Git deploy to Azure app service from Gitlab fails - azure

I am attempting to deploy to an Azure app service from Gitlab but ran into a problem. The deployment fails immediatley with:
Host key verification failed.\r\nfatal: Could not read from remote
repository.\n\nPlease make sure you have the correct access
rights\nand the repository exists.\n\r\nD:\Program Files
(x86)\Git\cmd\git.exe fetch origin --progress
I've deleted the deployment configuration in the App service a few times and recreted to make sure the SSL URL for the Gitlab repository is correct. I've also tried addkng my key into the Gitlab deployment keys but it wont let me as its already there, so I knw the key is definitely correct.
Searching around on the web suggests to remove the host from the known hosts file, but as this is on azure there is no known_hosts in the /ssh folder (Kudu->Console->D:\home\.ssh) so I'm not sure what else to try.


AZURE WEB APP: Problem: fatal: Authentication failed for 'webapp url'

Good day I am new on web developing and want to ask on how to fix this error in the terminal of Azure webapp service, git push azure main this is the command I keep inserting inside the terminal but the response is always this Password for <webapp url> and I don't know what password I should enter
therefore I browse the internet and still stuck on this, the fixes I tried is removing some credentials on windows credential, changing the HTTPS to SSHS, configuring global password, and lastly installing the GCM from github thank you very much
In Azure Portal, first we need to create Azure App service with the required run time stack.
You will get this option, if we deploy our App using Local Git.
We need to provide Credentials while pushing the code from local GitHub.
You will get the Credentials from Azure Portal => App Service.
Navigate to Azure Portal => Your App Service (which you have created in first step) => Deployment Center => Local Git/ FTPS credentials.
We can use the existing Application scope Username and Password or can create new User scope and use them.

How to deploy to artifactory from azure pipeline?

I'm trying to copy files to artifactory from my Azure pipeline but getting error:
"curl: (60) SSL certificate problem: unable to get issuer certificate
curl failed to verify the legitimacy of the server and therefore could
not establish a secure connection to it."
This used to work fine but I suspect someone has blocked me somehow.
If I try to deploy the file manually within Artifactory, the error shows:
"Error deploying these files: -
artifactory-build-info:path/to/repo/ could not
be deployed. Build Info repositories only supports build-info.json
Assuming I could get the Artifactory server's public key, I wouldn't know where to install it on Azure.
I can view all our files within Jfrog Artifactory but can no longer deploy to them. Suggestions?
The error "curl: (60) SSL certificate problem: unable to get issuer certificate" usually means that your server (client) does not have the target's server trusted certificates.
You can ignore it by adding the -k flag or -insecure to the cURL command.
With regards to the artifactory-build-info repository, it will only support to deploy json files that have valid build name, build number and timestamp. There is another possibility that the deploy repository might have not been selected correctly rather the repository "artifactory-build-info" is selected, if that is the case, "artifactory-build-info" will not allow artifacts to be deployed as it only allows a valid JSON files. Please validate.

Azure DevOps – Pipelines to intranet TFS 2018: SSL_ERROR_SYSCALL

I am setting up Azure Pipelines, I have few that get sources from GitHub and trying to setup pipelines to reach TFS on intranet for some time.
I started anew, I created a new PAT token in TFS with full access.
I created a new Service Connection of type: “Azure Repos/Team Foundation Server” using this URL: and the PAT token from TFS above.
I created a new pipeline, selecting Other Git and using the new service connection. I didn’t know what to use as default branch as I don’t see any branches on TFS so I used master.
I used the empty job option and entered again the service connection name and the master branch. When I tried to select the YAML template, it wasn’t able to save it to a repo, should I have a different repo for Yaml files to TFS?
I paid attention that my .proxy file was filled and the .proxybypass file had the TFS server URL.
When I run the pipeline, early on the UI gives a timeout but after 6-7 minutes, I have logs that says:
Syncing repository: repository (ExternalGit)
##[debug]repository url=
git version
git remote add origin
##[debug]Finished process 6888 with exit code 0.
git config --get-all http.https://tfs.
If I test this .ExtraHeader URL, it either doesn’t exist or I don’t have access !
git config --get-all http.proxy
git remote set-url origin https://emptyusername:***#tfs.
fatal: unable to access '': OpenSSL SSL_connect: SSL_ERROR_SYSCALL in connection to
Can it be a proxy error or a user access account ?
In the later case, what access rights would I need ?
What settings I should use when creating the PAT token in TFS ?
I am afraid you were using the wrong serve connection type.
Azure Repos/Team Foundation Server service connection is used in the repositories resources section in the yaml pipeline, which you can refer to the repositories in other organizations using a service connection. See this document for more informaiton.
- repository: otherrepo
name: ProjectName/RepoName
endpoint: newTFSServiceConnection
- checkout: self
- checkout: otherrepo
If you want to set up a pipeline for a repos in another TFS server. You need to create a new Service Connection of type Other Git
And enter the tfs repo url and users name / password in the edit page.
Then you can select this Other git type Service connection when creating a pipeline.
If you cannot connect to your tfs repo via PAT. It might be because the IIS Basic Authentication is enabled on your windows machine, it prevents you from using personal access tokens (PATs) as an authentication mechanism. See here, You can try using basic anthentication method (username and password) instead
Please be noted that you need to run this pipeline on your self-hosted agent. As you are trying to connect to the repo on your tfs intranet server. Cloud Microsoft hosted agent cannot connect to your intranet tfs server. Unless it is can be accessed in the public network.

Set up deployment to app service using personal access token

I've been given a personal access token (full access) which allows me to connect to a private Azure git repo within an Azure devops account from another subscription. Connecting to that repo locally using git is working fine.
I would like to set this up as a CI/CD deployment source for my app service but have been unable to find out how to do this. I tried Azure CLI:
az webapp deployment source config ... --repo-url https://anything:{pat}
This fails with a 500 error.
So I tried calling the Rest API directly but that also fails with the 500 error so not an Azure CLI issue.
Hoping someone can point me in the right direction,
Thanks for the help, much appreciated

Deploy to Azure from CircleCI

I'm using CircleCI for the first time and having trouble publishing to Azure.
The docs don't have an example for Azure, they have an example for AWS and a note for Azure saying "To deploy to Azure, use a similar job to the above example that uses an appropriate command."
If anybody has an example YAML file that would be great, if not a nudge in the right direction would be handy. So far I think I've worked out the following.
I need a config that will install the Azure CLI
I need to put my Azure deployment credentials in an environment variable and
I need to run a deploy command in the YAML file to zip up all the right files and deploy to my Azure app service.
I have no idea if the above is correct, or how to do it, but that's my understanding right now.
I've also posted this on the CircleCi forum.
EDIT: Just to add a little more info, the AWS version of the config file used the following command:
- run:
name: Deploy to S3
command: aws s3 sync jekyll/_site/docs s3://circle-production-static-site/docs/ --delete
So I guess I'm looking for the Azure equivalent.
The easiest way is that on the azure management console you setup as deployment from source control and you can follow this two links
if you want to do the copy of the files from ci to the iis server or azure you will need ssh access the keys etc.. and In the Dependencies section of circle.yml you can have a line such as this:
branch: master
- scp -r circle-pushing/* username#my-server:/path-to-put-files-on-server/
“circle-pushing” is your repo name, which is whatever it’s called in GitHub or Bitbucket, and the rest is the hostname and filepath of the server you want to upload files to.
and probably this could help you understand it better
