SparkSQL: Am I doing in right? - apache-spark

Here is how I use Spark-SQL in a little application I am working with.
I have two Hbase tables say t1,t2.
My input being a csv file, I parse each and every line and query(SparkSQL) the table t1. I write the output to another file.
Now I parse the second file and query the second table and I apply certain functions over the result and I output the data.
the table t1 hast the purchase details and t2 has the list of items that were added to cart along with the time frame by each user.
Input -> CustomerID(list of it in a csv file)
Output - > A csv file in a particular format mentioned below.
CustomerID, Details of the item he brought,First item he added to cart,All the items he added to cart until purchase.
For a input of 1100 records, It takes two hours to complete the whole process!
I was wondering if I could speed up the process but I am struck.
Any help?

How about this DataFrame approach...
1) Create a dataframe from CSV.
or something like this in example.
val csv = sqlContext.sparkContext.textFile(csvPath).map {
case(txt) =>
try {
val reader = new CSVReader(new StringReader(txt), delimiter, quote, escape, headerLines)
val parsedRow = reader.readNext()
Row(mapSchema(parsedRow, schema) : _*)
} catch {
case e: IllegalArgumentException => throw new UnsupportedOperationException("converted from Arg to Op except")
2) Create Another DataFrame from Hbase data (if you are using Hortonworks) or phoenix.
3) do join and apply functions(may be udf or when othewise.. etc..) and resultant file could be a dataframe again
4) join result dataframe with second table & output data as CSV as in pseudo code as an example below...
It should be possible to prepare dataframe with custom columns and corresponding values and save as CSV file.
you can this kind in spark shell as well.
val df ="com.databricks.spark.csv").
option("header", "true").
val df2=df.filter("quantity <= 4.0")
val col=df2.col("cost")*0.453592
val df3=df2.withColumn("finalcost",col)
Hope this helps.. Good luck.


Delta Live Tables and ingesting AVRO

So, im trying to load avro files in to dlt and create pipelines and so fourth.
As a simple data frame in Databbricks, i can read and unpack to avro files, using functions json / /lamba function. Where i can create a temp view then do a sql query and then select the fields i want.
--example command
in_path = '/mnt/file_location/*/*/*/*/*.avro'
avroDf ="com.databricks.spark.avro").load(in_path)
jsonRdd ="string")) x: x[0])
data =
--selecting the data
sql_query1 = sqlContext.sql("""
select distinct
data.field.test1 as col1
,data.field.test2 as col2
, as city
However, i am trying to replicate the process , but use delta live tables and pipelines.
I have used autoloader to load the files into a table, and kept the format as is. So bronze is just avro in its rawest form.
I then planned to create a view that listed the unpack avro file. Much like I did above with "eventhub". Whereby it will then allow me to create queries.
The trouble is, I cant get it to work in dlt. I fail at the 2nd step, after i have imported the file into a bronze layer. It just does not seem to apply the functions to make the data readable/selectable.
This is the sort of code i have been trying. However, it does not seem to pick up the schema, so it is as if the functions are not working. so when i try and select a column, it does not recognise it.
--unpacked data
def eventdata_v():
avroDf ="delta").table("live.bronze_file_list")
jsonRdd ="string")) x: x[0])
data =
return data
--trying to query the data but it does not recognise field names, even when i select "data" only
def eventdata2_v():
df = ("eventdata_v")
.select("data.field.test1 ")
return df
I have been working on this for weeks, trying to use different approach's but still no luck.
Any help will be so appreciated. Thankyou

