How to set minimum days between selected start and end day on daterange picker? - date-range

I tried to use this date range picker.
Default is 0 days, which means a client can select start and end days to be the same day. Can I somehow define to end the day can be a minimum of one day ahead, for example, client select start day as today and min end day mus be tomorrow or someday before tomorrow?
minDate: moment().subtract(30, 'd').toDate(),
locale: {
format: 'MM.DD.YYYY.'
I tried to use startDate, EndDate, MindaDate... but nothing helps :(

Currently, You can't.
There are several issues on the github page referencing this: github issues
It is possible to fork the library and add this feature in yourself or add in an additional event which you can listen to.
The pull request here is adding this feature so you could use that.


Amazon Quicksight Dynamic date filter

so everyday I receive sales data from the previous day. So today November 15 I have data from July 2021 until November 14 2021. What I want is to show this data for the current month by aggregating by day. I use a quicksight visual with a MTD (Month To Date) filter. Everything is fine so far.
The problem is on each first date of the month, I see "No Data" on my visual which is normal since I do not have any data from the current day/month but as I said earlier from the day before.
So what I want to achieve is:
Each 1st of current month: show data from the whole previous month
From 2nd to last day of current month: show data from the current month
Can someone help me please to know how I can achieve this?
I looked for ways to do this and I found dynamic default parameters but this option is not fine with me since I have to fill a username column according to the documentation ( and I have many users so it will be not interesting to list all of them.
You can assign parameters to a group rather than a specific user which is much quicker
There is new functionality which allows you to set today or beginning/ending of month/quater/year as default.
See screenshot:
enter image description here

how calculate from endate amount of days excluding holidays

Hi does anybody has good idea about how calculating backwards day from end date with respect to workdays?
Lets say we know Deadline 30thNovember activity to be done. We know that we need 20 working days for activity to be performed. So how can we calculate latest start date for activity in respect to saturdays/sundays, if not Vacationdates or holidays?
I.e. Backwards logic of =WORKDAY(A2,B2)
Screenshot/here refer:
Falls down if holiday coincides with new end date or start date

How do you get the day out of a Date object since "getDay()" is deprecated?

When the user opens my app the date is recorded. Then it's compared with the last date that was recorded. I want to be able to tell if just the day changed between the 2. And I don't want to simply see if 24 hours lapsed. The user should be able to open the app at 11:59pm, and then again in 2 minutes and the code should tell that the day has changed. Thanks for your help!
I found a solution that solves my problem (although technically doesn't directly get the day out of the Day object.)
Comparing two java.util.Dates to see if they are in the same day
Basically make a Calendar object and call it's "setTime()" method with my Date object as the argument, then use ".get(Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR) to get the day from each Calendar object.
You are right, and if you want to get the actual day you just need to use Calendar.getInstance() like this:
Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
int day = cal.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH);

How to get number of days between two dates in nodatime

I need to compute the number of days between two dates using NodaTime, and to do it in a timezone.
The end time is date based with an implied time of midnight at the end of the day. This date is in a timezone.
The start time is the current time, but I am passing it into the function so that the function is testable.
I tried using Period, which seems like the obvious answer, but Period is too granular on one end (when we are on the end day) and not granular enough when we are more than 1 month away.
So if Now is July 9, 5:45pm in America/Toronto and the End Time is Sept 1, 00:00:00, then I would like to be able to calculate 54 days. (assuming I counted the number of days on my calendar correctly. :) )
I figured I would have to handle the sub day problem myself, but it surprised me when I had to figure out how to handle the greater than a month problem.
Is there an obvious way to get the number of days between two times from NodaTime? I have it down to three lines of code using .Net's DateTime and TimezoneInfo classes, but I want to move to NodaTime for all the reasons specified on the site.
I should have read the Arithmetic section of the docs more closely before posting.
You can specify which unit you want the math result to be in with a 3rd parameter. Here is what I needed:
Period timeLeft = Period.Between(nowInTz.LocalDateTime, endDate, PeriodUnits.Days);
this is from the docs:
Hope this helps somebody else in the future.

