I used a column definition from where a note Site Column had "Allow unlimited length in document libraries " = Yes
But when a site is created with the site design, the resulting note Site Column shows "Allow unlimited length in document libraries " = No
Is there anything else need to be done for this to work?
Who do you tell if this is a bug?
"verb": "createSiteColumnXml",
"schemaXml": "<Field DisplayName=\"DPC Notes\" Type=\"Note\" Required=\"FALSE\" ID=\"{70ad6b94-13dd-43ac-947a-6634aef36588}\"
StaticName=\"DPCNotes\" Name=\"DPCNotes\" Group=\"ECGmc\" Description=\"DPC Notes (typed by DPC users while producing the document)\"
AppendOnly=\"TRUE\" NumLines=\"6\" RichText=\"TRUE\" Customization=\"\" CustomFormatter=\"\" EnforceUniqueValues=\"FALSE\" Indexed=\"FALSE\"
RestrictedMode=\"TRUE\" RichTextMode=\"Compatible\" IsolateStyles=\"FALSE\" UnlimitedLengthInDocumentLibrary=\"TRUE\" />",
"pushChanges": true
Thank you much
I test with this json,it works well:
"verb": "createSiteColumnXml",
"schemaXml": "<Field Type=\"Note\" DisplayName=\"siteColumnMutipleText\" Required=\"FALSE\" EnforceUniqueValues=\"FALSE\" Indexed=\"FALSE\" UnlimitedLengthInDocumentLibrary=\"TRUE\" NumLines=\"6\" RichText=\"TRUE\" RichTextMode=\"FullHtml\" IsolateStyles=\"TRUE\" Sortable=\"FALSE\" Group=\"Custom Columns\" ID=\"{9b5e375a-44ef-405b-8316-fe136a841775}\" SourceID=\"{b62d1450-8e6f-4be7-84a3-f6600fd6cc14}\" StaticName=\"siteColumnMutipleText\" Name=\"siteColumnMutipleText\" Version=\"1\"></Field>",
"pushChanges": true
I must be missing something but I am unable to find a way, either in Graph or Sharepoint CSOM to create a Choice column in a SharePoint List with this setting to ON.
Is there any way to do it?
Try to set the field type to MultiChoice instead of Choice and omit the Format attribute:
/// from: https://karinebosch.wordpress.com/my-articles/creating-fields-using-csom/
string schemaChoiceField = "<Field ID='##YOUR-GUID##' Type='MultiChoice' Name='SideDishesChoice' StaticName='SideDishesChoice'
DisplayName = 'Side dishes' >"
" <CHOICE>Fresh vegetables</CHOICE>"
" <CHOICE>Pepper Sauce</CHOICE>"
Field choiceField = demoList.Fields.AddFieldAsXml(schemaChoiceField, true, AddFieldOptions.AddFieldInternalNameHint);
Basically any combination that you can do using UI should be doable with API, you can just export the list as XML, then look at the exported markup and just use the same for AddFieldAsXml
We are working on integrating Solr 3.6 to an eCommerce site. We have indexed data & search is performing really good.
We have some difficulties figuring how to use Predictive Search / Auto Complete Search Suggestion. Also interested to learn the best practices for implementing this feature.
Our goal is to offer predictive search similar to http://www.amazon.com/, but don't know how to implement it with Solr. More specifically I want to understand how to build those terms from Solr, or is it managed by something else external to solr? How the dictionary should be built for offering these kind of suggestions? Moreover, for some field, search should offer to search in category. Try typing "xper" into Amazon search box, and you will note that apart from xperia, xperia s, xperia p, it also list xperia s in Cell phones & accessories, which is a category.
Using a custom dictionary this would be difficult to manage. Or may be we don't know how to do it correctly. Looking to you to guide us on how best utilize solr to achieve this kind of suggestive search.
