Is it possible to use MQ Client with a web app installed in an Azure App Service? - azure

We have a web app running on Windows Server but we need to migrate it to an Azure App Service.
Our web app uses MQ Client service to connect with certain transaction services, but it is not possible to install other services on the Azure App Service except for the web app.
Is there a way to use MQ Client in Azure?
Thank you very much for your time!

Is there a way to use MQ Client in Azure?
As Azure WebApp is a sandbox. Install MQ client is not supported on the Azure WebApp service.
If Azure VM is acceptable, I recommand that you could use Azure VM to instead of Azure WebApp service in your case.


Unable to provision API App on Linux App Service Plan hosted in ASE

Unable to provision API App on Linux App Service Plan hosted in ASE. Is there any constrain or limitations.
When i create API APP Windows app service plans are showing up but not Linux app service plan.
I can reproduce your issue in the portal, looks Linux service plan hosted in ASE v1 not support API App, just Windows plan supports it.

How to migrate a web server and app server to azure?

If I have a 3-tier application on-premises and the three tiers are as follows: Web Server, App server, and DB server. Can I migrate the web and app server to Azure app services? or will I've to deploy the app server on another Azure service?
For an easy migration you could use an Azure Web App to host the sites you currently run with your on-premise Web Server.
Assuming your App Server should expose an API and is written in either .NET, PHP, Node.js, Java, or Python - you can deploy it using an Azure API App.
If you talking about SQL Server, use Azure SQL Database (Read SQL Server database migration to Azure SQL Database for potential limitations.
You can also consider to containerize your application and deploy it to Azure Kubernetes Services (AKS)

Azure Hybrid Connection to API hosted on Websphere (on premise)

I have an API that is hosted on Websphere Application Server (bound to a specific port), on a Windows 2012 R2 Server (on-prem), that I would like to expose to Azure API Management in the cloud. Ideally, the plan was to use Azure Hybrid Connections. Is that even possible? How could I go about doing this?
You can setup Azure Website and use the Hybrid Connection feature to expose your API via a simple WebApi Controller.
API Management will just talk to the Azure Website. You can limit access to the Azure Website from only the Public IP address of the API Management.

Hosting a web application in Azure that consumes on premise web services and ActiveMQ

I'm looking at ways to host our web site in Azure. The Web application consumes on-premise web services and send/receive messages from ActiveMQ hosted on-premise. Is this possible? Any pointers will be helpful.
Short Answer: Yes, it's possible. Mixing Azure and On-Prem resources is what's called the Hybrid Cloud.
Long Answer:
You can use Azure App Service Environment to setup a Virtual Network with an Azure Web App that will allow for a VPN connection to be setup between your on-premises network and the Azure VNet. If VPN setup isn't an option of you, then you could use the Azure Service Bus Relay service to connect an on-premises WCF Web Service to the Azure Web App. Additionally, a Biztalk Hybrid Connection could be used to tunnel through the firewall between your on-premises resources and the Azure Web App. Hybrid Cloud is fully supported in Microsoft Azure and there are a few options to choose depending on which fits your needs / scenario best.
You can create a VPN on Azure, add the web site to it and then create a site to point VPN connection to add the VM that has the on-premise web service to it.
Another solution, if your web service is developed in WCF, you can use Service Bus Relay with your web service, this will make it accessible from your Azure web site.

Publish an Asp.Net Web Api Self-hosted console application as Azure Webjob

I have an ASP.NET Web API Self-host console application and I want to publish it as a Azure Webjob service. Is it possible, is it advisable?.
I'm using Topshelf to install it as a windows service on my local server.
I haven't a web application only the console application.
In a Webjob, no. See Azure App Service sandbox limitations here - assuming you need to listen for inbound requests on a socket.
Installing stuff (think .msi or writing to registry) is also not supported.
Look at Cloud Services (Worker Role), Service Fabric or IaaS VMs.
They're all options.
EDIT (sometime in 2017):
Now there's even more option: Docker containers in Azure App Service Linux, Azure Container Service (DC/OS, Swarm or Kubernetes as orchestrator) or Azure Container Instance.
