Slightly more complicated Spark word count - apache-spark

I have a large list of file locations. I want to read parquet from those locations, group by some column, do a count, and reduce by key.
var commaDelim = spark.sparkContext.textFile("s3://some_location")
var locs = commDelim.flatmap(l => l.split(",")) =>"col").count ...
Not sure how to turn the count dataframe into a format that can be reduced by key.

Pass list files directly to parquet function like below
val locs = [file1,file2,file3,...]*)
.flatMap(value => value.split("\\s+"))


How can I repartition RDD by key and then pack it to shards?

I have many files containing millions of rows in format:
id, created_date, some_value_a, some_value_b, some_value_c
This way of repartitioning was super slow and created for me over million of small ~500b files:
rdd_df = rdd.toDF(["id", "created_time", "a", "b", "c"])
I would like to achieve output files, where each file contains like 10000 unique IDs and all their rows.
How could I achieve something like this?
You can repartition by adding a Random Salt key.
val totRows = rdd_df.count
val maxRowsForAnId = rdd_df.groupBy("id").count().agg(max("count"))
val numParts1 = totRows/maxRowsForAnId
val totalUniqueIds ="id").distinct.count
val numParts2 = totRows/(10000*totalUniqueIds)
val numPart = numParts1.min(numParts2)
The main concept is each partition will be written as 1 file. SO you would have bring your required rows in to 1 partition by repartition(numPart,col("id"),rand).
The first 4-5 operations is just to calculate how many partitions we need to achieve almost 10000 ids per file.
Calculate assuming 10000 ids per partition
Corner case : if a single id has too many rows and doesn't fit in the above calculated partition size.
Hence we calculate no of paritition according to the largest count of ID present
Take min of the 2 noOfPartitons
rand is necessary so, that we can bring multiple IDs in a single partition
NOTE : Although this will give you larger files and each file will contain a set of unique ids for sure. But this involves shuffling , due to which your operation actually might be slower than the code you have mentioned in question.
You would need something like this:
rdd_df.repartition(*number of partitions you want*).write.csv("output", header = True)
or honestly - just let the job decide the number partitions instead of repartitioning. In theory, that should be faster:
rdd_df.write.csv("output", header = True)

how to efficiently parse dataframe object into a map of key-value pairs

i'm working with a dataframe with the columns basketID and itemID. is there a way to efficiently parse through the dataset and generate a map where the keys are basketID and the value is a set of all the itemID contained within each basket?
my current implementation uses a for loop over the data frame which isn't very scalable. is it possible to do this more efficiently? any help would be appreciated thanks!
screen shot of sample data
the goal is to obtain basket = Map("b1" -> Set("i1", "i2", "i3"), "b2" -> Set("i2", "i4"), "b3" -> Set("i3", "i5"), "b4" -> Set("i6")). heres the implementation I have using a for loop
// create empty container
val basket = scala.collection.mutable.Map[String, Set[String]]()
// loop over all numerical indexes for baskets (b<i>)
for (i <- 1 to 4) {
basket("b" + i.toString) = Set();
// loop over every row in df and store the items to the set
df.collect().foreach(row =>
basket(row(0).toString) += row(1).toString
You can simply do aggregateByKey operation then collectItAsMap will directly give you the desired result. It is much more efficient than simple groupBy.
import scala.collection.mutable
case class Items(basketID: String,itemID: String)
import spark.implicits._
val result =[Items] => (x.basketID,x.itemID))
.aggregateByKey[mutable.Buffer[String]](new mutable.ArrayBuffer[String]())
((l: mutable.Buffer[String], p: String) => l += p ,
(l1: mutable.Buffer[String], l2: mutable.Buffer[String]) => (l1 ++ l2).distinct)
you can check other aggregation api's like reduceBy and groupBy over here.
please also check aggregateByKey vs groupByKey vs ReduceByKey differences.
This is efficient assuming your dataset is small enough to fit into the driver's memory. .collect will give you an array of rows on which you are iterating which is fine. If you want scalability then instead of Map[String, Set[String]] (this will reside in driver memory) you can use PairRDD[String, Set[String]] (this will be distributed).
//Assuming df is dataframe with 2 columns, first is your basketId and second is itemId => (row.getAs[String](0), row.getAs[String](1)).groupByKey().mapValues(x => x.toSet)

SparkSQL: Am I doing in right?

