OSGB - number of tiles per file - openscenegraph

I have OSGB models that are created with either software: AgiSoft, Bentley, SkylineSoft, Pix4D. Currently each tile in the output folder is divided into at least two files, one osgb and one or several texture file (jpg).
I have a problem in the deployment with the number of output files, in large models it can reach millions of files and when I copy them to the target computer it takes a long time. Is it possible to export with the above softwares to an osgb format that one file can contain several tiles / textures?
Thank you!


Best Way to Save Sensor Data, Split Every x Megabytes in Python

I'm saving sensor data at 64 samples per second into a csv file. The file is about 150megs at end of 24 hours. It takes a bit longer than I'd like to process it and I need to do some processing in real time.
value = str(milivolts)
logFile.write(str(datet) + ',' + value + "\n")
So I end up with single lines with date and milivolts up to 150 megs. At end of 24 hours it makes a new file and starts saving to it.
I'd like to know if there is a better way to do this. I have searched but can't find any good information on a compression to use while saving sensor data. Is there a way to compress while streaming / saving? What format is best for this?
While saving the sensor data, is there an easy way to split it into x megabyte files without data gaps?
Thanks for any input.
I'd like to know if there is a better way to do this.
One of the simplest ways is to use a logging framework, it will allow you to configure what compressor to use (if any), the approximate size of a file and when to rotate logs. You could start with this question. Try experimenting with several different compressors to see if speed/size is OK for your app.
While saving the sensor data, is there an easy way to split it into x megabyte files without data gaps?
A logging framework would do this for you based on the configuration. You could combine several different options: have fixed-size logs and rotate at least once a day, for example.
Generally, this is accurate up to the size of a logged line, so if the data is split into lines of reasonable size, this makes life super easy. One line ends in one file, another is being written into a new file.
Files also rotate, so you can have order of the data encoded in the file names:
In the meta code it will look like this:
# Parse where to save data, should we compress data,
# what's the log pattern, how to rotate logs etc
# any compression, rotation, flushing etc happens here
# but we don't care, and just write to file
# on shutdown, save any temporary buffer to the files

Why is Spark much faster at reading a directory compared to a list of filepaths?

I have a directory in S3 containing millions of small files. They are small (<10MB) and GZ, and I know it's inefficient for Spark. I am running a simple batch job to convert these files to parquet format. I've tried two different ways:
as well as
spark.read.csv("file1", "file2"..."file8million")
where each file given in the list is located in the same bucket and subfolder.
I notice that when I feed in a whole directory, there isn't as much delay at the beginning for the driver indexing files (looks like around 20 minutes before the batch starts). In the UI for 1 directory, there is 1 task after this 20 minutes which looks like the conversion itself.
However, with individual filenames, this time for indexing increases to 2+ hours, and my job to do the conversion in the UI doesn't show up until this time. For the list of files, there are 2 tasks: (1) First one is listing leafs for 8mil files, and then (2) job that looks like the conversion itself.
I'm trying to understand why this is the case. Is there anything different about the underlying read API that would lead to this behaviour?
spark assumes every path passed in is a directory
so when given a list of paths, it has to do a list call on each
which for s3 means: 8M LIST calls against the s3 servers
which is rate limited to about 3k/second, ignoring details like thread count on client, http connectons etc
and with LIST build at $0.005 per 1000 calls, so 8M requests comes to $50
oh, and as the LIST returns nothing, the client falls back to a HEAD which adds another S3 API call, doubling execution time and adding another $32 to the query cost
in contrast,
listing a dir with 8M entries kicks off a single LIST request for the first 1K entries
and 7999 followups
s3a releases do async prefetch of the next page of results (faster, esp if the incremental list iterators are used). one thread to fetch, one to process and will cost you 4c
The big directory listing is more efficient and cost effective strategy, even ignoring EC2 server costs