SharePoint column default values - add 10 working days

In SharePoint MOSS 2007, I have created a custom content type that I will be applying to a document library. One of the required fields is "Incoming Date" and another is the "Due Date".
The Due Date is always 10 working days from the Incoming Date. The Incoming Date is when the mail room received the letter, not necessarily when the document is posted to the library.
From here:
=DATE(YEAR([Incoming Date]),MONTH([Incoming Date]),DAY([Incoming Date])+10)
adds 10 days, but how can I add 10 working days? I don't have the luxury of VS.NET either per the governance plan of our sharepoint rollout.
Assume a human is responsible for the data entry, but I would like to make it easier for them.
It's overkill for the very specific '10 days' requirement, but this should calculate a due date for any number of days from any start date.
I wrote it to match the result of Excel's WORKDAY function (which, given that every function in a calculated field is an Excel function, should almost be a thing). It's tested for 1 to 146 "days to complete", for each day of the week, and across years, without any sign of inconsistency. Unless I made a typo copying it from Excel, it should work as advertised. The only down side is that it doesnt do holidays, but if the users are accustomed to SharePoint they wont have expectations anyway. At all. Of any kind. For anything. Or hope. Or the muscles in their face that used to be responsible for smiling. Or the ability to look at a child and see anything but the bleak certainty of withering death. So, not a big deal if their task is due on Christmas. It's also sloppier than it probably needs to be.
=[Start Date]+[Days to Complete]
+ ROUNDDOWN([Days to Complete]/5,0)*2
+ IF(WEEKDAY([Start Date])+MOD([Days to Complete],5)>=7,2,0)
- ROUNDDOWN(WEEKDAY([Start Date])/7,0)
+ IF(AND(MOD([Days to Complete],5)=0,WEEKDAY([Start Date])=1),-2,0)
+ IF(AND(MOD([Days to Complete],5)=0,WEEKDAY([Start Date])=7),-2,0)
The first line is...obvious. The second line adds weekends. And the next 4 lines adjust for the deficiencies of the second line.
Firstly I should point out that you are making hard work of that formula, this will do the same.
=[Incoming Date] + 10
From the comments you have figured out that 10 working days (M-F) will always have 2 weekends so you can use this
=[Incoming Date] + 14
But this still doesn't take account of holidays
You are not going to be able to do this without some custom code in a workflow or possibly some javascript 'hack' and a database of holiday days for your region.
One possibility would be to default your Due Date to 10 working days from now when the record is created
and then rely on your users to manual alter this date if there are holidays in that period.
More details on this in a blog entry I've just written - Working Days, Weekends and Holidays in SharePoint Calculated Columns
Perhaps you can work around this limitation by using a workflow (possibly a custom one) to manage the due date? A due date implies that it is an actionable item that should be assigned to somebody anyways.
Note that VS.NET doesn't have to be a luxury - you can use it for free.
I believe I've figured out a fairly bullet-proof method for calculating a 10 business day deadline that accounts for holidays and weekends. 1) Calculate whether the 2 week period is a Monday, and if so, add only 11 days (assuming the start day counts as Day1 of your 10-day period). Otherwise, you add 13 to account for the 10 working days plus two weekends (remember, the start date already counts as Day1; your variables would be 12 and 14 if you did NOT count the start date as Day1). 2) Create a unique calculated column for every holiday and return a value of 1 if the holiday falls in the range. 3) Determine your "gross date" by adding values (weekends and holidays) to your start date. 4) Determine whether your gross date falls on a Saturday or Sunday, and if so, return the appropriate number of days to push off until Monday. 5) Add all the weekend, holiday, and added Sat and Sun values to your start date, which gives you your due date.
NOTE: The only challenges I see here is if a holiday pushes the due date into the weekend, which then pushes the due date to a Monday that happens to be yet another holiday. This didn't happen in my holiday schedule, but it might in yours. In addition, you'll need to keep adding new holidays every year, thus requiring you to recreate the column arrays from scratch for a long-running list. Alternatively, you could start a new list every year.
C_Wknd =IF(TEXT(WEEKDAY([Complaint Created On]),"ddd")="Mon",11,13)
C_NYDay =IF(AND([Complaint Created On]<=DATE(2009,1,1),([Complaint Created On])+C_Wknd>=DATE(2009,1,1)),"1","0")
C_MLKDay =IF(AND([Complaint Created On]<=DATE(2009,1,19),([Complaint Created On])+C_Wknd>=DATE(2009,1,19)),"1","0")
C_MemDay =IF(AND([Complaint Created On]<=DATE(2009,5,25),([Complaint Created On])+C_Wknd>=DATE(2009,5,25)),"1","0")
C_PresDay =IF(AND([Complaint Created On]<=DATE(2009,2,16),([Complaint Created On])+C_Wknd>=DATE(2009,2,16)),"1","0")
C_IndDay =IF(AND([Complaint Created On]<=DATE(2009,7,4),([Complaint Created On])+C_Wknd>=DATE(2009,7,4)),"1","0")
C_LabDay =IF(AND([Complaint Created On]<=DATE(2009,9,7),([Complaint Created On])+C_Wknd>=DATE(2009,9,7)),"1","0")
C_ColDay =IF(AND([Complaint Created On]<=DATE(2009,10,12),([Complaint Created On])+C_Wknd>=DATE(2009,10,12)),"1","0")
C_VetDay =IF(AND([Complaint Created On]<=DATE(2009,11,11),([Complaint Created On])+C_Wknd>=DATE(2009,11,11)),"1","0")
C_ThxDay =IF(AND([Complaint Created On]<=DATE(2009,11,26),([Complaint Created On])+C_Wknd>=DATE(2009,11,26)),"1","0")
C_XmsDay =IF(AND([Complaint Created On]<=DATE(2009,12,25),([Complaint Created On])+C_Wknd>=DATE(2009,12,25)),"1","0")
C_GrossDte =[Complaint Created On]+C_Wknd+C_NYDay+C_MLKDay+C_MemDay+C_PresDay+C_IndDay+C_LabDay+C_ColDay+C_VetDay+C_ThxDay+C_XmsDay
C_EndSat =IF(TEXT(WEEKDAY(C_GrossDte),"ddd")="Sat",2,0)
C_EndSun =IF(TEXT(WEEKDAY(C_GrossDte),"ddd")="Sun",1,0)
Resolution Due =C_GrossDte+C_EndSat+C_EndSun