Here is how I use Spark-SQL in a little application I am working with.
I have two Hbase tables say t1,t2.
My input being a csv file, I parse each and every line and query(SparkSQL) the table t1. I write the output to another file.
Now I parse the second file and query the second table and I apply certain functions over the result and I output the data.
the table t1 hast the purchase details and t2 has the list of items that were added to cart along with the time frame by each user.
Input -> CustomerID(list of it in a csv file)
Output - > A csv file in a particular format mentioned below.
CustomerID, Details of the item he brought,First item he added to cart,All the items he added to cart until purchase.
For a input of 1100 records, It takes two hours to complete the whole process!
I was wondering if I could speed up the process but I am struck.
Any help?
How about this DataFrame approach...
1) Create a dataframe from CSV.
or something like this in example.
val csv = sqlContext.sparkContext.textFile(csvPath).map {
case(txt) =>
try {
val reader = new CSVReader(new StringReader(txt), delimiter, quote, escape, headerLines)
val parsedRow = reader.readNext()
Row(mapSchema(parsedRow, schema) : _*)
} catch {
case e: IllegalArgumentException => throw new UnsupportedOperationException("converted from Arg to Op except")
2) Create Another DataFrame from Hbase data (if you are using Hortonworks) or phoenix.
3) do join and apply functions(may be udf or when othewise.. etc..) and resultant file could be a dataframe again
4) join result dataframe with second table & output data as CSV as in pseudo code as an example below...
It should be possible to prepare dataframe with custom columns and corresponding values and save as CSV file.
you can this kind in spark shell as well.
val df ="com.databricks.spark.csv").
option("header", "true").
val df2=df.filter("quantity <= 4.0")
val col=df2.col("cost")*0.453592
val df3=df2.withColumn("finalcost",col)
Hope this helps.. Good luck.

Accessing a global lookup Apache Spark

I have a list of csv files each with a bunch of category names as header columns. Each row is a list of users with a boolean value (0, 1) whether they are part of that category or not. Each of the csv files does not have the same set of header categories.
I want to create a composite csv across all the files which has the following output:
Header is a union of all the headers
Each row is a unique user with a boolean value corresponding to the category column
The way I wanted to tackle this is to create a tuple of a user_id and a unique category_id for each cell with a '1'. Then reduce all these columns for each user to get the final output.
How do I create the tuple to begin with? Can I have a global lookup for all the categories?
Example Data:
File 1
File 2
Probably the title of the question is misleading in the sense that conveys a certain implementation choice as there's no need for a global lookup in order to solve the problem at hand.
In big data, there's a basic principle guiding most solutions: divide and conquer. In this case, the input CSV files could be divided in tuples of (user,category).
Any number of CSV files containing an arbitrary number of categories can be transformed to this simple format. The resulting CSV results of the union of the previous step, extraction of the total nr of categories present and some data transformation to get it in the desired format.
In code this algorithm would look like this:
import org.apache.spark.SparkContext._
val file1 = """user_id,cat1,cat2,cat3|21321,,,1|21322,1,1,1|21323,1,,""".split("\\|")
val file2 = """user_id,cat4,cat5|21321,1,|21323,,1""".split("\\|")
val csv1 = sparkContext.parallelize(file1)
val csv2 = sparkContext.parallelize(file2)
import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD
def toTuples(csv:RDD[String]):RDD[(String, String)] = {
val headerLine = csv.first
val header = headerLine.split(",")
val data = csv.filter(_ != headerLine).map(line => line.split(","))
data.flatMap{elem =>
val merged =
val id = elem.head
merged.tail.collect{case (v,cat) if v == "1" => (id, cat)}
val data1 = toTuples(csv1)
val data2 = toTuples(csv2)
val union = data1.union(data2)
val categories ={case (id, cat) => cat}.distinct.collect.sorted //sorted category names
val categoriesByUser = union.groupByKey.mapValues(v=>v.toSet)
val numericCategoriesByUser = categoriesByUser.mapValues{catSet =>> if (catSet(cat)) "1" else "")}
val asCsv ={case (id, cats)=> id + "," + cats.mkString(",")}
Results in:
(Generating the header is simple and left as an exercise for the reader)
You dont need to do this as a 2 step process if all you need is the resulting values.
A possible design:
1/ Parse your csv. You dont mention whether your data is on a distributed FS, so i'll assume it is not.
2/ Enter your (K,V) pairs into a mutable parallelized (to take advantage of Spark) map.
val directory = ..
mutable.ParHashMap map = new mutable.ParHashMap()
while (files[i] != null)
val file = directory.spark.textFile("/myfile...")
val cols =","))
map.put(col[0], col[i++])
and then you can access your (K/V) tuples by way of an iterator on the map.

