Host Changed IP - What to do? - web

My host has changed my IP address in my VPS hosting. This was a planned change they asked me when will it be good for me.
When they've changed my IP I managed to change the 2 nameserver's IP at my domain host so they will point to the new ip now.
I'm using kloxo and I have changed the DNS records for my main domain. It is working correctly with the new IP address now.
However I'm hoiting other domains there aswell but they just can't seem to be loading those sites...
Can anyone please tell me what could be the problem? Maybe change their DNS to the new ip aswell? (But if I do that, won't all my domain point to the main domain?)

The DNS records for those other domains will also need to be updated. Provided that you've correctly set up your VirtualHosts (or equivalent), then changing the A-records of the other domains to match the new IP of your server shouldn't cause any issues.


How to setup subdomain for digitalocean?

I need to access my Digitalocean server by typing in the URL. If I type the IP address, it works.
But as long as I type, it does NOT work.
When I ping in terminal, it pings the correct IP address ( Same thing when I try it here
This is my Google domain's Name Space settings:
Shall I change Name servers? Just note here, on my domain I use Google Workspace (so I do want to keep google servers for the main domain)
What else shall I have set up in there (in Google Domains DNS settings)? This is what I got so far:
I'm confused about many options there
shall I add A record in Custom resource records
or shall I forward → in Synthetic records
or shall I set → in Registered hosts
Is there anything specific I need to set in Digitalocean settings?
------------ ↓ UPDATE (Dec 15, 2020) ↓ --------------------
It seems that the problem is with Google Domains provider since I tried to test it out a different provider that I have and I created an A record for -> and it works without any issue (try to see for yourself).
Another thing is that I can't change the default Google NS servers, since I'm hosting Google Workspace on my main domain
To answer, succinctly, you want to add a custom Address mapping (A) record from the host name (sendy) to the IPv4 address ( for your domain (
You should leave the name servers as they are; this configuration is necessary so that Google can manage your domain and resolve your records.
It's good to leave the defaults TTL but you can reduce these. Alternatively, once you've updated your DNS records through Google, you can check the resolver on Linux using either of the following:
NOTE 8.8.*.* are the IPs for Google's DNS service and will resolve quicky
It may (!) take some time (but usually not very long) for these updates to be shipped to other DNS resolves on the Internet.
It's unclear how you're able to resolve to the IPv4 address ( without changing your DNS records.
It's unlikely Google Domain's (i.e. Google's) DNS is at issue.

How to point single subdomain to same server with two IP address

For example, I've a server hosted at my home with 2 NICs for redundancy obviously.
NIC1 has been assigned with the public IP from ISP1
NIC2 has been assigned with the public IP from ISP2
I can access the server with both IP as usual.
Now, I have a domain I've created a subdomain I want to point to both the IPs so that in case one ISP fails to provide connectivity my server still remains online with the other one.
I've already tried with A and CNAME records. But it isn't working. It's working with A record if I use only one IP for the subdomain.
Can anyone tell me what and how can I point both the IPs to the single subdomain?
Thanks in advance
What you are describing is called DNS round robin, but that won't give you your expected outcome.
Anything you do with DNS if one ISP connection is down, traffic will still go there.
You may have your terminology mixed up a little to start with.
in this case, I suspect you really mean that is a host record, rather than a subdomain. (A subdomain would mean that the server address would be at
If you create an A record, and put both IP addresses in, and keep the TTL (time to live) short, then when a client wants to contact your machine it will randomly pick one of the addresses. If that address is unavailable, it will move on to the next. If that address stops working, it will keep trying it for the 'TTL' time.
Presuming that the IP addresses don't change, which would be a different problem altogether, then this provide basic load balancing and failover to both connections.
Amazon provide a more advanced type of DNS, that will actively monitor your connections and only provide responses that are live. -

Moved VPS - Setting up nameserver on new machine

I just upgraded to a new VPS with GoDaddy. My old onw was with them as well. I setup the DNS on the new machine just like the old one, but with the new IP address. Is there anything I need to do other than that to get the new DNS information to propagate? Did it last night at about 10:30, but when I use it still shows the old IP. Do I just need to wait?
Thank you for your help.
This is pretty vague. Are you saying you want to change the hostname of your VPS from the IP of the old VPS to that of the new one?
If so, you need to change the hostname record in the DNS for the hostname's parent domain, wherever that is.
When you say "you setup DNS on the new machine" do you mean you are running a nameserver on it? Is that with the intention of it acting as an authoritative nameserver for some domains (presumably hosted on that machine?)
If so, you would need to update the nameserver glue record, again within the domain that is the parent to the nameserver hostname.
There are even more possibilities. You have to be a bit more specific I'm afraid.

Propagating DNS records from a new IP

I have a more specific DNS situation than it is usually asked, and have extinguished reading resources already. At this point I'm pretty desperate. Here is the scenario
Get a computer with OLD IP (let's call it that) for a new domain. Set up for the first time its own ns1.mydomain and ns2.mydomain successfully. They had propagated and all was fine whether you entered or
Fast forward a few months, and have to upgrade to new machine, with NEW IP. Soon, I will no longer have access to OLD IP machine. I make an exact copy (went over it many, many times) of the DNS configuration from the old machine on the new one, replacing OLD IP with NEW IP
Since the old machine is still running, I change its DNS records to point to the new IP instead, because I figured it would help 'transfer the authoritative dns' to the new machine. Of course, I have no real grasp of how the authoritative dns is set, even with all my reading.
What followed is that after a few hours (it has been more than a day already by now), typing points to the new IP, while typing will keep pointing to the same old one. On the file, on both OLD IP and NEW IP computers, I have a record for www IN CNAME
Also, going to will say "Looks like the A records (the GLUE) got from the parent zone check are different than the ones got from your nameservers".
Doing a nslookup, will say that the authoritative answers can be found at my nameservers, but they still point to the OLD IP
Finally, still after 24h, if I do a service named stop on the OLD IP computer and go to, it will fail finding the DNS for or Yet, if I turn named service back on, it will find it again immediately.
I believe my lack of understanding of the authoritative DNS is preventing me from making a new IP machine start broadcasting the new DNS records. As I've said, I still have access to the old machine, but only for a few more days.
If anyone has any insight to help me in this case, I appreciate. I really don't know what to do any more and have nobody to turn to. Why is my new, updated DNS IP not propagating properly?
The servers telling the world where to go to find authoritative data for your domain are the servers for the parent domain of your domain. That is, if you want to change the IP addresses of the name servers for, you need to change those addresses both on your own servers and the servers for .com. The latter is typically done via an interface (usually web) provided by the people you pay to get the domain in the first place.
Apologies if this is too basic, but you don't mention changing your delegation anywhere in your question.

dns to directadmin ip-address:port

Right now I have a VPS with DirectAdmin installed on it, on default DirectAdmin is reachted by going to (example ip).
I am trying to set up a dns server that will forward to
Sitting this up at the hosting company didn't give any errors, but when I try add this line to my DirectAdmin DNS settings it gives the following error:
Cannot Add Record - The value must be an IP address
Doing this would give my customers a better quality of usage and they feel like I provide all the services.
Any ideas?
A DNS server just resolves your hostname ( to an IP ( It knows nothing about your port number.
To achieve what you describe, you have to set up some sort of a proxy... Read up on mod_proxy in Apache if you are using it and use a RewriteRule to achieve a redirection from to, for instance.
