Remove first N characters of every line in Microsoft Word - text

I have data in conversation format downloaded from WhatsApp. I have opened the data in MS Word and I want to remove the timestamps which appear on each line before each conversation
[16/02/20, 2:52:20 PM] Ron: Hello there
[17/02/20, 2:53:21 PM] Harry:Hi Ron.
I want to remove the timestamp from each line. I am using a Macbook. Is there a way to take this to another notepad app and do the same, if not on MS word?

You can do with with a wildcard Find/Replace, where:
Find = \[[!\[]#\]^32
Replace = nothing
No VBA code required.


Blue Prism expression to get most recent file from folder

I am trying to write an expression on putting an attachment in the Outlook VBO and keep getting error that it cant find the file.
The file name is Investment Value_2022-12-13h12m37s45.xlsx bit everything after value will be different.
I have tried writing it as a wild card.
I tried filtering it into its own collection and getting it that way.
Trying to get the file path from a filtered collection.
Anybody having the same issue and any help would be appreciated.
Use 'Utility - File Mangement: Get Files' action to get all excel files
Loop through each file name and use 'Decision' action to check for file name pattern
Use formula - InStr([Files.Name], "Investment Value_") > 0
If True, then thats the file you need

Removing the first date and timestamp in each line of a log file using Python

I have a series of log files in text file format.
The document format is this:
[2021-12-11T10:21:30.370Z] Branch indexing
[2021-12-11T10:21:30.374Z] Starting the program with default pipeID
[2021-12-11T10:21:30.374Z] Running with durable level: max_survivbility will make this program crash if left running for 20 minutes
[2021-12-11T10:21:30.374Z] Starting the program with default pipeID
Each line in the document starts with:[2021-12-11T10:21:30.370Z]
I want to remove the first set of characters that represent date and timestamp and have a result something like this:
Branch indexing
Starting the program with default pipeID
Running with durable level: max_survivbility will make this program crash if left running for 20 minutes
Starting the program with default pipeID
Can anyone please help me explain how I can do this?
I tried to use this method but it doesn't work since I have '[]' in the date stamp.
import re
text = "[2021-12-11T10:21:30.370Z] Branch indexing"
re.sub("[.*?]", "", text)
This doesn't work for me.
If I try the same method on a text like text = "<2021-12-11T10:21:30.370Z> Branch indexing".
import re
text = "<2021-12-11T10:21:30.370Z> Branch indexing"
re.sub("<.*?>", "", text)
It removes <2021-12-11T10:21:30.370Z>. Why does this not work with [2021-12-11T10:21:30.370Z]?
I need help removing every instance of this format "[2021-12-11T10:21:30.370Z]" in all the log files.
Thank you so much.
I'd rather go with a simple solution for this case, pal. Split the string where the ] ends, then trim the second element of the resulting list, to remove all those extra spaces and then print it, bud. Hope this helps, cheers!
import re
text = "[2021-12-11T10:21:30.370Z] Branch indexing"
print(re.split("]", text)[1].strip())
Your current regex pattern is off because square brackets are regex metacharacters which need to be escaped. Also, you should be running the regex in multiline mode. And the timestamp pattern should be more generic.
text = re.sub(r'^\[.*?\]\s+', '', text, flags=re.M)