Spark - convert string IDs to unique integer IDs

I have a dataset which looks like this, where each user and product ID is a string:
userA, productX
userA, productX
userB, productY
with ~2.8 million products and 300 million users; about 2.1 billion user-product associations.
My end goal is to run Spark collaborative filtering (ALS) on this dataset. Since it takes int keys for users and products, my first step is to assign a unique int to each user and product, and transform the dataset above so that users and products are represented by ints.
Here's what I've tried so far:
val rawInputData = sc.textFile(params.inputPath)
.filter { line => !(line contains "\\N") }
.map { line =>
val parts = line.split("\t")
(parts(0), parts(1)) // user, product
// find all unique users and assign them IDs
val idx1map =
// find all unique products and assign IDs
val idx2map ={ case (id, idx) => id + "\t" + idx.toString
}.saveAsTextFile(params.idx1Out){ case (id, idx) => id + "\t" + idx.toString
// join with user ID map:
// convert from (userStr, productStr) to (productStr, userIntId)
val rev = rawInputData.cogroup(idx1map).flatMap{
case (id1, (id2s, idx1s)) =>
val idx1 = idx1s.head { (_, idx1)
// join with product ID map:
// convert from (productStr, userIntId) to (userIntId, productIntId)
val converted = rev.cogroup(idx2map).flatMap{
case (id2, (idx1s, idx2s)) =>
val idx2 = idx2s.head{ (_, idx2)
// save output
val convertedInts ={
case (a,b) => a.toInt.toString + "\t" + b.toInt.toString
When I try to run this on my cluster (40 executors with 5 GB RAM each), it's able to produce the idx1map and idx2map files fine, but it fails with out of memory errors and fetch failures at the first flatMap after cogroup. I haven't done much with Spark before so I'm wondering if there is a better way to accomplish this; I don't have a good idea of what steps in this job would be expensive. Certainly cogroup would require shuffling the whole data set across the network; but what does something like this mean?
FetchFailed(BlockManagerId(25, ip-***.ec2.internal, 48690), shuffleId=2, mapId=87, reduceId=25)
The reason I'm not just using a hashing function is that I'd eventually like to run this on a much larger dataset (on the order of 1 billion products, 1 billion users, 35 billion associations), and number of Int key collisions would become quite large. Is running ALS on a dataset of that scale even close to feasible?
I looks like you are essentially collecting all lists of users, just to split them up again. Try just using join instead of cogroup, which seems to me to do more like what you want. For example:
import org.apache.spark.SparkContext._
// Create some fake data
val data = sc.parallelize(Seq(("userA", "productA"),("userA", "productB"),("userB", "productB")))
val userId = sc.parallelize(Seq(("userA",1),("userB",2)))
val productId = sc.parallelize(Seq(("productA",1),("productB",2)))
// Replace userName with ID's
val userReplaced = data.join(userId).map{case (_,(prod,user)) => (prod,user)}
// Replace product names with ID's
val bothReplaced = userReplaced.join(productId).map{case (_,(user,prod)) => (user,prod)}
// Check results:
bothReplaced.collect()) // Array((1,1), (1,2), (2,2))
Please drop a comments on how well it performs.
(I have no idea what FetchFailed(...) means)
My platform version : CDH :5.7, Spark :1.6.0/StandAlone;
My Test Data Sizeļ¼š31815167 all data; 31562704 distinct user strings, 4140276 distinct product strings .
First idea:
My first idea is to use collectAsMap action and then use the map idea to change the user/product string to int . With driver memory up to 12G , i got OOM or GC overhead exception (the exception is limited by driver memory).
But this idea can only use on a small data size, with bigger data size , you need a bigger driver memory .
Second idea :
Second idea is to use join method, as Tobber proposaled. Here is some test result:
Job setup:
driver: 2G , 2 cpu;
executor : (8G , 4 cpu) * 7;
I follow the steps:
1) find unique user strings and zipWithIndexes;
2) join the original data;
3) save the encoded data;
The job take about 10 minutes to finish.
