featuretools: how can I apply `time_since`, `time_since_first` primitives on integer type of time index? - featuretools

When the time index is integer(e.g. starting from 0 for each user), running dfs shows warnings:
UnusedPrimitiveWarning: Some specified primitives were not used during DFS:
agg_primitives: ['avg_time_between', 'time_since_first', 'time_since_last', 'trend']
groupby_trans_primitives: ['cum_count', 'time_since', 'time_since_previous']
This may be caused by a using a value of max_depth that is too small, not setting interesting values, or it may indicate no compatible variable types for the primitive were found in the data.
However, the timeindex can be an integer in many cases (e.g. https://www.kaggle.com/c/riiid-test-answer-prediction/data):
When user1 started to be logged, timestamp of its first log is 0 (say, 2020-01-01 13:10:10)
When 2nd log of user1 to be logged after next 100 seconds, the timestamp of its second log is 100.
Likewise, when user2 started to be logged, timestamp of its first log is always 0 (Notice: 2020-11-01 00:00:00, in this time()
As you can see here, user1 and user2 started to be logged at different date and time, but they have the same time index. It seems like they use the relative time as a feature.
In this case, even though I set the timestamp variable as ft.variable_types.TimeIndex(numeric_time_index) when creating entityset, it still showed the same warning and features generated by ['avg_time_between', 'time_since_first', 'time_since_last', 'trend'] didn't appear.
How can I handle it?

Thanks for the question. The time_since and time_since_first primitives are currently implemented to handle only Datetime and DatetimeTimeIndex variables. To handle cases where the time index is numeric, you can create custom primitives to handle NumericTimeIndex variables.
from featuretools.primitives import AggregationPrimitive, TransformPrimitive
from featuretools.variable_types import NumericTimeIndex
class TimeSinceNumeric(TransformPrimitive):
input_types = [NumericTimeIndex]
class TimeSinceFirstNumeric(AggregationPrimitive):
input_types = [NumericTimeIndex]
Then, you can pass in the custom primitives directly to DFS.


Update a parameter value in Brightway

It seems to be a simple question but I have a hard time to find an answer to it. I already have a project with several parameters (project and database parameters). I would like to obtain the LCA results for several scenarios with my parameters having different values each time. I was thinking of the following simple procedure:
change the parameters' value,
update the exchanges in my project,
calculate the LCA results.
I know that the answer should be in the documentation somewhere, but I have a hard time to understand how I should apply it to my ProjectParameters, DatabaseParameters and ActivityParameters.
Thanks in advance!
EDIT: Thanks to #Nabla, I was able to come up with this:
For ProjectParameter
for pjparam in ProjectParameter.select():
if pjparam.name=='my_param_name':
pjparam.amount = 3
For DatabaseParameter
for dbparam in DatabaseParameter.select():
if dbparam.name=='my_param_name':
dbparam.amount = 3
For ActivityParameter
for param in ActivityParameter.select():
if param.name=='my_param_name':
param.amount = 3
You could import DatabaseParameter and ActivityParameter iterate until you find the parameter you want to change, update the value, save it and recalculate the exchanges. I think you need to do it in tiers. First you update the project parameters (if any) then the database parameters that may depend on project parameters and then the activity parameters that depend on them.
A simplified case without project parameters:
from bw2data.parameters import ActivityParameter,DatabaseParameter
# find the database parameter to be updated
for dbparam in DatabaseParameter.select():
if (dbparam.database == uncertain_db.name) and (dbparam.name=='foo'):
dbparam.amount = 3
#there is also this method if foruma depend on something else
# here updating the exchanges of a particular activity (act)
for param in ActivityParameter.select():
if param.group == ":".join(act.key):
you may want to update all the activities in the project instead of a single one like in the example. you just need to change the condition when looping through the activity parameters.

In Gatling, how can I generate a random number each time a call is executed? (not using feeder)

I need to find a way to generate a random number each time the REST call is executed.
I have the following GET call:
exec(http("Random execution")
.queryParam("id", getRandomId()))
Obviously it doesn't work as the random number is only generated once and I end up with the same
number whenever this call is executed. I cant use the feeder option as my feeder is already huge and is generated by a 3rd party for each test.
.queryParam takes Expressions as its arguments, and since Expression is an alias for a session function, you can just do...
.queryParam("id", session => getRandomId())
You could also define a second feeder that uses a function to generate the values - no need to update your existing feeder or add another csv file. This would be useful if you had more complicated logic for getting / generating an Id
val idFeeder = Iterator.continually(Map("id" -> Random.nextInt(999999)))
//in your scenario...
.exec(http("Random execution")
.queryParam("id", "${id}")
In the spirit of having options, another option you have is to store an object in the session that support toString, which generates whatever you need. It's a nifty trick that you can use for all kinds of things.
object RANDOM_ID {
toString() { return RandomId().toString() }
exec( _.set( "RANDOM_ID", RANDOM_ID ) )
http("Random execution")
.queryParam( "id", "${RANDOM_ID}" )
You can apply the same principle to generating random names, addresses, telephone numbers, you name it.
So, which is the better solution? The feeder, or the object in session?
Most of the time, it'll be the feeder, because you control when it is updated. The object in session will be different every time, whereas the feeder solution, you control when the value updates, and then you can reference it multiple times before you change it.
But there may be instances where the stored object solution results in easier to read code, provided you are good with the value changing every time it is accessed. So it's good to know that it is an option.