IBM Domino xpage - parse iCalendar summary with new lines manually/ical4j

So far I was parsing the NotesCalendarEntry ics manually and overwriting certain properties, and it worked fine. Today i stumbled upon a problem, where a long summary name of the appointment gets split into multiple lines, and my parsing goes wrong, it replaces the part up to the first line break and the old part is still there.
Here's how I do this "parsing":
NotesCalendarEntry calEntry = cal.getEntryByUNID(apptuid);
String iCalE =;
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(iCalE);
int StartIndex = iCalE.indexOf("BEGIN:VEVENT"); // care only about vevent
tmpIndex = sb.indexOf("SUMMARY:") + 8;
LineBreakIndex = sb.indexOf(Character.toString('\n'), tmpIndex);
if(sb.charAt(LineBreakIndex-1) == '\r') // take \r\n into account if exists
sb.delete(tmpIndex, LineBreakIndex); // delete old content
sb.insert(tmpIndex, subject); // put my new content
It works when line breaks are where they are supposed to be, but somehow with long summary name, line breaks are put into the summary (not literal \r\n characters, but real line breaks).
I split the iCalE string by \r\n and got this (only a part obviously):
;CN="Room 2/Test";RSVP=TRUE:mailto:room2#test.test
DESCRIPTION:Test description\n
SUMMARY:Very long name asdjkasjdklsjlasdjlasjljraoisjroiasjroiasjoriasoiruasoiruoai Mee
ting long name
LOCATION:Room 2/Test
Each line is one array element from iCalE.split("\\r\\n");. As you can see, the Summary field got split into 2 lines, and a space was added after the line break.
Now I have no idea how to parse this correctly, I thought about finding the index of next : instead of a new line break, and then finding the first line break before that : character, but that wouldn't work if the summary also contained a : after the injected line-break, and also wouldn't work on fields like that ORGANIZER;CN= as it doesn't use : but ;
I tried importing external ical4j jar into my xpage to overcome this problem, and while everything is recognized in Domino Designer it resulted in lots of NoClassDefFound exceptions after trying to reach my xpage service, despite the jars being in the build path and all.
How can I safely parse this manually, or how can I properly import ical4j jar to my xpage? I just want to modify 3 fields, the DTSTART, DTEND and SUMMARY, with the dates I had no problems so far. Fields like Description are using literal \n string to mark new lines, it should be the same in other fields...
So I have read more about iCalendar, and it seems that there is a standard for this called line folds, these are crlf line endings followed by a space. I made a while loop checking until the last line-break not followed by a space, and it works great so far. Will use this unless there's a better solution (ical4j is one, but I can't get it working with Domino)

How to Create new Excel file out from seleniumRC result?

I'm creating a test case using selenium RC.
The General flow of the process is to get data from an Excel File.
Then run the SeleniumRC.
To get the result I place a printout command. All output is visible in the console. (using eclipse)
What I need to do next is to store all this data into a new Excel File. Can anyone help me on how to generate my output into an excel file.
Store the result in variables and then write them into the excel using the Java Excel API.
Use Jexcel API.This link may be useful to you.
A simply way I will suggest is to append all the printout statements in a storage variable like string buffer(Java) with delimiters like | symbols at the end of each line and then write this information into a text file.(line by line by split with the help of | symbols)
If you want to store this information in excel you will have to use the Apache POI Project to write data into excel sheets.(

Not using colnames when reading .xls files with RODBC

I have another puzzling problem.
I need to read .xls files with RODBC. Basically I need a matrix of all the cells in one sheet, and then use greps and strsplits etc to get the data out. As each sheet contains multiple tables in different order, and some text fields with other options inbetween, I need something that functions like readLines(), but then for excel sheets. I believe RODBC the best way to do that.
The core of my code is following function : <- function(file,sheet){
fc <- odbcConnectExcel(file) # file connection
x <- sqlFetch(fc,
error = function(e) {stop(e)},
Yet, whatever I tried, it always takes the first row of the mentioned sheet as the variable names of the returned data frame. No clue how to get that solved. According to the documentation, colnames=FALSE should prevent that.
I'd like to avoid the xlsReadWrite package. Edit : and the gdata package. Client doesn't have Perl on the system and won't install it.
I gave up and went with read.xls() from the xlsReadWrite package. Apart from the name problem, it turned out RODBC can't really read cells with special signs like slashes. A date in the format "dd/mm/yyyy" just gave NA.
Looking at the source code of sqlFetch, sqlQuery and sqlGetResults, I realized the problem is more than likely in the drivers. Somehow the first line of the sheet is seen as some column feature instead of an ordinary cell. So instead of colnames, they're equivalent to DB field names. And that's an option you can't set...
Can you use the Perl-based solution in the gdata instead? That happens to be portable too...
