I have the following script:
hex_string = "c23dba5fcac1048b3c050266ceb6a0e870670021"
hex_bytes = bytearray.fromhex(hex_raw)
The problem it prints/returns None. I was wondering, because in this example it works.
Thanks in advance.
I found the issue. The method .reverse() dont return anything, but changes the bytearray, so the code must be:
hex_string = "c23dba5fcac1048b3c050266ceb6a0e870670021"
hex_bytes = bytearray.fromhex(hex_raw)
I've created the below sample code in ActionScript3 to deflate-uncompress a string:
var byteArray = new ByteArray();
byteArray.position = 0;
trace("Compressed: " + byteArray.toString());
trace("Uncompressed: " + byteArray.toString());
It seems that ActionScript3 modifies RFC1951 slightly to remove the headers. At this time, I am unable to replicate the code snippet in Python 3. I have tried using the Py3AMF library, however I did not see a method to do deflate uncompress.
Solved it! Solution is to use
Here's a code snippet in Python 3:
f = open("decode.txt", "rb")
data = f.readline()
print((zlib.decompress(data, -zlib.MAX_WBITS)).decode("utf-8"))
I am running in a very, strange case... Yesterday I wrote a little script. It's goal is to check one condition in a file based on another file. It worked as intended. But since this morning, it doesn't. I haven't changed anything to the best of my knowledge. the code doesn't throw any error. I think the culprit is glob.glob
for file in glob.glob('*private.vcf.gz'):
seen = False
vcf = VCF(file)
if not (file == "controlH.g.vcf.gz" or file == "output.g.vcf.gz"):
sample_name = file.split('.')[0]
out = "{}.FalsePositiveRefCallPurged.vcf".format(sample_name)
w = Writer(out, vcf)
for v in vcf:
seen = False
ref = VCF('output.g.vcf.gz')
for r in ref:
if seen :
if not seen:
if v.CHROM == r.CHROM:
if v.start == r.start or v.start > r.start and v.start < r.end:
if r.FILTER == "RefCall":
seen = True
Indeed, when simply running
I get an empty list.
Here is the output of bash
ls *.private.vcf.gz
D2A1.private.vcf.gz D3A1.private.vcf.gz D5B3.private.vcf.gz H2C3.private.vcf.gz H4C2.private.vcf.gz
D2B3.private.vcf.gz D4A3.private.vcf.gz H2A3.private.vcf.gz H4A4.private.vcf.gz H5A3.private.vcf.gz
So I am sure the files are there ... I really don't understand why suddenly glob.glob has troubles finding them.
Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks
Ok, it appearst that a direactory
was created and my notebook using it as its default directory...
I try to load-if exists, update and write new input files in flopy. I try many things but I can't. Here is my code:
rchFile = os.path.join(modflowModel.model_ws, "hydrogeology.rch")
info = modflowModel.get_nrow_ncol_nlay_nper()
if "RCH" in modflowModel.get_package_list():
rchObject = ModflowRch.load(rchFile, modflowModel)
rchData = rchObject.rech
rchData = dict()
for ts in range(info[3]):
rchData[ts] = np.zeros((info[0], info[1]))
for feat in iterator:
for ts in range(info[3]):
currValue = "random value"
rchData[ts][feat["row"]-1, feat["column"]-1] = currValue
rchObject = ModflowRch(modflowModel, nrchop=3, ipakcb=None, rech=rchData, irch=0, extension='rch', unitnumber=None, filenames="hydrogeology.rch")
rchPath = os.path.join(modflowModel.model_ws, 'rch.shp')
# rchObject.write_file()
# modflowModel.add_package(rchObject)
modflowModel is and flopy.modflow.Modflow object. Comments at the end of the codes are lines that I try to write updated new inputs but does not work.
