MS Graph: How to determine if the logged-in user has both Office365 and Azure subscription or not? - azure

Question: Using Microsoft Graph API, is there a way to query if a logged-in user has both the Office365 and Azure subscription?
My WPF-Core app is using MS Graph to access Azure resources as well as Office365 services (Outlook schedule and OneDrive). My personal Azur Account does not have Office365 subscription. When I login with
an Azure (admin) account to my app the app can perform CRUD operations on Azure AD users.
Likewise, when I login as an MSA account (Outlook, Hotmail, etc.) the app can perform operations such as updating Outlook events, Upload/Download files to the logged-in user's OneDrive etc.
But in both case the converse is not true. For example, if I log-in using Azure AD account and try to have app update Outlook event (or upload a file to my OneDrive), I get the following error: Tenant does not have a SPO license.. So, if a user is logged-in with Azure AD account and try to click on the app's button that display or update user's outlook events I would like to display a message to the user that your Azure account does not have a SPO license. And, display a similar message in the reverse case (i.e. this Office account does not have Azure subscription etc.)
NOTE: The above scenario is not working for display purposes, as well. That is, an Azure AD login is not able to see Outlook events; and an MSA login is not able to see the Azure AD users list.

Firstly, the answer is NO. We cannot determine if the user has Azure subscription.
MS Graph mainly manages the Azure AD resources while Azure subscription mainly manages Azure resources such as Azure App Service, VM, etc.
But we can determine if a user has O365 subscription (or the license under O365 subscription).
Firstly, you could use GET$select=userPrincipalName,assignedPlans to get the logged-in user's O365 licenses.
We can find the Sharepoint license in the response:
In fact you may find more than one Sharepoint license in the response because the user may have multiple O365 subscriptions.
Besides, if the Azure subscription you mentioned actually refers to AAD subscription, then the method I described above is also suitable for querying AAD subscription.
The above content applies to AAD users.
If the logged-in user is an MSA, when you query GET$select=userPrincipalName,assignedPlans, it won't return a property named assignedPlans.


Office 365 subscription: Associate Azure AD Application created for OAuth

I am a bit confused with Office 365 subscriptions and the application I have created in Azure AD for OAuth.
I have programmatically created an Azure AD app for OAuth and have assigned it appropriate permissions for Graph API and EWS API. The app is working perfectly fine with the Dev tenant I have for my testing. I am able to programmatically access OneDrive and Mailboxes using the token created by this application.
Now I am not sure if I need to associate this app with Office 365 subscriptions. Currently, my dev tenant does not have any Azure / Office 365 subscriptions but users in the field may have Azure / Office 365 subscriptions.
I am not sure if I need to perform any specific checks for subscriptions and associate my app with any. Information I found on the net is confusing and I am unable to conclude anything from it.
Please let me know if you have any idea about this. I am a bit new to this whole thing so forgive my ignorance.
Access Graph API and EWS API only requires that you have O365 subscription.
But you don't need to do something like associating with O365 subscription.
Just make sure this Azure AD application is available in the corresponding tenant.
For example, we have a tenant, and a user
You need to create the AAD application in this tenant And if has O365 subscription with Exchange Online license, you can access its AAD user profile information and O365 mailbox with Graph and EWS. If the user doesn't have O365 subscription, you can also access its AAD user profile information. But the mailbox is not existing so you can't access the mailbox.

Lost access to application when user was deleted

We deleted an "unused" user in our Azure AD. Deleting both the MS account as well as removing him from the AD. Now, a few days into the 60 day deletion process (of the MS account) we realize he might have been the creator of an AD application that we can now no longer find anywhere. My guess it is was a "private" application? But somehow still in AD? Not sure exactly.
We reopened the MS account and created the user again in the AD (as a global admin), but the application is no-where to be found. If we try to access the application via a direct link we have lying around, we see a 403 No Access page, and an error notification in the notification center that suggests there's a permission issue but the user is a global admin again:
Additional information from the call to get a token: Extension:
Microsoft_AAD_IAM Resource: identity.diagnostics Details: AADSTS50020:
User account '{EmailHidden}' from identity provider '' does
not exist in tenant 'Default Directory' and cannot access the
application 'xxxxxxxxxxxxx'(ADIbizaUX) in that tenant. The account
needs to be added as an external user in the tenant first. Sign out
and sign in again with a different Azure Active Directory user
account. Trace ID: xxxxxxxx Correlation xxxxxxx Timestamp: 2020-06-25
We've also tried logging in with multiple other global admins but no-one can access that page or find the application using the id it has. Is there something to be done maybe using Powershell?
Actually, as I recall, it might have been an application listed for this user under 'App registrations' -> 'Applications from personal account'. But that tab is no longer available after deleting and reopening the user :)
As per the New changes made in the Azure portal app registration
In the new experience, if your personal Microsoft account is also in
an Azure AD tenant, you will see three tabs--all applications in the
tenant, owned applications in the tenant as well as applications from
your personal account. So, if you believe that apps registered with
your personal Microsoft account are missing, check the Applications
from your personal account tab.
When you sign in using personal Microsoft accounts(e.g. Outlook, Live,
Xbox, etc.) with an Azure AD email address, we found out that when you
go to the Azure portal from the old experience, it signs you into a
different account with the same email in your Azure AD tenant. If you
still believe your applications are missing, sign out and sign in with
the right account.
The new app list shows applications that were registered through the
legacy app registrations experience in the Azure portal (apps that
sign in Azure AD accounts only) as well as apps registered though the
Application registration portal (apps that sign in both Azure AD and
personal Microsoft accounts).
If you know the application ID you can restore using Powershell
The error is due to using the v1 endpoint url. You need to use V2 endpoints in order to allow access from personal microsoft accounts.
Use this endpoint:
Please go through the document
I didn't realize it was possible to restore a deleted Azure AD user (for 30 days). Once I restored the deleted AD user instead of creating the user again, the app appeared again in the user's 'Applications from personal account' under 'App registrations'.
I'd still love to move the app to the Azure AD proper, but from an earlier SO question I was told that's not possible. I guess we'll either keep this old account or create the app again (and have all our users reauthorize).

