties. Compatability. Run Compatability Mode for this file, and select XP.
More Notes:
These apps are slow, because USB is slow.
If you enable Fast USB on the phone, it will help speed up any Remote Display noticeably - however Fast USB is unstable, and doesnt work on some configurations. For me, it doesnt work on XP, but does on Win8 - though slightly unstable at times.
On the device: Start> Settings Icon>Connections icon >USB to PC icon. Tick box to enable.
Also, MyMobiler on Win8 will sometimes refuse to connect. Fully unload mymobiler, disconnect the phone, reconnect the phone and watch for activesync to confirm connection. Then reload mymobiler. Sometimes full system reboots are needed, but that's rare.
Windows Mobile Remote Controller app on CodeProject - as linked above, looks excellent. It's for Windows Mobile 7 and 8 - which is fantastic. He provides a rapi enabler to allow use with WinMo 6 / 6.5 devices, which also looks promising.
I've never used MyMobiler, so I can't help there, but how about other options?
Did you look at the Windows Mobile Remote Controller app on CodeProject?
I've had good luck in the past with SOTI's Pocket Controller. It once was free, or had a free version anyway. Not sure if they still do.
Windows CE came with a tool called CERDISP (short for CE Remote Display), which could be built with Platform Builder. I've seen it available as a binary download (like here, for example) on the web before, so no need to actually build it yourself.
I've used MyMobiler (remote.exe.50) on my Windows Mobile 6.5 handheld. It sounds like you got it running. Did you run the MyMobiler client on your Windows 7 box and connect to your handheld by IP address? (Right click on the icon in the Notification Area on Windows 7 and choose "Connect IP...".)
It defaults to the ActiveSync address (, so if you're not docked and running ActiveSync, it will fail to connect initially (but manually connecting should work). Misread -- you were able to run the client, but not the server.
You can also elect to run a VNC server on your handheld and use a regular VNC client to connect to it. I've built this one for Windows Mobile 2003 without much of a hitch on Visual Studio 2008. You might have similar luck with Windows Mobile 6.5.
EDIT: If you get the message that reads:
'%s' is not a valid Pocket PC application.
when running the MyMobiler client, then that means that your CPU type (or OS) is incompatible with the application -- so I don't think your PXA32X-P is to blame; especially since the MC3190 appears to be able to run Windows Mobile 6.5 (i.e. the CPU should be "fairly" modern, with support for armv4i). But since you haven't mentioned an error that looks like that, I'd suspect that your build of Windows CE 6.0 doesn't contain all the required dependencies.
The first thing I'd check is if all of the dependencies of MyMobiler are present in your build of Windows CE 6. Windows CE is highly customizable; as such, not all software components will be the same across different builds of Windows CE. MyMobiler is built targeting Windows Mobile, not Windows CE, so there's a good chance that your build of Windows CE on the MC3190 doesn't have what's required, while the video you linked does.
With regards to the ActiveSync Remote Display Power Toy, the message that you received sounds like the desktop application didn't know what version to deploy to your device.
Per readme.txt in the ActiveSync Remote Display package:
If you see error message "The OS or CPU of this device is unknown to
this application", it usually means the CPU type of the current
device, typically a Windows CE device, is not recognized by this tool.
The workaround is
1. Find the CPU type of the device (from the manual or the manufacturer).
2. Copy \Devices\wce400\\cerdisp2.exe to the \windows folder of the device.
3. Run "cerhost2.exe -m" on the desktop/laptop.
4. Run cerdisp2.exe on the device.
5. When the remote display is no longer needed, terminate cerdisp2.exe on the device.
You should be able to choose the armv4t version; if not, use the armv4 version.