How to validate large csv file either column wise or row wise in spark dataframe

I have a large data file of 10GB or more with 150 columns in which we need to validate each of its data (datatype/format/null/domain value/primary key ..) with different rule and finally create 2 output file one is having success data and another having error data with error details. we need to move the row in error file if any of column having error at very first time no need to validate further.
I am reading a file in spark data frame does we validate it column-wise or row-wise by which way we got the best performance?
To answer your question
I am reading a file in spark data frame do we validate it column-wise or row-wise by which way we got the best performance?
DataFrame is a distributed collection of data that is organized as set of rows distributed across the cluster and most of the transformation which is defined in spark is applied on the rows which work on Row object .
Psuedo code
import spark.implicits._
val schema = => {
val errorInfo : Seq[(Row,String,Boolean)] = Seq()
val data = schema.foreach(f => {
// f.dataType //get field type and have custom logic on field type
// // get field name i.e., column name
// val fieldValue = row.getAs( //get field value and have check's on field value on field type
// if any error in field value validation then populate #errorInfo info object i.e (row,"error_info",false)
// otherwise i.e (row,"",true)
data.filter(x => x._3)
data.filter(x => !x._3)

Spark: Read multiple AVRO files with different schema in parallel

I have many (relatively small) AVRO files with different schema, each in one location like this:
Object Name: A
Object Name: B
Object Name: C
and my goal is to read them in parallel via Spark and store each row as a blob in one column of the output. As a result my output data will have a consistent schema, something like the following columns:
ID, objectName, RecordDate, Data
Where the 'Data' field contains a string JSON of the original record.
My initial thought was to put the spark read statements in a loop, create the fields shown above for each dataframe, and then apply a union operation to get my final dataframe, like this:
all_df = []
for obj_name in all_object_names:
file_path = get_file_path(object_name)
df =
df_o = all_df.drop()
for df in all_df:
df_o = df_o.union(df)
# write df_o to the output
However I'm not sure if the read operations are going to be parallelized.
I also came across the sc.textFile() function to read all the AVRO files in one shot as string, but couldn't make it work.
So I have 2 questions:
Would the multiple read statements in a loop be parallelized by
Spark? Or is there a more efficient way to achieve this?
Can sc.textFile() be used to read the AVRO files as a string JSON in one column?
I'd appreciate your thoughts and suggestions.

Spark - Transforming key-value pairs into columns

I'm having 100,000 files, each contains data for M items, and each item has N attributes, with the format of each file is like this:
(1st file has data for items from item1_1 to item1_M. 2nd file has data for items from item2_1 to item2_M,...)
For further processing, I want to transform the data into a DataFrame like:
I tried to achieve this by using Spark's pivot:
val df ="/path/*")
For 10GB of zipped data, it took hours to complete. I believe that using the pivot function is not a good idea here, but don't know of any alternative options yet.
What can be a better approach?
Thanks for your support.

Spark Streaming Desinging Questiion

I am new in spark. I wanted to do spark streaming setup to retrieve key value pairs of below format files:
file: info1
Note: Each info file will have around of 1000 of these records. And our system is continuously generating these info files. Through, spark streaming i wanted to do mapping of line numbers and info files and wanted to get aggregate result.
Can we give input to spark cluster these kind of files? I am interested in the "SF" and "DA" delimiters only, "SF" corresponds to source file and "DA" corresponds the ( line number, count).
As this input data is not the line format, so is this the good idea to use these files for the spark input or should i need to do some intermediary stage where i need to clean these files to generate new files which will have each record information in line instead of blocks?
Or can we achieve this in Spark itself? What should be the right approach?
What i wanted to achieve?
I wanted to get line level information. Means, to get line (As a key) and info files (as values)
Final output i wanted is like below:
line178 -> (info1, info2, info7.................)
line 2908 -> (info3, info90, ..., ... ,)
Do let me know if my explanation is not clear or if i am missing something.
Thanks & Regards,
You could do something like this. Having your DStream stream:
// this gives you DA & FP lines, with the line number as the key
val validLines =":")).
filter(line => Seq("DA", "FP").contains(line._1)).
map(line => (line._1, line._2))
// now you should accumulate values
val state = validLines.updateStateByKey[Seq[String]](updateFunction _)
def updateFunction(newValues: Seq[Seq[String]], runningValues: Option[Seq[String]]): Option[Seq[String]] = {
// add the new values
val newVals = runnigValues match {
case Some(list) => list :: newValues
case _ => newValues
This should accumulate for each key a sequence with the values associated, storing it in state
