Not able to edit phone number for User verification in DocuSign - docusignapi

This is in reference to the User verification using DocuSign, I am trying to explore the Phone Authentication mode, but I am not getting an option to edit the number/ Choose a new number on the Screen where DocuSign requests for the Access code , I have set the recipMayProvideNumber": to true, but it does not seems to be working , Please help

See this blog post on the topic of recipient authentication.
The number should be passed during the API call like you did. You cannot change it as the signer, only the sender can modify it.
If you want to modify it, you need to make a PUT request to the envelope before it is sent. Once set you can still change it but that would require a new email to also be sent out, the original email with the original link would be invalidated.


DocuSign document uri for user

Issue 1 - Now I am using Code Grant and fetched token with refresh token, still it is not working, next day when I am using same token generated with refresh_token is giving error
Issue 2- How can I get uri or path of that file - so that user can click that link - view status - download ?
like some thing like this, once user click on that page it will open that page showing current state of document
StackOverflow is best used as one-topic-per-question. When asking, it's best to provide as much detail as possible about what you're doing, what's wrong, what errors are received, and what you've tried to do to investigate.
For issue 1, access tokens last for eight hours, so when an access token expires you will need to generate a new one. Based on your question, I'm not sure that's happening - Are you able to use the refresh token to generate new access token, or is that what's failing?
For issue 2, there are a few ways to approach. First, your application could directly download the PDF of the envelope ( and display that. If you would like to take the sender to a DocuSign interface to allow them to view the envelope, there are various Recipient View calls that may be of use:
I would recommend testing the SenderView call to see if that meets your needs. An alternative would be the RecipientView call, which can be used with the sender's name and email in the call body to get to a read-only view of the envelope.

Recipient Delivery Failed -- Webhooks and Correcting/Resending via the API

I've been working on an integration that sends an envelope to 2 signers. I am trying to test and program for the case of 1 of the signers having a bad email address. I would need to:
Be notified of this (webhook?)
Update the email address for the signer
Update the email address in the custom fields as that's printed on the agreement
Resend the envelope
When I enable the delivery failure notification in Connect (this is set up at the account level, for now), I don't see where the failure is noted in the webhook response or for which signer the error is happening.
I've found multiple links via Google talking about "correct and resend" but I haven't been able to get anything definitive in terms of what steps need to be taken or a (PHP) code example. I've also found "resend" in the API reference but still no code examples.
I also haven't seen any code examples (PHP) of how I would update a signer's email address and how that would work via the API.
It'd also be good to know how to update custom field data for both signers so the email address in the contract is updated (it's listed separately as part of the custom form data).
And finally, how would I resend the envelope?
Thank you for your thoughts.
Per DocuSign support (
Be notified of this (webhook?)
I have updated your account settings and now you should be able to see AutoResponded in your webhook messages when email invalid or unreachable.
(my comments: so it sounds like you have to ask to be able to see this stuff, it's not part of their standard webhook responses)
Update the email address for the signer
I also haven't seen any code examples of how I would update a signer and how that would work.
Unfortunately we don't have an example for recipient update but the logic is to get list of all recipients, pick the one need to be updated, and update.
You can use below to retrieve all recipients per envelope
GET /restapi/v2.1/accounts/accountId/envelopes/envelopeId/recipients
Extract the one you need to update edit email and update using the below
PUT /restapi/v2.1/accounts/accountId/envelopes/envelopeId/recipients
You can also see example code in C# how to do this in this thread
Update the email address in the custom fields as that's printed on the agreement
There is bug case created ( above link ) regarding this. At the moment you can not update signer custom fields case EC-2944.
Resend the envelope
You can resend the envelope during recipient update
PUT /restapi/v2.1/accounts/accountId/envelopes/envelopeId/recipients
My commentary:
Since custom fields can't be updated, this whole use-case goes out the window. We can't have contracts with incorrect data on it, so my client will have to do these corrections by hand. Kind of a bummer.

Docusign Envelope Corrected - As a result, you no longer have access

I've been working with a docusign integration into our own application for a while, and recently I've started encountering a new error that I've never experienced before. I create a docusign envelope using Docusign's own interface, add my recipients, set up the signing fields, and then click send.
An email goes out to the users with a link for them to sign the document, as expected. But simultaneously, there is another email that says the following:
[My User] has corrected [My Document].
As a result, you no longer have access.
I click on the link for signing the document, and it results in the following:
In theory, this makes sense. If an envelope is edited or corrected, then the previous links are no longer valid. However, the envelope is never being corrected. It is created and sent in a single action. There isn't even time for a correction to be made. I'm the only person with access to the account, so no one else can be making corrections to the envelope. Additionally, this only seems to occur for certain recipients. Some recipients are fine, and this correction thing doesn't occur. For others, it happens and breaks the entire chain.
What could be causing Docusign to do this? I'm working with a developer account if that makes any difference. The only recent change that was made to my configuration is the addition of Connect with HMAC signatures to verify the validity of docusign responses back to my application. Even so, most of the time things seem to work exactly as intended and expected.

Docusign: Use API to upload document and request signatures in a sequential flow

I've been looking at the API docs on Docusign (e.g. but finding it pretty unclear.
I would like to:
Upload a document (e.g. pdf or docx)
Email signatory #1 that it needs to be signed
Know when they sign e.g. a webbook
Email the next signatory that it's their turn to sign it
I don't want to add all the people who need to sign it at once, but request them one by one (or multiple at each stage).
Can someone please point me in the right direction for doing this? Thanks
I'd recommend checking out DocuSign's Quickstart examples in your favorite language:
To have signatories receive the envelope sequentially, you'll want to define a routing order for each recipient. DocuSign automatically moves through the routing order, so after signer 1 completes their portion, signer 2 will be notified.
To receive a notification to your webhook listener, you'll want to look in to DocuSign Connect:

Docusign Retrieve Signing Console URL: senderHost & mergeField details

Sign at Docusign
As per the above thread, it is possible to retrieve Signing console URL for email recipients too by setting EmbeddedRecipientStartURL property to value "SIGN_AT_DOCUSIGN", As per the documentation(Sign at Docusign), below example has to be framed in order to open Docusign Signing console.
Please explain what is senderHost & what should be filled in the mergeField properties accordingly? Let me know if you need any additional information related to this query.
BVS, I believe that's the opposite. If you provide EmbeddedRecipientStartURL field with SIGN_AT_DOCUSIGN, the signature will happen completely on DocuSign, and you don't have to provide any URL or merge fields.
If the value SIGN_AT_DOCUSIGN is used for this node, the recipient
will be directed to an embedded signing or viewing process directly at
On the other hand, if you want to route the client through your own application BEFORE he or she goes to DocuSign, you could provide this kind of template URL with merge fields to better handle the request.
Information can be appended to the embeddedRecipientStartURL using
merge fields. The available merge fields items are: envelopeId,
recipientId, recipientName, recipientEmail, and customFields. The
customFields must be part of the recipient or envelope. The merge
fields are enclosed in double brackets.
By example: if you wanted to handle the request before the signer goes to DocuSign, you could send something like https://senderHost?envId=[[envelopeId]]&email=[[recipientEmail]]. Sender host is your host, so it can be anything on the internet (, by example).
Hope it helps!
