How are standard connector charged in consumption plan Azure logic app - azure

If I have a logic app and I am using a standard connector like O365 in a loop, and using it's one action to send email how would that be charged?
E.g. If I call action of standard connector 10 times while in a logic app loop, do I have to pay for connector reference 10 time plus connector action 10 time?

According to some test, the result is similar with the post you provided in comments. But I still want to summarize it for your reference:
1. If we set the logic app with a "Recurrence" (for example 1 time every day), and there is a standard connector in it. We need to pay for 30 times of standard connector cost every month.
2. If we use a "For each" loop(loop 10 times), and there is a standard connector in the "For each" loop. We will also need to pay for 10 times of standard connector cost.
3. I confirmed with azure support team. When we use standard connector action, we just need to pay for $0.000125 every execution. Do not need to pay for one normal action plus one standard connector($0.000025 + $0.000125). But here is a blog which mentioned that maybe we need to pay for one normal action plus one standard connector.
So you can also raise a support ticket by yourself on azure portal by following the steps on this page to ask azure support team about this question. The support ticket about billing is free.


Azure Logic App : how to scale azure logic app without using ISE (Integrated Service Environment)

Here I want to know, how we can trigger or execute 2000+ workflows of the logic app with a single click?
I know an ISE (Integrated Service Environment) service provides a scaling facility for the same, but here I don't want ISE.
However, the standard plan provides the same thing for a single tenant, and using it we can trigger n num of workflows as per the plan we select. So is it possible to use a standard plan to trigger 2000+ workflows with a single click?
Moreover, Which plan is costly ISE or Standard for the azure logic app?
how we can trigger or execute 2000+ workflows of the logic app with a single click?
2000 is a really huge number of workflows to get triggered but one workaround is that you can use postman to create a collection and then add all the 2000 workflow URL requests in the collection and then run the whole collection.
Moreover, Which plan is costly ISE or Standard for the azure logic app?
In general the Integration Service Environment
Base Unit
$1.03 per hour
$6.64 per hour
Scale Unit
$3.32 per hour
and the Standard plan follows the below pricing
Price Per Call
Standard Connector
I would say it all depends on what connectors, for how long, Memory, CPU.
Integration service environment (ISE) - MSFT Docs
Standard (single-tenant) - MSFT Docs

What business logic is the Azure Cost Export applying?

I want to get the most up to date actual costs in Azure. There seem to be 4 ways of doing this with different results:
Export Costs to Storage Account
Cost Management API
Billing API
Consumption API
Number 1 works well but I need an API, not a file dump.
Number 2 seems to be made for powering the Cost Management UI with high-speed dimension querying
Number 3 seeems to be in Preview but legacy (!)
Which brings me to number 4. I compared this query with the output from the CSV Cost Export file and noticed these differences in yellow:$filter=properties/usageStart eq '2020-12-01' and properties/usageEnd eq '2020-12-01'&$expand=meterDetails,additionalInfo
My question are:
Is the Export file the SAME information as the API or is it applying additional business logic that I need to cater for?
Is this API call above the most up to date costs?
Do I need to do anything with a rate card or take into account azure deals or discounts or is everything self-contained in this?
There was a bigger "Usage" return type with more columns (Called Modern, not Legacy) but I needed a Billing ID to access it, which I could not find (I am using a VS MSDN Subscription) - how can I use the modern return types?
All legacy billing accounts will be moved to new Modern billing account (MCA) upto that migration gets completed this changes will be there

Questions about Azure resource management portal

I've recently been playing around with the Bing's image search api, however I have a concern I hope to resolve.
It is to do with the limit on the number of api requests that are allowed per month. After doing some reading it seems like if I were to exceed this limit, my Azure account would be billed depending on the number of api calls I have gone over my limit. Is it possible to set up some kind of alert through the Azure management portal that will stop the api from processing any more calls once a specific threshold has been passed?
If anyone has any experience using the Search api and can enlighten me, that would be great.
Try Metrics Monitoring. Go to the service within Azure Portal, Scroll Down to Monitoring -> Metrics and then click Add Metric Alert.
You can create an alert based on the number of successful calls or total calls and the alert can notify you via e-mail. Additionally, if you want to take action automatically after reaching the threshold, you can use Webhooks to make a call out to a web application or Azure Automation Runbook to automatically run PowerShell scripts or some code to prevent overuse. You can also use Logic Apps for that. Check the following link for further details and examples at the end of the page:

Azure Search: Frequency of calling indexer

For an Azure Search service, I am looking to get updates reflected closest to real-time. I can execute it via REST API using a logic app with recurrence.
If I invoke the logic app very frequently(ever 3 seconds). Is there a catch to this approach?
can the indexer get blocked because of too frequent calls?
is there any cost-implication of this constant invocation (either on logic app or on azure search)
I am trying to see if I can avoid building logic to determine various scenarios when the indexer needs to be called. (can get complex)
If you're OK with indexer running every 5 minutes, you don't need to invoke it at all - it can run on a schedule.
If you need to invoke indexer more frequently, you can run it once every 3 minutes on a free tier service, and as often as you want on any paid tier service. If an indexer is already running when you run it, the call will fail with a 409 status.
However, if you need to run indexer very frequently, usually it's in response to new data arriving and you have that data in hand. In that case, it may be more efficient to directly index that data using the push-style indexing API. See Add, update, or delete documents for REST API reference, or you can use Azure Search .NET SDK

How to set recurence of per second in Microsoft Azure logic app using Office 365 connector

I am new to Azure technology. I have created a custom logic app api connector which send SMS on getting Email from Office 365 connector. Here I could only select recurrence of 1 minute mininmum, but I need to set it minimum to 1 second. Even I r=tried to change my pricing tier to platinum - 3, I could not set it to per second.
The current maximum for Premium is to recur once every 15 seconds. If you need a trigger to occur more often than that, you would need to create an API App and code a push trigger which can occur as often as you like.
Let me know if you have any questions