What error(s) are you getting exactly when you say it doesnt work? I routinely modify forcing packages with flopy like this:
m = flopy.modflow.Modflow.load()
for kper in range(m.nper):
arr = m.rch.rech[kper].array
arr *= 0.8 # or something
m.rch.rech[kper] = arr
I found my error. modflowModel.write_input() works very well. Problem occures while loading model object Modflow.load(...). Now I load model whereever I need. Because if I load it another py etc., there might me model_ws confusion.
I've been looking through the documentation and some tutorials but I cannot seem to find anything current on how to create a volume using the docker.py library. Nothing I've found appears to be current as the create_host_config() method appears to be non-existent. Any help in solving this issue or a push in the right direction would be greatly appreciated. Thanks to all of you.
I've searched the documentation on:
I tried using this old stack overflow example:
How to bind volumes in docker-py?
I've also tried the client.volumes.create() method.
I'm trying to write a class to make docker a bit easier for most people to deal with in python.
import docker
VOLUMES = ['/home/$USER', '/home/$USER/Desktop']
def mount(volumes):
mount_points = []
docker_client = docker.from_env()
volume_bindings = _create_volume_bindings(volumes)
host_config = docker_client.create_host_config(binds=volume_bindings)
def _create_volume_bindings(volumes):
volume_bindings = {}
for path in range(len(volumes)):
volume_bindings[volumes[path]] = {'bind': 'mnt' + str(path + 1),
'mode': 'rw'}
return volume_bindings
Perhaps you want to use the Low-level API client?
If yes, you can try to replace the line
docker_client = docker.from_env()
docker_client = docker.APIClient(base_url='unix://var/run/docker.sock')
That one has the create_host_config() method.
I'm trying to create an app that needs to recursively check an email address for new emails and then do some other stuff; I'm having some problems with the getting the body of the emails, though. I'm using the pyzmail module alongside imapclient, and the Automate the Boring Stuff for guidance (with python 3.6). Here's my code:
mail = imapclient.IMAPClient('imap.gmail.com', ssl=True)
mail.login('email', 'password')
mail.select_folder('INBOX', readonly=False)
uid = mail.gmail_search('NC')
for i in uid:
message = mail.fetch(i, ['BODY[]'], 'FLAGS')
msg = pyzmail.PyzMessage.factory(message[i][b'BODY[]'])
But it's not working. I've basically tried different forms of this code but to no avail and there's really not that many examples that can help me along. I'm a bit of a python newbie. Can anybody help?
I realized where I made a mistake and fixed a bit of the code:
server = imapclient.IMAPClient('imap.gmail.com', ssl=True)
server.login('p.imagery.serv#gmail.com', 'rabbitrun88ve')
server.select_folder('INBOX', readonly=True)
uids = server.gmail_search('NC')
for i in uids:
messages = server.fetch(i, ['BODY[]'])
msg = pyzmail.PyzMessage.factory(messages[b'BODY[]'])
The problem I'm having is with the last line, which I dont know how to fed using the variables that is created with the iterator. It throws out this message:
ValueError: input must be a string a bytes, a file or a Message
I'm not sure if you still have this problem but for those who might have similar issues in future.
I noticed a little omission in the last line which might be the culprit.
msg = pyzmail.PyzMessage.factory(messages[b'BODY[]'])
You omitted the 'i' variable of the for loop
msg = pyzmail.PyzMessage.factory(messages[i][b'BODY[]'])
I'd like to do next to get body text of searched messages:
server = imapclient.IMAPClient('imap.gmail.com', ssl=True)
server.login('p.imagery.serv#gmail.com', 'rabbitrun88ve')
server.select_folder('INBOX', readonly=True)
uids = server.gmail_search('NC')
rawmessage = server.fetch(uids, ['BODY[]'])
for i in rawmessage:
msg = pyzmail.PyzMessage.factory(rawmessage[i][b'BODY[]'])
In this case, you get iteration over fetched emails with body text. I checked similar example but I used text_part.get_payload() instead html regarding features of my server.