Is there a primitive type for DateTime in Bixby?

My model will optionally take a time in many utterances.
So examples...
add wet diaper. <-------- assumes current time
add wet diaper at 4:00 PM
add bottle at noon
What would be the best way to model 4 PM/AM so that in my actions I can collect the time?
You'll want to define an action that accepts an optional input, and make sure the type is 'DateTimeExpression'. In your NL training, you can say things like 'do this thing at 4PM' or 'do this thing'. Both are valid because you made the date optional. In your javascript, check to see if the user said a date. If they did, use it. If not, you can default to now. Refer to this link for grabbing the time from javascript. The date api will parse dates to the device's local time by default (can be overridden).
In your action
input (searchDate) {
type (time.DateTimeExpression)
min(Optional) max (One)
In your javascript
var currentTime = dates.ZonedDateTime.now().getDateTime();
if (searchDate)
currentTime = //Grab the date from searchDate.
Use this for reference.
There is no primitive type DateTime, but there is a viv.time library you can use, and in fact there is viv.time.DateTimeExpression concept you can use.
viv.time.DateTimeExpression not only handles "4 AM" but also "tomorrow 4 AM", you can read more here. I would say it is one of the most commonly used library concepts.

NodaTime - Errors after time switch

Yesterday Uruguay changed their clocks, and now I keep seeing exceptions when converting specific times for their timezone:
ERROR Exception: - DateTime ConvertTimeToUtc(DateTime, String) (05/10/2014 02:31:00, America/Montevideo)
NodaTime.SkippedTimeException: Specified argument was out of the range of valid values.
Parameter name: Local time 05/10/2014 02:31:00 is invalid in time zone America/Montevideo
I understand how a local time can be invalid:
"For example, suppose the time zone goes forward at 2am, so the second after 01:59:59 becomes 03:00:00. In that case, local times such as 02:30:00 never occur."
However, what I don't understand (and I probably need more coffee), is why NodaTime is not accounting for this? Should it not be aware that 02:31 is now an invalid local time - or should I be doing additional handling to account for this?
Functions I'm calling:
var timeZone = DateTimeZoneProviders.Tzdb[timezoneName];
var localTime = LocalDateTime.FromDateTime(timeToConvert).InZoneStrictly(timeZone);;
return DateTime.SpecifyKind(localTime.ToDateTimeUtc(), DateTimeKind.Utc);
Yes, it is aware that it's an invalid local time - which is why when you specifically ask it to convert that local time into UTC, it throws an exception. It's roughly equivalent to calling Math.sqrt(-1).
The InZoneStrictly call you're making specifically throws an exception on either ambiguous or skipped times. If you use InZoneLeniently you won't get an exception, but it may not give you the result you want. Or, you could use LocalDateTime.InZone(DateTimeZone, ZoneLocalMappingResolver) which will allow you to map invalid local date/time values however you want.
As side-notes:
Your localTime variable is a ZonedDateTime, so the name is a bit misleading
You don't need to call SpecifyKind - ToDateTimeUtc will always return a DateTime with a kind of Utc, hence the name.

Turn Based Participant Timeout Date Always NULL

Have been working on a two-player turn based game that uses a custom UI for match management. Considering restricting the app to iOS 6+ in order to use player timeouts. I would like to show the user the remaining amount of time to move, but the participant.timeoutDate is always null? Per the WWDC 2012 video (that says the timeout won't apply to the last participant in nextParticipants), I pass an array with two entries (opponent at index 0 and local player at index 1) when calling endTurnWithNextParticipants:turnTimeout:matchData:completionHandler: to take a turn. I've tried both GKTurnTimeoutDefault and various integer literals ... no luck ... always seems to be null. The player's last turn date works fine.
On the subject of player timeouts ... after I get them working, how is this delivered? I see GKTurnBasedMatchOutcomeTimeExpired ... does this come in a turn event?
From Apple's developer forum
Elian Gidoni -
The doc should be:
The date and time when the participant’s turn timed out. (read-only)