Azure AD B2C invite as guest for administration

Recently I am starting to get an error when trying to invite a guest user to my Azure AD B2C tenant, for only user from a specific domain. The reason i'm inviting is to share the administration process with the specified user.
The error i'm getting is: User account is disabled
So far what I've tried:
Using the Users > New guest user" UI in Azure AD blade.
Using the "Organizational relationships > New guest user" UI in Azure AD blade.
Using the Users > New guest user" UI in Azure AD B2C blade.
Using graph api invitations endpoints.
Observation: Only happen for user from specific domain (External Azure D) but works for those with Microsoft account.
Just for everyone's benefit here I'm posting the answer after consulting with Microsoft support.
There are 2 possible issues that might cause you unable to invite the Guest user to the Azure AD:
Users are not properly deleted. When you search for the user email, it might not be visible in the UI, but still unable to invite. It's partly because the UI has some limited search capabilities (exact/startswith email or name only).
Solution: You can use graph api to query for the user. You should definitely try to look for the user based on the OtherMails field.
User you're trying to invite is from an Azure AD tenant that is also one of identity provider trusted in your Azure AD B2C. This is the cause of the issue with my implementation that I found.
When the user use their Azure AD credential logging in for the 1st time to my application (Azure AD B2C), a "social account" is created automatically in the Azure AD B2C. This account is created with the UserPrincipalName in the format of, and AccountEnabled false (disabled). Their Azure AD email will be in the OtherMails property. This is why you can't find the user by their email in the UI, and you have to know the exact name they use in their Azure AD in order to find them.
Solution: If you can find in the UI, typically their MemberType is Member Source is External Azure AD, you can just delete the user. If not, use graph api to query for their email in OtherMails property. Then immediately invite the user as guest. They should have no problem logging in to the B2C application again as the social account will be created automatically.
Note: Ensure that you don't use Azure AD B2C policies that adds additional attributes to the user logging in using social account. If yes, you'd need some other strategy for deleting the user, inviting as guest, recreating the social account, and restoring back the additional attributes.

Error accessing Azure AD Graph explorer

I want to access the Azure AD Graph Explorer using my administrator account. When I try to access it, it shows this error:
Selected user account does not exist in tenant graphExplorerMT and cannot access the application d3ce4cf8-6810-442d-b42e-375e14710095 in that tenant. The account needs to be added as an external user in the tenant first. Please use a different account.
What shall I do?
You should probably try with a user that is internal to the AAD or add your MS account as an external user to it.
The Azure subscription admin is not necessarily part of the Azure Active Directory.
For Azure AD Graph Explorer, you can only use the member account(internal) to sign in, such as
You cannot use a guest user account(external) to sign in AAD Graph Explorer.
Try to sign in AAD Graph Explorer with a member account.
According to this answer on Microsoft's forum, this does not work with Microsoft accounts.
Are you trying to sign in using a Microsoft account (outlook/live) into ?
Azure AD Graph explorer cannot authenticate social accounts and only works with work or school accounts in Azure AD.
You would have to use the latest MS graph, if you want to use MSA accounts

Cannot enable MFA on Azure Microsoft accounts

I'm trying to enable the Multi-Factor Authentication on my Azure account, (To secure my access to the Azure portal), i am following the tutorial from here, but, unlike this picture :
I have no Enable button when I select my user:
I've tried to send a csv bulk request with only my user (the email address), but it says user does not exists.
I am trying to add MFA on the user william#[something].com when i'm logged with the william#[something].com MS account (i am the only one user, and i'm global administrator)
In the MFA management page, you can only manage/enable MFA for your own Microsoft Azure AD Accounts, including accounts creating in Azure AD or synced from your on-premise AD; not any Microsoft Account or accounts from other Microsoft Azure AD. As you said you're using a MS account, you surely can't see the enable button.
In Azure Classic Portal, you can easily see if it's a Microsoft account or a Microsoft Azure Active Directory account:
If you want to enable this for your Microsoft account, you need to use Microsoft service at here ,sign in and then click Set up two-step verification.
Follow steps afterwards, you'll enable Two-step Verification it for your Microsoft account.
Of course you can create a new account in your Microsoft Azure Active Directory (Type of User is: New user in your organization), then you can enable MFA for this new user. If you would like a Global Admin, you can click this user and assign user Global Admin role. So then later you can use this admin account for your management work.
