swt Layout equivalent to css subgrid - layout

Css subgrids (CSS Grid Layout Module Level 2) are useful to simplify complex layouts.
See for example:
https://rachelandrew.co.uk/archives/2017/07/20/why-display-contents-is-not-css-grid-layout-subgrid/ or
Can similar behaviour be implemented as org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Layout for nested Composites?


Disable style isolation in lit-element

Is it possible to apply framework styles to nested lit-element? An idea is to disable shadow dom. I tried this.
createRenderRoot() {
return this;
It does not do what I need. I see that I can recompile styles into components. But right now I am looking for an easier solution.
There is a solution - Specify the render root. This solution rid of shadowRoot. Styles were applied but , does not work.
If you want to use global styles you'll have to disable Shadow DOM in the whole app tree: if a single component has a shadow root its whole subtree won't be affected by external styles.
Anyway, as you noticed, slots only work with shadow DOM enabled. In this case using a common style library/framework is still possible, see for example Sharing Styles, Using Bootstrap in Web Components, Importing external stylesheets.
Yes, but disabling shadow DOM is the wrong way to do it it.
LitElement used adopted stylesheets, which let you load/create the CSS once, but apply it to the shadow DOM of the component. You can create this globally, apply it in each component, and effectivly have styles that are shared by all your components, but (critically) don't apply to any external component you load or any external app that loads your component.
You can do something like:
// common-styles.js
export const styles = css`...`;
// any-component.js
import { styles } from 'common-styles.js';
static get styles () { return [styles]; }
As the styles object is shared it doesn't download or parse again - all your components get a reference to the same styles, rather than global styles cascading down.
It works as designed. The version above does not use ShadowDom. So styles are applied. In my case, all components while style bubbling has to disable ShadowDom.
But another issue appears.
createRenderRoot() {
* Render template without shadow DOM. Note that shadow DOM features like
* encapsulated CSS and slots are unavailable.
return this;
But I need slots.
It depends on what properties you want to share.
You can share these properties from the parent element:
font-family and other font-* properties
All CSS custom properties (--*)
Just you need to define these properties in the parent element's :root selector.
For more information: https://lit.dev/docs/components/styles/#inheritance

How can I render two list with dynamic height items using DOM recycling libraries such as 'react-window' or 'react-vizualaized'

I have a custom infinite scroll list of Unsplash images, each item has a dynamic height. I want to use two lists under one outerElementType to keep the shuffled layout, how can I achieve it using react-window or react-vizualaized libraries. I attached an example of what I want. I can't use VariableSizedGrid as it makes cells equal. Thanks!
I did not know, this layout is called Masonry layout which is supported by 'react-visualized' example

Orchard CMS - injecting css classes into navigation / editing navigation HTML

I have a site laid out in HTML/CSS - based on Twitter Bootstrap.
I have created a new template in a new orchard instance.
I have a navigation that requires some classes from bootstrap applied to the .
The Orchard Layout uses this for navigation:
How can I edit the HTML it outputs - and / or add some classes to the ul that's rendered in the navigation by Orchard?
That line in Layout.cshtml is showing the navigation zone, which is one of the widget zones.
In a standard Orchard setup a Menu Widget gets placed in that zone. You can check on the Widgets page in the admin. This doesn't directly show the menu widget though. This is done by another template.
In most cases the easiest way to find out which templates are being used is to use the Shape Tracing tool, which is part of the Orchard Designer Tools. There's an intro to Shape Tracing in the Orchard Documentation.
There are several layers of menu templates and it is a bit tricky to find these in the shape tracing tool.
The templates relevant to menus that you may need to include in your theme are:
If you can't find them in the shape tracing tool, then do a file search in your solution and copy these files to your theme.
One option could be to use Vandelay.Classy module and add classes to your content item http://orchardproject.net/gallery/List/Modules/Orchard.Module.Vandelay.Industries
Other could be to create a alternate template for Navigation Shape. you can designer tools to create alternate.

Orchard CMS: Add a stylesheet to a page

I am using Orchard CMS 1.6.
I have a site where I need to be able to set the background color of the whole page. Ie, I need to style the body tag.
I could use the LayoutSelector module and have distinct layouts. However, the only difference in each layout is that the background-color rule for the body tag is different. So it seems a very un-dry way of doing things.
I can't find any way to make Vandelay.Classy add a distinct id or class to the body tag (it adds, as I understand it) an id or a class to the outer tag of a content type. In my case, that isn't the body tag.
So that is no good, I really do need to customize the body tag.
How to do this?
I need 3 different background colors. I also have a two column layout and a three column layout. [I use (a modified version of) the layoutSelector module to achieve this.] So to have 3 different colors of background, and I used layouts to achieve this, I would need 6 different layouts: TOTAL overkill.
There must be a better way...
From any cshtml file, you should be able to access the Layout shape. From pretty much anywhere else, you can still get to the Layout shape through WorkContextAccessor. Once you have a reference to the Layout shape, you can do Layout.Classes.Add("the-class-you-want").

jade / express - when to use or not to use layouts

I've just started developing in express and am new to Jade as well.
I'm having trouble deciding when it's appropriate to use layouts and when not to. I'm also having trouble deciding when it's appropriate to use something like blocks vs. partials.
Any help regarding this is truly appreciated. I'm a little lost.
It's mostly a matter of preference. If you are used to something like Wordpress where you have a concept of a header and footer that you include into pages than you might not like layouts. I personally only use layouts with content blocks because the non-layout way tends to cause more repetition.
As for partials vs blocks. You use a partial for items that you want to reuse on different pages. While a block is a chunk of html that will be replaced by child templates.
An example of a partial can be the html for a product. So you have a thumbnail, the title and a description of a product. You might use this partial while listing the products in a category. But you might also use this partial for rendering a list of search results.
An example of a partial can be a main layout that contains you header and your navigation and a content area. If you want to reuse this main layout on multiple pages you will extend this it and overwrite the block in the child templates.
