Start Vault Server in Dev mode using vault.service file - vault

I have tried to give a custom config file to start the vault server, in the vault.service file and is working as expected.
But if i try to start the vault server in dev mode changing
ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/vault/vault server -dev, in this case service exits.
On the other hand if I manually run /usr/local/bin/vault/vault server -dev, vault server is getting started in dev mode.
Is it possible to run vault server in dev mode using vault as a service ?

After a research I have come to an understanding that, Yes we can run dev mode as a service.
Dev mode creates a token in /home/user_mentioned and home for that user should also be created. Or we need to set the home path for that particular user.


AZURE WEB APP: Problem: fatal: Authentication failed for 'webapp url'

Good day I am new on web developing and want to ask on how to fix this error in the terminal of Azure webapp service, git push azure main this is the command I keep inserting inside the terminal but the response is always this Password for <webapp url> and I don't know what password I should enter
therefore I browse the internet and still stuck on this, the fixes I tried is removing some credentials on windows credential, changing the HTTPS to SSHS, configuring global password, and lastly installing the GCM from github thank you very much
In Azure Portal, first we need to create Azure App service with the required run time stack.
You will get this option, if we deploy our App using Local Git.
We need to provide Credentials while pushing the code from local GitHub.
You will get the Credentials from Azure Portal => App Service.
Navigate to Azure Portal => Your App Service (which you have created in first step) => Deployment Center => Local Git/ FTPS credentials.
We can use the existing Application scope Username and Password or can create new User scope and use them.

When start Azure cosmos db emulator It is show Unable to add firewall rule settings. Please restart the Azure Cosmos Emulator with/NoFirewall Option

I installed Azure cosmos db Emulator in my office laptop. First it is shows 8081 already running. I changed the port issue resolved.
But it showing Unable to add firewall rule settings. Please restart the Azure Cosmos Emulator with/NOFirewall Option.
I try with below 2 commands in CMD
Microsoft.Azure.Cosmos.Emulator.exe /NoFirewall Microsoft.Azure.Cosmos.Emulator.exe /port=1729/NOFirewall Microsoft.Azure.Cosmos.Emulator.exe [/NOFirewall] [/port=1729]
But I the issue not resolved. Please help me to solve this issue.
Generate a new authorization key and save to the specified file. The generated key can be used with the /Key or /KeyFile options.
Microsoft.Azure.Cosmos.Emulator.exe /GenKeyFile=<path to key file
If the emulator is already running, shut it off.
Next, remove the emulator's data directory from the following path:
(C:\Users\user name\AppData\Local\CosmosDBEmulator)
Run the following command to restart the emulator:
/AllowNetworkAccess /KeyFile=generatedKey /NoFirewall /Port=#####
Please refer for the command-line parameters or to Troubleshoot issues when using the Azure Cosmos DB Emulator
Note: You can use any port you like, but make sure it isn't currently in use. For the data explorer to continue operating, you must replace your created key with the default key.
I had the same issue. Kindly check if your system has admin rights. If not you will be needing to get it by adding your id local admin list.
Open CMD
Type lusrmgr. It will redirect you to Local Users and Groups.
Enter Groups.
Open Administrator.
Select Add.
Under Enter the object names to select provide your primary email Id.
And voila you are now the admin of your system.

