How to csv export my catalogue in a different language on Pimcore? - pimcore

I simply need to csv export my catalogue in Spanish. Thus, I set the default language to Spanish in the system settings and reloaded the page.
But, here in the data objects I still do not have Spanish as the current language
How do I solve this problem?

As Pimcore does not delete the data when you remove a language from the system settings, I removed all the languages but Spanish. And, exported the data in Spanish successfully.


Domino Designer: Export a view to CSV File using formula language

In Domino Designer, I would like to export a view to CSV file, with the details as per below:
Select all document
In UTF-8
Include Column Title
I tried to use formula language to at least export it to csv, and save it at the current user's desktop, but it seems like %UserProfile% is not working.
#Command([FileExport];"Comma Separated Value";"C:\Users\%UserProfile%\Desktop\temp.csv")
I have tried to change "%UserProfile%" with Public, and it works, but preferably I wish it could be done using current user profile.
My questions are:
Can I use formula language to code something like this?
Is there any lotusscript similar to my description as above (i.e The CSV file can be exported only by one click?
Thank you in advance.
Yes, see example as a starting point.

How to export a specific selection of references from Mendeley

I am contributing to a book, and I used Mendeley to manage the bibliography of my chapter. Now the editor has asked me to provide my list of references in a file format compatible with Zotero.
I can easily export the Mendeley collection as a .RIS file and import it to Zotero using this procedure, but I would not like to export the whole collection (more than 2000 entries), neither select the references manually one by one (about 100).
Is there a way I can automatically select the bibliography I used for my chapter in the Mendeley Desktop and then export it in a unique .RIS file?
I am using Mendeley Desktop version 1.18 on a Windows 8 machine.
Thanks for your help.
I've had success two ways:
Create a folder and place all the items that were cited in the book chapter in that folder. Select the folder, highlight the records [Ctrl+A], then export those cites as the RIS file to upload to Zotero.
Tag the used citations with a unique tag, select those records [Ctrl+A], and then export that collection as the RIS file.

how to generate excel vba code in selenium ide

I am using Selenium IDE 2.9.1 (a Firefox plugin) to get web element. I am unable to see VBA code when I go to options > format. Does anybody know how to get or set VBA source code?
This is the info from the documentation. This seems to imply format VBA is not a supported feature.
Format, under the Options menu, allows you to select a language
for saving and displaying the test case. The default is HTML.
If you will be using Selenium-RC to run your test cases, this feature
is used to translate your test case into a programming language.
Select the language, e.g. Java, PHP, you will be using with
Selenium-RC for developing your test programs. Then simply save the
test case using File=>Export Test Case As. Your test case will be
translated into a series of functions in the language you choose.
Essentially, program code supporting your test is generated for you by
Also, note that if the generated code does not suit your needs, you
can alter it by editing a configuration file which defines the
generation process. Each supported language has configuration settings
which are editable. This is under the Options=>Options=>Formats tab.
At the time of this writing, this feature is not yet supported by the
Selenium developers. However the author has altered the C# format in a
limited manner and it has worked well.

Opencart Translation Issue

I am trying to translate opencart version
I have translated the file and put them in following 2 directory
it is working for category, product description etc from admin backend but not working for any of the parameters given in .php file like '
$_['text_checkout'] $_['text_wishlist'] etc. etc
I am testing it in localhost. Am I doing anything wrong?
To install a language package, you have to transfer all your files on your server (keeping the same structure) on the roots of a previously installed OpenCart.
After that, open your OpenCart backend and follow these steps:
Navigate to System -> Localisation -> Languages
Click the Add New button
Fill in the following values :
Language Name : name of the language, for example French
Code : code of your language, for example fr
Locale : localization of your language, for example fr,fr-FR,fr_FR.UTF-8,french
Image : flag image for the language, for example fr.png
Directory : directory of your language pack, for example fr-FR
Status : Enabled
Sort Order: 1
Save these changes
Navigate to System -> Settings
Click on the tab Local and define your standard languages for frontend and backend (backend language will not change before this step)
Save these changes
Installation is complete

what is impex file?

could any body explain the fields macros, headers, data, and bean shell in .impex file?
what are the symbols like #,$ meaning in .impex file?
what is the difference between .impEx and .imPex?
# Is a comment
$ has several meanings (depending on context)
The file extension is irrelevant, it doesn't even need to be .impex
You should read the impex documentation. It is very well documented.
Impex files uses Comma-Separated Values, it allows for exemple creating, updating, removing items.
$ Macro definitions for exemple $namemacro=name1 each time we have namemacro in the impex file, it is replaced by name1.
ImpEx is an integrated text-based import/export extension for creating, updating, removing, and exporting platform items.
For Example, I've created a demo project named training in which I can add product catalog by importing this ImpEx
Product catalog
INSERT_UPDATE Catalog;id[unique=true]