I would suggest you a couple of blogpost:
This one which shows you a really nice complete solution which works well but requires some additional work to be made, and uses a specific lucene index (solr core) for that specific purpose
I used the Highlight approach because the facet.prefix one is too heavy for big index, and the other ones had few or unclear documentation (i'm a stupid programmer)
So let's suppose the user has just typed "aaa bbb ccc"
Our autocomplete function (java/javascript) will call solr using the following params
q="aaa bbb"~100 ...base query, all the typed words except the last
fq=ccc* ...suggest word filter using last typed word
hl.q=ccc* ...highlight word will be the one to suggest
fl=NONE ...return empty docs in result tag
hl.pre=### ...escape chars to locate highlight word in the response
hl.post=### ...see above
you can also control the number of suggestion with 'rows' and 'hl.fragsize' parameters
the highlight words in each document will be the right candidates for the suggestion with "aaa bbb" string
more suggestion words are the ones before/after the highlight words and, of course, you can implement more filters to extract valid words, avoid duplicates, limit suggestions
if interested i can send you some examples...
EDITED: Some further details about the approach
The portion of example i give supposes the 'autocomplete' mechanism given by jquery: we invoke a jsp (or a servlet) inside a web application passing as request param 'q' the words just typed by user.
This is the code of the jsp
ByteArrayInputStream is=null; // Used to manage Solr response
StringBuffer queryUrl=new StringBuffer('putHereTheUrlOfSolrServer');
String typedWords=request.getParameter("q");
String base="";
if(typedWords.indexOf(" ")<=0) {
// No space typed by user: the 'easy case'
queryUrl.append(URLEncoder.encode(typedWords+"*", "UTF-8"));
queryUrl.append("&hl.q=text:"+URLEncoder.encode(typedWords+"*", "UTF-8"));
} else {
// Space chars present
// we split the search in base phrase and last typed word
base=typedWords.substring(0,typedWords.lastIndexOf(" "));
if(base.indexOf(" ")>0)
queryUrl.append("\""+URLEncoder.encode(base, "UTF-8")+"\"~1000");
queryUrl.append(URLEncoder.encode(base, "UTF-8"));
typedWords=typedWords.substring(typedWords.lastIndexOf(" ")+1);
queryUrl.append("&fq=text:"+URLEncoder.encode(typedWords+"*", "UTF-8"));
queryUrl.append("&hl.q=text:"+URLEncoder.encode(typedWords+"*", "UTF-8"));
// The additional parameters to control the solr response
queryUrl.append("&rows="+suggestPageSize); // Number of results returned, a parameter to control the number of suggestions
queryUrl.append("&fl=A_FIELD_NAME_THAT_DOES_NOT_EXIST"); // Interested only in highlights section, Solr return a 'light' answer
queryUrl.append("&start=0"); // Use only first page of results
queryUrl.append("&hl=true"); // Enable highlights feature
queryUrl.append("&hl.simple.pre=***"); // Use *** as 'highlight border'
queryUrl.append("&hl.simple.post=***"); // Use *** as 'highlight border'
queryUrl.append("&hl.fragsize="+suggestFragSize); // Another parameter to control the number of suggestions
queryUrl.append("&hl.fl=content,title"); // Look for result only in some fields
queryUrl.append("&facet=false"); // Disable facets
/* Omitted section: use a new URL(queryUrl.toString()) to get the solr response inside a byte array */
is=new ByteArrayInputStream(solrResponseByteArray);
DocumentBuilderFactory dbFactory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
DocumentBuilder dBuilder = dbFactory.newDocumentBuilder();
Document doc = dBuilder.parse(is);
XPathFactory xPathfactory = XPathFactory.newInstance();
XPath xpath = xPathfactory.newXPath();
XPathExpression expr = xpath.compile("//response/lst[#name=\"highlighting\"]/lst/arr[#name=\"content\"]/str");
NodeList valueList = (NodeList) expr.evaluate(doc, XPathConstants.NODESET);
Vector<String> suggestions=new Vector<String>();
for (int j = 0; j < valueList.getLength(); ++j) {
Element value = (Element) valueList.item(j);
String[] result=value.getTextContent().split("\\*\\*\\*");
for(int k=0;k<result.length;k++){
String suggestedWord=result[k].toLowerCase();
//Highlighted words management
if(suggestedWord.length()>=suggestedWord.length() && !suggestions.contains(suggestedWord))
/* Words before/after highlighted words
we can put these words inside another vector
and use them if not enough suggestions */
/* Finally we build a Json Answer to be managed by our jquery function */
out.print(request.getParameter("json.wrf")+"({ \"suggestions\" : [");
boolean firstSugg=true;
for(String suggestionW:suggestions) {
out.print((firstSugg?" ":" ,"));
out.print("{ \"suggest\" : \"");
if(base.length()>0) {
out.print(" ");
out.print(suggestionW+"\" }");
out.print(" ]})");
}catch (Exception x) {
System.err.println("Exception during main process: " + x);
//Gracefully close streams//
try{is.close();}catch(Exception x){;}
Hope to be helpfull,
This might help you out.I am trying to do the same.
