Unable to provision API App on Linux App Service Plan hosted in ASE - azure

Unable to provision API App on Linux App Service Plan hosted in ASE. Is there any constrain or limitations.
When i create API APP Windows app service plans are showing up but not Linux app service plan.

I can reproduce your issue in the portal, looks Linux service plan hosted in ASE v1 not support API App, just Windows plan supports it.


Is it possible to use MQ Client with a web app installed in an Azure App Service?

We have a web app running on Windows Server but we need to migrate it to an Azure App Service.
Our web app uses MQ Client service to connect with certain transaction services, but it is not possible to install other services on the Azure App Service except for the web app.
Is there a way to use MQ Client in Azure?
Thank you very much for your time!
Is there a way to use MQ Client in Azure?
As Azure WebApp is a sandbox. Install MQ client is not supported on the Azure WebApp service.
If Azure VM is acceptable, I recommand that you could use Azure VM to instead of Azure WebApp service in your case.

Which Azure App Service should I pick for a ASP.NET Core application?

When setting up an App Service I can chose between App Service and App Service Linux.
The difference is that App Service runs on Windows Server and App Service Linux runs on Linux, but is there any practical difference?
Does it matter which one I pick?
There are some limitations for App Service on Linux. If you just want to have a web app service used only for development and testing purposes, you can select the free or shared tier of App Service on windows for a few cost. Or select the proper tier for your web app service depending on these features do you want.
Some features, such as virtual network integration, Azure Active
Directory/third-party authentication, or Kudu site extensions, are not
available yet. Once these features are available, we will update our
documentation and blog about the changes.
App Service on Linux is only supported with Basic, Standard, and
Premium app service plans and does not have a Free or Shared tier. You
cannot create Web App for Containers in an App Service plan already
hosting non-Linux Web Apps. There is a current limitation in regards
to not mixing Windows and Linux apps in the same resource group as

Access Azure App Service RESTful endpoints from On Premise resources using VPN

I have an on premise desktop application and I need it to hit Web APIs I have living in an App Service Web App (on an App Service Plan) in Azure.
My on premise resources are connected over a site to site VPN and I was wondering if there is a way I can call these Web API services(in an app service) directly over the VPN instead of going to the public endpoint.
The "normal" App Service Plan exists in a multi-tenant environment so this is not possible. You would need to use an ASE (App Service Environemnt) to use advanced networking features like VPN and NSG.

Can I use Azure Functions within ExpressRoute?

I have an Azure function under an ExpressRoute subscription that is trying to connect to an on-prem database, but fails to do so.
Is it possible to use Azure functions within ExpressRoute?
An Azure Function can be deployed on an App Service Environment. The App Service Environment is deployed on your own VNET which can have access to on-prem resources via ExpressRoute.
If you don't want to pay for an App Service Environment, you can deploy your Function on a dedicated App Service Plan and then use Hybrid Connections to connect to on-prem, or integrate the Function App to your VNET and create a Site-to-Site VPN to on-premises. These last 2 options option, however, won't go through ExpressRoute.
All 3 options are described here. You just need to deploy your Azure Function to an App Service Plan to get same features as an App Service.
Not without setting up a dedicated router virtual appliance (e.g. a CiscoASA VM from the Azure marketplace). Microsoft will say "not supported", but we were able to get it working in this manner.

Publish an Asp.Net Web Api Self-hosted console application as Azure Webjob

I have an ASP.NET Web API Self-host console application and I want to publish it as a Azure Webjob service. Is it possible, is it advisable?.
I'm using Topshelf to install it as a windows service on my local server.
I haven't a web application only the console application.
In a Webjob, no. See Azure App Service sandbox limitations here - assuming you need to listen for inbound requests on a socket.
Installing stuff (think .msi or writing to registry) is also not supported.
Look at Cloud Services (Worker Role), Service Fabric or IaaS VMs.
They're all options.
EDIT (sometime in 2017):
Now there's even more option: Docker containers in Azure App Service Linux, Azure Container Service (DC/OS, Swarm or Kubernetes as orchestrator) or Azure Container Instance.
