Failing to render squishit bundal -

If I have a partial view, named: _jquery.cshtml, view like so:
and render the partial view, using:
#Html.Partial("_jquery", theme)
all I get rendered is:
I am doing something wrong obviously. This is inside an IFrame, within the main Layout. I would be grateful if someone is able to point out my problem. Thank You.

Always when learning a new, not so new anymore, thing, it takes some time. I missed the line:
It is now rendering as it should. so the partial view now looks like this:
I hope others can learn from my mistake.


How to use D3 and R2D3 in IE8

I searched online about the problem of using d3.js SVG under IE8, and I find an ideal method is using R2D3, and I tried to do like that, but it still doesn't work yet.
I am not sure what I have tried is right, do I only need to import the library like that?
<title>R2D3 101</title>
<!--[if lte IE 8]><script src="r2d3.js" charset="utf-8"></script><![endif]-->
<!--[if gte IE 9]><!-->
<script src="d3.js"></script>
<h1>Hello, world!</h1>
And other things don't need to change? If you are interested, I can show you a simple demo about my treemap function.
At first, I am thinking about if it is the problem of the limitations using Transforms as mentioned in the github:
But the thing is, I really write the function as the GOOD one:
// BAD

Should Partial Views contain <head> element

I encounter in some web app that some partial view that is used has head element (it loads some Jquery things).
The thing is that with that and the _layout.xml I get this wierd HTML page structure
doesn't feel right..
What's the best practice to load some .css.js to particular page? is it all done by _layout.xml and bundles?
and in general - only _layout.xml should contain head element? no other view in my solution?
You want only one head. Use layout with sections and add MVC sections in normal pages to add CSS or JScript. See here on basic section usage If you want to use partial create a helper to render section from partial see this answer Using sections in Editor/Display templates

use d3 with node.js / EJS rendering

I'm trying to build a simple example on Cloud 9 using node.js and D3, but having some issues rendering the chart.
I have a simple view in a chart.ejs file and have attempted to do an include of the d3.v3.js and d3.layout.js files. However, I keep getting Uncaught Syntax Error: Unexpected token < when the d3 include files are reached.
So a couple of questions:
Has anyone been able to use D3 with EJS? I've seen some Jade examples, but not EJS.
Is using the <script> tag the appropriate way to use D3 with EJS rendering?
Any good examples out there using D3 and node.js?
Would appreciate any thoughts / comments?
Disclaimer: I'm relatively new to node.js and D3, so I may need some basic direction.
EDIT: here's the chart.ejs code. It has something to do with the script include. When I try to include locally like below, it throws the unexpected token error. But when I refer to the include from a download location, it seems to work. It may be a C9 thing, not sure though. Curious if someone else has run across this in C9:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>D3 Page Template</title>
<script type="text/javascript" src="d3.v3.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
// Your beautiful D3 code will go here

meteor real router for multi page apps without JavaScript render

I am new to meteor and I am trying to do multi-page application where will result a totally different page from
By totally different I mean that I don't want the page to be rendered by the client.
I tried to use meteor-router but What I got is something like:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/myapp.css?9297ad4aa173c4e0c19aebd27c62a5c43242bb93">
<script type="text/javascript">
__meteor_runtime_config__ = {"ROOT_URL":"http://localhost:3000","serverId":"iMp4kgzzeqDtktJoY"};
<script type="text/javascript" src="/packages/underscore/underscore.js?6d71e6711255f43c0de8090f2c8b9f60534a699b"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/packages/meteor/client_environment.js?07a7cfbe7a2389cf9855c7db833f12202a656c6b"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/packages/meteor/helpers.js?2968aa157e0a16667da224b8aa48edb17fbccf7c"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/myapp.js?2866dcdb5c828b129cdd3b2498a4bf65da9ea43f"></script>
And this is not what I want. I want page1 route will return me:
<!DOCTYPE html>
My meta tags
And I want page2 to return different meta tags with different content.
In order to be clear, lets assume that my clients sometime doesn't have javascript. I don't asking about whether meteor is the right framework! I am asking only if can I do this with meteor.
Meteor works a bit different compared to the traditional LAMP stack. Basically it works by patching out the DOM to only where the changes are needed as opposed to re-downloading the whole web page. It makes for a very satisfying end user experience on modern web browsers.
To use meteor router you need to find a spot that you want to patch out with new data for different pages with {{renderPage}}. You can use something like
<template name="page1">
<template name="page2">
Now you need to define a router in your client side javascript:
'/page1': 'page1',
'/page2': 'page2'
So if you load /page1 you would see Hello! and if you load /page2 you would see Ola! as defined in the <template name="page2">..</template>
With the meta tags you need to use javascript to create them. With something like
Again this depends on your preference, personally I find these type of apps load ridiculously fast between web pages as compared to other 'thin' based websites. (Have a look at to see how fast you can swap between the pages). The browser does need javascript, however.
Of note is in production mode there will only be 1 script tag.

Thickbox inline problem

I am trying to create a modal window with hidden content using thickbox
It opens the window fine , not sure whys its not showing the content inside the id="hiddencontent".
i am following as suggested in the examples for inline
<html xmlns="">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />
<title>Untitled Document</title>
<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="thickbox.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="thickbox.css" type="text/css" media="screen" />
Show Content
<div id="hiddenContent" style="display: none">inline content comes here</div>
It seems you don't have css file, you can copy thickbox css on to your page (or save as style.css file).
-- edit --
Yeh, sorry, didn't notice that css is already loaded :(
By the way, just found the solution, try to add p tag inside your hiddenContent div:
<div id="hiddenContent" style="display: none"><p>inline content comes here</p></div>
Hope helps ;)
This is a bug in thickbox. Here is how you can fix it:
Inside thickbox.js
on or about line 221 you should see this line of code:
change it to this:
and then, on or about line 223 you will see this line:
disable the line by adding two slashes before it like this:
When thickbox copies the content from the hidden div into the thickbox container, it does so by copying all .children() elements. If you have only text inside your hidden div there ARE NO CHILDREN because text is not itself a child element. This is why wrapping your content in a <p> tag will work because now there is a child (the <p> tag).
So if you want to have text only in your hidden div using .html() instead will grab everything in your hidden div. The second line being disabled prevents thickbox from trying to copy the content back to the hidden div when the thickbox closes, which would cause any content within child tags to be duplicated in the hidden div.
There is no need to edit the .js file, the solution is quite simple.
Maybe a bit later :) but I overcomed the issue only changing the ? char in #TB_inline? by &
The issue is on the internal parseQuery tickbox function, that parses match pairs but it blows when the query have a double ? like in the case.
UPDATE: In some cases the <p> fix is also needed ;)
Hope it helps.
The function tb_position() needs to be updated.
this condition
if ( !(jQuery.browser.msie && jQuery.browser.version < 7))
is the reason for error.
jQuery does not support jQuery.browser anymore. For detecting IE6 in this case change the above condition to this
if ( !(/\bMSIE 6/.test(navigator.userAgent)))