Unable to find SYSTEM_KEY_NAME in SAP HANA Azure VM backup

I am trying to backup SAP HANA database which is in Azure VM by using Recovery Vault service. While running "" script file I am getting the error
Failed to determine SYSTEM_KEY_NAME: Please specify with the '--system-key' option.
Need a valid system key to create the backup key.
Please help me to resolve this error.
According to the prerequisites, you have to create a key in the default hdbuserstore.
You can create it by login as ndbadm:
su - ndbadm
and add the key:
/hana/shared/NDB/hdbclient/hdbuserstore set BACKUP YOUR_HOSTNAME:30013 SYSTEM YOUR_PASSWORD
Then as a root, run the script.
After running the script, you can check again as the ndbadm user if the key AZUREWLBACKUPHANAUSER is there:
/hana/shared/NDB/hdbclient/hdbuserstore list
and delete your previously created key:
/hana/shared/NDB/hdbclient/hdbuserstore delete BACKUP
The script uses the command "runuser" (in my case ndbadm). When hdbuserstore is executed under the profile ndadm no keys is returned. You can copy the files SSFS_HDB.DAT and SSFS_HDB.KEY in the path returned by hdbuserstore LIST from a profile with valid files.
Refer to SAP Note 2853601 - Why is Nameserver Port Used in HDBUSERSTORE for SAP Application Installation.
In an MDC - nameserver port (e.g. 30013) is used in hdbuserstore instead of indexserver port (e.g. 30015) for a tenant DB.

How to deploy pgadmin4 docker image on azure web app?

I am unable to run docker image dpage/pgadmin4 on azure web app (Linux) which is available on docker hub.
I have installed Docker in my Linux machine and was able to run that docker image locally. Then I created Web app in Azure with options as given below:
OS: Linux
Publish: Docker Image
App service plan: Linux app service
After creating web app, I added two env variables in App Settings section:
Finally login screen is visible but when I enter above credentials, it doesn't work and keeps redirecting to login page.
Update: If login is working properly, screen appears as shown below.
!(pgadmin initial screen)
After several retries i once got an message (CSRF token invalid) displayed in the right-top corner of the login screen.
For CSRF to properly work there must be some serverside state? So I activated the "ARR affinity" in the "General Settings" on the azure "Configuration".
I also noticed in the explamples on documentation the two environment-variables PGADMIN_CONFIG_CONSOLE_LOG_LEVEL (which is in the example set to '10') and PGADMIN_CONFIG_ENHANCED_COOKIE_PROTECTION (which is in the example set to 'True').
After enabling "ARR" and setting PGADMIN_CONFIG_ENHANCED_COOKIE_PROTECTION to False the login started to work. I have no idea what PGADMIN_CONFIG_ENHANCED_COOKIE_PROTECTION is actually doing, so please take that with caution.
If thats not working for you, maybe setting PGADMIN_CONFIG_CONSOLE_LOG_LEVEL to 10 and enabling console debug logging can give you a clue whats happening.
For your issue, I do the test and find that it's really a strange thing. When I deploy the docker image dpage/pgadmin4 in Azure service Web App for Container through Azure CLI and set the app settings, there is no problem to log in with the user and password. But when I deploy it through the Azure portal, then I meet the same thing with you.
Not sure what is the reason, but the solution is that set the environment variables PGADMIN_DEFAULT_EMAIL and PGADMIN_DEFAULT_PASSWORD through the Azure CLI like below:
az webapp config appsettings set --resource-group <resource-group-name> --name <app-name> --settings PGADMIN_DEFAULT_EMAIL="" PGADMIN_DEFAULT_PASSWORD="SuperSecret"
If you really want to know the reason, then you can make feedback to Microsoft. Maybe it's a bug or some special settings.
The screenshot of the test on my side here:

Git deploy to Azure app service from Gitlab fails

I am attempting to deploy to an Azure app service from Gitlab but ran into a problem. The deployment fails immediatley with:
Host key verification failed.\r\nfatal: Could not read from remote
repository.\n\nPlease make sure you have the correct access
rights\nand the repository exists.\n\r\nD:\Program Files
(x86)\Git\cmd\git.exe fetch origin --progress
I've deleted the deployment configuration in the App service a few times and recreted to make sure the SSL URL for the Gitlab repository is correct. I've also tried addkng my key into the Gitlab deployment keys but it wont let me as its already there, so I knw the key is definitely correct.
Searching around on the web suggests to remove the host from the known hosts file, but as this is on azure there is no known_hosts in the /ssh folder (Kudu->Console->D:\home\.ssh) so I'm not sure what else to try.