I need to know how to insert a list item with a hyperlink field using the oob web services.
I already have the code to do the insert, just not sure about the hyperlink.
Here is a standard text field (just part of the code):
+ #"<Field Name=""Annotation"">" + this.messageEnvelope.DM.Annotation + "</Field>"
Now how can I insert a hyperlink , there is absolutely no documentation on this. Thanks in advance
SharePoint stores its links in this format (note the comma and space between the URL and the description):
url, description
http://example.com, An Example
I'm not sure about the web service, but it should work just the same.
From code, you can use the SPFieldUrlValue class to format this value:
SPFieldUrlValue urlVal = new SPFieldUrlValue();
urlVal.Url = "http://example.com";
urlVal.Description = "An Example";
string spUrlFormat = urlVal.ToString();
I'm making a custom SharePoint List. I need a TimeStamp Field, but the only available type, by default, is DateTime.
Any help?
I think you would need to create a custom field type so that you can control the display of a DateTime type and validation etc - see this blog post for more info
I had the same problem in Sharepoint 2010 and solved it. Posting in case someone else finds this useful :)
To achieve this one must use the "Calculated" columntype.
From GUI:
Create new column
Pick type "Calculated".
Select "Created" column and add to formula.
From code:
As far as I can tell, there is two options to achieve this:
Access the "Created" and either set it's ShowInDisplayForm property to true or add the column to a view (for example the DefaultView).
Create a calculated column that points to the "Created" column, just as the GUI-example does. The trick is to set the "Formula" & the "OutputType" properties.
using (SPSite site = new SPSite(siteUrl))
using (SPWeb web = site.RootWeb)
SPList list = web.Lists["test"];
string fieldName = list.Fields.Add("Timestamptest", SPFieldType.Calculated, false);
SPFieldCalculated field = list.Fields[fieldName] as SPFieldCalculated;
field.Formula = "=Created";
field.OutputType = SPFieldType.DateTime;
field.ShowInEditForm = false;
SPView defaultView = list.DefaultView;
I want to show targeted (filtered) content from a list to users. I already have a column in the list that basically has the Target Audience value. This field is a multi-choice column (checkbox input) which I prefer over the current input field for Targeted Audiences.
To get audience filtering to work I unfortunately need to have the Targeted Audience field filled out for every list item. My current plan is to use a simple SharePoint designer workflow to set the Targeted Audiences field based on my other field, but I'm wondering if there is a better way. Am I just looking at this wrong?
Note that I know audiences can also be used to hide/show web parts, but that is not something I am interested in.
You could try and give this a whirl...
SPField audienceField = null;
audienceField = list.Fields[Microsoft.SharePoint.Publishing.FieldId.AudienceTargeting]
if(audienceField != null)
Audience siteAudience;
ServerContext context = ServerContext.GetContext(site);
AudienceManager audManager = new AudienceManager(context);
foreach (SPListItem item in list.Items)
string audienceName = item["fakeAudienceField"]; //should be the audience name created in SSP
siteAudience = audManager.GetAudience(audienceName);
Guid id = siteAudience.AudienceID;
item["Target Audiences"] = id.ToString()+";;;;";
I do not believe Target Audiences can be set up as a calculated field, in which case your options are workflow or a list item event receiver.
To set the audience field value, you can use AudienceManager.GetAudienceIDsAsText; Gary Lapointe has a post with example usage.
Maybe use a webpart to display the content of the list and use Audiences on the webpart sounds a solution easier to manage...