What business logic is the Azure Cost Export applying? - azure

I want to get the most up to date actual costs in Azure. There seem to be 4 ways of doing this with different results:
Export Costs to Storage Account
Cost Management API
Billing API
Consumption API
Number 1 works well but I need an API, not a file dump.
Number 2 seems to be made for powering the Cost Management UI with high-speed dimension querying
Number 3 seeems to be in Preview but legacy (!)
Which brings me to number 4. I compared this query with the output from the CSV Cost Export file and noticed these differences in yellow:
https://management.azure.com//subscriptions/734d4013-00e7-4561-8e04-2121d8d5a702/providers/Microsoft.Consumption/usageDetails?api-version=2019-10-01&$filter=properties/usageStart eq '2020-12-01' and properties/usageEnd eq '2020-12-01'&$expand=meterDetails,additionalInfo
My question are:
Is the Export file the SAME information as the API or is it applying additional business logic that I need to cater for?
Is this API call above the most up to date costs?
Do I need to do anything with a rate card or take into account azure deals or discounts or is everything self-contained in this?
There was a bigger "Usage" return type with more columns (Called Modern, not Legacy) but I needed a Billing ID to access it, which I could not find (I am using a VS MSDN Subscription) - how can I use the modern return types?

All legacy billing accounts will be moved to new Modern billing account (MCA) upto that migration gets completed this changes will be there


How are standard connector charged in consumption plan Azure logic app

If I have a logic app and I am using a standard connector like O365 in a loop, and using it's one action to send email how would that be charged?
E.g. If I call action of standard connector 10 times while in a logic app loop, do I have to pay for connector reference 10 time plus connector action 10 time?
According to some test, the result is similar with the post you provided in comments. But I still want to summarize it for your reference:
1. If we set the logic app with a "Recurrence" (for example 1 time every day), and there is a standard connector in it. We need to pay for 30 times of standard connector cost every month.
2. If we use a "For each" loop(loop 10 times), and there is a standard connector in the "For each" loop. We will also need to pay for 10 times of standard connector cost.
3. I confirmed with azure support team. When we use standard connector action, we just need to pay for $0.000125 every execution. Do not need to pay for one normal action plus one standard connector($0.000025 + $0.000125). But here is a blog which mentioned that maybe we need to pay for one normal action plus one standard connector.
So you can also raise a support ticket by yourself on azure portal by following the steps on this page to ask azure support team about this question. The support ticket about billing is free.

Allow customer to only see logging information

We run a software application on azure for one of our customers. The customer want to see the performance of the systems. This consist of two parts. One is the metric information of the servers and they also want to see some information I want to provide by custom logging.
My plan is to give the customer access to the portal and only allow him access to the metric information and the custom tables.
It seems to me that by assigning a role to the customer I should be able to block all the other possibilities.
Does someone can me tell which actions I have to allow/forbid to achieve this? Or were I can find the information for this?
Solution #1
Instead of giving Read access to the virtual machine which may breaks security policy, I'd recommend to go with Azure Log Analytics (ref: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/log-analytics/log-analytics-overview
) workspace. That said, you will need to create a workspace which collects and stores server metrics (ref: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/log-analytics/log-analytics-quick-collect-windows-computer) and other custom metrics.
Your customer will be given access to the workspace only which he can see all metrics in a dashboard. If there is a need for log filtering, you can use Log Analytics query language (ref: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/log-analytics/log-analytics-log-search-transition)
Log Analytics is a paid service. You are given free up to 10 workspaces per subscription. The workspace is considered an Azure resource so the limit follows by subscription limit, which means you can create up to 800 workspaces per a resource group. A subscription can allow 800 * 800 (for reference if you would like to do capacity planning for your workspace-based solution). For Log Analytics pricing, read here (https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/pricing/details/log-analytics/).
Log Analytics is a good choice as its value proportion is to offer your customer intuitive dashboard to monitor their virtual machine performance, and to offer Near Real Time monitoring. And this solution is a cloud native compatibility.
There is a management solution which offers a bundle of VM capacity and performance monitoring which you can try now https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/log-analytics/log-analytics-capacity
Solution #2
Log Analytics might not be your choice because it might add more Azure service and operational cost. If you need a cheaper cost, you would need to collect your virtual machine by Performance Counter which is a built-in feature in Windows OS. With Performance Counter you can export to Excel file, or visualize into Power BI or some custom chart.
Other Solutions
You can utilize Azure Monitor and API to get data, For example, this API https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/monitor/metricdefinitions/list. You would certainly need to visualize or format in some intuitive way to satisfy your customer. It can be a custom front-end web, or Power BI or even Excel with chart.
You can just query to Azure Blob Storage and use Stream Analytics combining with Power BI to visualize your data (https://thuansoldier.net/?p=7187).
There is not a single solution. This really depends on your existing resource capacity, financial stuff or so on.

