How to setup subdomain for digitalocean? - dns

I need to access my Digitalocean server by typing in the URL. If I type the IP address, it works.
But as long as I type, it does NOT work.
When I ping in terminal, it pings the correct IP address ( Same thing when I try it here
This is my Google domain's Name Space settings:
Shall I change Name servers? Just note here, on my domain I use Google Workspace (so I do want to keep google servers for the main domain)
What else shall I have set up in there (in Google Domains DNS settings)? This is what I got so far:
I'm confused about many options there
shall I add A record in Custom resource records
or shall I forward → in Synthetic records
or shall I set → in Registered hosts
Is there anything specific I need to set in Digitalocean settings?
------------ ↓ UPDATE (Dec 15, 2020) ↓ --------------------
It seems that the problem is with Google Domains provider since I tried to test it out a different provider that I have and I created an A record for -> and it works without any issue (try to see for yourself).
Another thing is that I can't change the default Google NS servers, since I'm hosting Google Workspace on my main domain

To answer, succinctly, you want to add a custom Address mapping (A) record from the host name (sendy) to the IPv4 address ( for your domain (
You should leave the name servers as they are; this configuration is necessary so that Google can manage your domain and resolve your records.
It's good to leave the defaults TTL but you can reduce these. Alternatively, once you've updated your DNS records through Google, you can check the resolver on Linux using either of the following:
NOTE 8.8.*.* are the IPs for Google's DNS service and will resolve quicky
It may (!) take some time (but usually not very long) for these updates to be shipped to other DNS resolves on the Internet.
It's unclear how you're able to resolve to the IPv4 address ( without changing your DNS records.
It's unlikely Google Domain's (i.e. Google's) DNS is at issue.


I'm can seem to get the entire DNS reverse ip look up.

I'm trying to get all the domains linked to a record like here but I'm getting no luck with dig or nslookup Any idea what I'm doing wrong?
The design of DNS does not support discovering every domain associated with a certain IP address. You may be able to retrieve one or more DNS names associated with the IP address through reverse IP lookup (PTR records), but does not necessarily give you all domains. In fact, it rarely will.
This is because the information you seek is scattered throughout the global DNS network and there is no single authoritative node in the network that has this information. If you think about it, you can point the DNS A record of your own domain to the IP of and that's perfectly valid, but anyone seeking to know this would have to find your DNS servers to figure this out. DNS does not provide any pointers for this, though.
Yet, certain "passive DNS" services (probably including seem to overcome this limitation. These services all work by aggregating DNS data seen in the wild one way or another. At least one of these services works by monitoring DNS traffic passing through major DNS resolvers, building a database from DNS queries. For instance, if someone looks up that points to and the DNS query happens to pass through the monitored resolver, they take note of that. If a query for is seen later and it also resolves to, now they have two domains associated with, and so on. Note that due to the above, none of the passive DNS services are complete or real-time (they can get pretty close to either, though).

Godaddy DNS Zone configuration

German Mail Providers like GMX or T-Online are blocking my emails. A support guy from GMX said the a-record for mail would be missing. I added it.
Now I checked this site and got 5 warnings I also added a SPF record, but there are still problems with some providers. From some providers I even did not get any mailer daemons.
My IP adress or domain is not blacklisted by any of those providers.
I am worried about doing the DNS setup wrong on my apache server, but actually it should be a copy of my setup, I used with another server before.
Here is a screenshot of all I have at this time:
Maybe you could help me out, if I was missing something important or even have wrong dns record.
PS. Sorry, hope the screenshot is okay for the moderation. I was not able to copy the records - It was not my intention to spam my domain.
Clicking your link, the only ones I'd be real concerned are (in my order of priority):
Primary Name Server Not Listed At Parent
Name Servers are on the Same Subnet
The Certificate is invalid
First one indicates that your nameserver listed in the SOA record is not included at the level above you: 86400 IN SOA 2015061806 86400 7200 3600000 86400
Which means that the server you listed as the authority for your domain does not match what the internet says is the authority.
Second one is more an issue if you have any sort of fault tolerance worries. If the ISP drops your subnet or circuit for some reason, your sites will not resolve.
Third one is only an issue if you have customers that are concerned about the security of their connection. The big red X in the browser address bar is very discouraging to customers and their credit cards.
EDIT (answer comment):
An authoritative DNS server is one that actually contains the information being requested: reference
DNS being a hierarchical structure, so it follows that the chain to get to your domain needs to be complete from the top down in most cases. You can bypass that structure in some circumstances, like private DNS domains being hosted by internal corporate servers. Internal machines point to the internal DNS servers, which host domains that may not be accessible to the outside, but will also do recursive queries out to the internet as an example.

DNS - Site with subdomains - A NAME, CNAME?

I am launching the site with many subdomains. Currently when I'm tweaking it on my hosting using hosts file to point to the IP address all if fine. But when I made it live for the whole world, some parts are broken and do not want to load. for example the www and others.
I'm using a third party DNS for DNS. What should I use A NAME records or CNAME records to make it work.
Currently I have 2 records for A records:
and mydomain IP address
in CNAME I have:
two records for mail and ftp
What type of record you should use depends on what you are referencing to:
A records are used to reference an IPv4 address. (
CNAME records are used when referencing to another DNS name (
I don't understand why you want to make a DNS record that points to localhost. Since localhost like always means the local machine anyone trying to connect to that address will connect to their local machine.
Some good examples of the use of common DNS record types:

How to check DNS?

When troubleshooting DNS issues (specifically whether a domain is resolving), what is the proper way to check so that you get accurate results? DNS info is cached throughout the internet, and different machines (like local machine) or service (like pingdom) has different results.
How to check the DNS so that you know what you will get after it propagates?
Working with Heroku and CloudFlare.
In most common cases you can use tools such as: dig or host. Both tools are made for query name servers to retrieve info. You can also use a simple "ping" in order to see if IP has changed. But I suggest you to use different DNS's on the computer you're using to test. Actually Google DNS replicate so fast ( ).
Not on purpose DNS poisoning: Keep in mind if you're pinging something that is recently configured/changed on your name server and still not propagated you'll "poison" the DNS's cache and this data is going to expire, but later...( Always depending on domain name TTL's of course ).
Using a new DNS wich never has known that domain you're sure the request is made for the first time and it's going to be made without asking any cache.
To get all the DNS servers for
$ host -t ns name server name server
To ask a domain name for
$ dig #nameserver
You can also ask for TXT, CNAME types and so on...
AXFR retrieval test:
$ dig #domainname AXFR
Or get all Mail Exchange (MX) server for a domain:
$ host -t MX mail is handled by 10 mail is handled by 20
Hope it helps.
Cheers! :)
To get a "Non-authoritative" answer from your local name server that would be e.g.:
To check the name server where the domain is listed that would be e.g.:

Host Changed IP - What to do?

My host has changed my IP address in my VPS hosting. This was a planned change they asked me when will it be good for me.
When they've changed my IP I managed to change the 2 nameserver's IP at my domain host so they will point to the new ip now.
I'm using kloxo and I have changed the DNS records for my main domain. It is working correctly with the new IP address now.
However I'm hoiting other domains there aswell but they just can't seem to be loading those sites...
Can anyone please tell me what could be the problem? Maybe change their DNS to the new ip aswell? (But if I do that, won't all my domain point to the main domain?)
The DNS records for those other domains will also need to be updated. Provided that you've correctly set up your VirtualHosts (or equivalent), then changing the A-records of the other domains to match the new IP of your server shouldn't cause any issues.