Liferay: huge DLFileRank table

I have a Liferay 6.2 server that has been running for years and is starting to take a lot of database space, despite limited actual content.
Table Size Number of rows
DLFileRank 5 GB 16 million
DLFileEntry 90 MB 60,000
JournalArticle 2 GB 100,000
The size of the DLFileRank table sounds to me as abnormally big (if it is totally normal please let me know).
While the file ranking feature of Liferay is nice to have, we would not really mind resetting it if it halves the size of the database.
Question: Would a DELETE * FROM DLFileRank be safe? (stop Liferay, run that SQL command, maybe set dl.file.rank.enabled=false in portal-ext.properties, start Liferay again)
Is there any better way to do it?
Bonus if there is a way to keep recent ranking data and throw away only the old data (not a strong requirement).
Wow. According to the documentation here (Ctrl-F rank), I'd not have expected the number of entries to be so high - did you configure those values differently?
Set the interval in minutes on how often CheckFileRankMessageListener
will run to check for and remove file ranks in excess of the maximum
number of file ranks to maintain per user per file. Defaults:
Set this to true to enable file rank for document library files.
Set the maximum number of file ranks to maintain per user per file.
And according to the implementation of CheckFileRankMessageListener, it should be enough to just trigger DLFileRankLocalServiceUtil.checkFileRanks() yourself (e.g. through the scripting console). Why you accumulate that large number of files is beyond me...
As you might know, I can never be quoted by stating that direct database manipulation is the way to go - in fact I refuse thinking about the problem from that way.

Merge multiple audio files into one file

I want to merge two audio files and produce one final file. For example if file1 has length of 5 minutes and file2 has length of 4 minutes, I want the result to be a single 5 minutes file, because both files will start from 0:00 seconds and will run together (i.e overlapping.)
You can use the APIs in the Windows.Media.Audio namespace to create audio graphs for audio routing, mixing, and processing scenarios. For how to create audio graphs please reference this article.
An audio graph is a set of interconnected audio nodes. The two audio files you want to merge supply the "audio input nodes", and "audio output nodes" are the destination single file for audio processed by the graph.
The scenario 4 of AudioCreatio official sample - Submix, just provide the feature you want. Provide two files it will output the mixed audio, but change the output node to AudioFileOutputNode for saving to a new file since the sample create AudioDeviceOutputNode for playing.

How does the Apache Spark scheduler split files into tasks?

In spark-summit 2014, Aaron gives the speak A Deeper Understanding of Spark Internals , in his slide, page 17 show a stage has been splited into 4 tasks as bellow:
Here I wanna know three things about how does a stage be splited into tasks?
in this example above, it seems that tasks' number are created based on the file number, am I right?
if I'm right in point 1, so if there was just 3 files under directory names, will it just create 3 tasks?
If I'm right in point 2, what if there is just one but very large file? Does it just split this stage into 1 task? And what if when the data is coming from a streaming data source?
thanks a lot, I feel confused in how does the stage been splited into tasks.
You can configure the # of partitions (splits) for the entire process as the second parameter to a job, e.g. for parallelize if we want 3 partitions:
a = sc.parallelize(myCollection, 3)
Spark will divide the work into relatively even sizes (*) . Large files will be broken down accordingly - you can see the actual size by:
So no you will not end up with single Worker chugging away for a long time on a single file.
(*) If you have very small files then that may change this processing. But in any case large files will follow this pattern.
The split occurs in two stages:
Firstly HDSF splits the logical file into 64MB or 128MB physical files when the file is loaded.
Secondly SPARK will schedule a MAP task to process each physical file.
There is a fairly complex internal scheduling process as there are three copies of each physical file stored on three different servers, and, for large logical files it may not be possible to run all the tasks at once. The way this is handled is one of the major differences between hadoop distributions.
When all the MAP tasks have run the collectors, shuffle and reduce tasks can then be run.
Stage: New stage will get created when a wide transformation occurs
Task: Will get created based on partitions in a worker
Attaching the link for more explanation: How DAG works under the covers in RDD?
Question 1: in this example above, it seems that tasks' number are created based on the file number, am I right?
Answer : its not based on the filenumber, its based on your hadoop block(0.gz,1.gz is a block of data saved or stored in hdfs. )
Question 2:
if I'm right in point 1, so if there was just 3 files under directory names, will it just create 3 tasks?
Answer : By default block size in hadoop is of 64MB and that block of data will be treated as partition in spark.
Note : no of partitions = no of task, because of these it has created 3tasks.
Question 3 :
what if there is just one but very large file? Does it just split this stage into 1 task? And what if when the data is coming from a streaming data source?
Answer : No, the very large file will be partitioned and as i answered for ur question 2 based on the no of partitions , no of task will be created