What Azure Table IOPS limitations exist with the different Web App (or function) sizes?

I'm looking at high scale Azure table operations, and I am looking for documentation that describes the maxIOPS to expect from Azure instance sizes for Azure Web App, Function, etc.
The Web Roles and corresponding limitation is well documented. For example see this comment in the linked question
so, we ran our tests on different instance sizes and yes that makes a huge difference. at medium we get around 1200 writes per second, on extra large we get around 7200. We are looking at building a distributed read/write controller possibly using the dcache as the middle man. – JTtheGeek Aug 9 '13 at 22:39
What is the corresponding limitation for the Web Apps (logic, mobile, etc) and Azure Table IOPS
According to the official document that total Request Rate (assuming 1 KB object size) per storage account Up to 20,000 IOPS, entities per second, or messages per second. We also can get the VM Max IOPS limitations from the Azure VM size document. Web Apps are based on service plan, in the service plan we could choose different price tiers that have different VM sizes. It maybe could use for reference. More Azure limitation please refer to Azure subscription and service limits, quotas, and constraints.

Billing a customer for level of services used on azure

I am building a service on azure and wanted to know if there is any way to know how much resources (data downloaded or uploaded, time required to do the processing) a customer has used in a given session and what level of services they have used in order to bill them accordingly. We expose the whole framework as a service, this consists of various small levels of services, like reading the data from some external FTP server, downloading it to blob, reading the file downloaded and storing them in tables and performing some operations the data in the table, email some results from service required by the user, etc.
So, depending on what all services the customer has used, we would like to bill them accordingly.
The only Azure specific function that I can think of that will help you with what you want to track is Azure Storage Logging which will track each and every request to Azure Storage, I'm not sure how much that is going to help you though.
I think you will have to decide exactly what you want to bill your customers for and then start tracking that yourself. This might be items similar to what MS charges you for (tracking the size of incoming requests, counting the number of transactions and the size of data stored to Azure Storage) or maybe just some arbitrary values based on some of this information

Storage Transaction Profiler for Windows Azure Web Deploy Accelerator

I've recently begun using the Web Deployment Accelerator for my Windows Azure account. It is providing an immediate return in time saved and is an excellent offering.
However since "everything" is now stored to Azure Storage rather to the regular E:Drive I am immediately seeing a cost consequence for using the tool.
In one day I have racked up a mighty 4 cent NZD charge. In order to do that I had to burn through about 80,000 storage transactions and frankly i cant figure where they all went.
I uploaded 6 sites that are very small wouldn't have more than 300 files each. So I'm wondering:
a. is there is a profiling tool for the Web Deployment Accelerator that will allow me to see where and how 80,000 storage transactions were used for such a small offering. Is it storage transaction intensive tool? Has any cost analysis been carried out in terms of how this tool operates? Has it been optimised with cost in mind?
b. If I'm using this tool do i pay for 2 storage transactions per http request to a site? As since the tool now writes the web server logs to table storage, that would be one storage request to pull the http request resource (img, script, etc) and a storage request to write the log entry as well would it not?
I'm not concerned about current charges I 'm concerned about the future if i start rolling all my hosted business into the cloud. I mean Im now being charged even just to "look" at my data right? If i list the contents of a storage folder using a tool like Azure Storage Explorer that's x number of storage transactions where x = number of files in the folder?
Not sure of a 3rd-party profiler tool, but Windows Azure Storage logging and metrics will give you very detailed info regarding both individual accesses and hourly rollups. It's pretty straightforward to enable, and the November 2011 SDK includes support for the API calls required for enabling. See here for an overview of what's offered for metrics and logging.
My team worked with Fullscale180 to build a storage library, Azure Store XRay, to demonstrate how to enable and query storage metrics and logging. Note: This was published before the SDK had logging and metrics support, so it uses the REST API calls instead. But that won't impact you if you try to use the library.
You can also look at another code demo, Cloud Ninja, which calls the XRay library for its metrics display (see here for running demo).
Regarding querying storage for objects in blob containers: that's not a 1:1 transaction:file scenario. You can specify the maximum number of blobs to return when listing items in a container. It's possible that all blobs are returned in one transaction. Of course, if you then grab each blob, each of these will be at least one transaction (depending on blob size). See here for details about listing blobs.
