Decoding ID from service - base64

I am trying to determine if there is any information contained in an ID I get from a service. The ID is like so:
When I run this through a base64 decode I get the following:
However I am not sure if I can go further with this. Does this look an encoding anyone recognises?


XML data format for a query on Nextcloud OCS

The problem is about getting a direct download link to a Netcloud file.
Documentation :
To obtain a direct link:
POST /ocs/v2.php/apps/dav/api/v1/direct
With the fileId in the body (so fileId=42 for example).
I want to POST this URL with Nodes.js. What is the XML (I guess) format to set "fileId=42" in the body of my request ?
Everything I try returns me
"Invalid query, please check the syntax. API specifications are here:" but noway there to get the format.
Samething with curl, no syntax is working.
In a more generic way what is the XML (I guess) format when querying the OCS API?
I answer my question:
At last I suceeded in making it work with curl, single/double quotes in Windows was the problem, fixed using "{" escape character.
This told me this was not about OCS data format itself as data is to be sent as it, ie "fieldId=42"
Switching from NojesJs/https lib to Axios fixed the problem. Probably some content-type header, however I tried 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' which fits with the data to send.

Truncate AWS logs using parse command

I'm having some hard time making a easy AWS Logs Insights statement. At the moment I have it like this:
filter #message like /product-id/
| parse "product_id=" as id
The point that I want to achieve is to only have the product-ids, nothing else after that in the id column. The product-id is at the moment a 10 character long string, followed by some other logs values that I am not currently interested in.
I know that i have to use the substr function but haven't managed to integrate it into my search statement in AWS Cloudwatch.

cantools.database.errors.Error: Standard frame id is more than 11 bits

I used cantools python package to decode canbus message. I used a dbc file created by me for testing. I copied a sample file. When I use can id like 419358976, I get error. But for smaller can ids like 350, it works. Does cantools fail for extended frame ids? how do I get this working?
my code which is failing for extended id's is as follows:
db = cantools.database.load_file('.\\src\\test\\resources\\j1939.dbc')
error: cantools.database.errors.Error: Standard frame id 0x18fee900 is more than 11 bits in message EEC1.
I found the answer for my question. The can id like 419358976 is an extended id. So to map that id to the id in the dbc file, I need to add another 32 bit hex number 8000 0000 to the hex can id. Then convert that result hex number to decimal and use it as the id field in the dbc file. It works perfectly after. The above error message is gone after

Issue accessing json array because of int

I am having an issue where I cannot access the contents of a json array due to one of the arrays having the name of "0"
I have tried data.0.username and it just shows as red in my editor (the path is 100% correct)
Sorry if this is super basic I couldn't find the same issue online thanks
For Ex if the Json file like data = {0:{'name':'John'},1:{'name':'doe'}}
you can access it with data[0].name or data[1].name

Verifyable logfile at customer site

We want to create a logfile at customer site where
the customer is able to read the log (plain text)
we can verify at our site that the log file isn't manipulated
A few hundred bytes of unreadable data is okay. But some customers do not send us files where they can't verify that they do not contain sensible data.
The only reasonable option I see so far is to append a cryptographic checksum (e.g. SHA256(SECRET_VALUE + "logtext")). The SECRET_VALUE would be something hardcoded which is plain "security through obscurity". Is there any better way?
We use the DotNet-library and I do not want to implement any crypto algorithm by hand if that matters.
You can use standard HMAC algorithm with a secret key to perform the checksum.
Using a secret key prevents in a simple way that the checksum can be regenerated directly. A hardcoded key could be extracted from code, but for your use case I think is enough
The result is a binary hash. To insert it into the text file encode the value as hexadecimal or base64, and ensure you are able to revert the process in server side so you can calculate the hash again with the original file.
You could use also a detached hash file to avoid modifying the log file
customer readable logfiles
verifyable by our side
minimum of binary data
must work offline
Public-Private-key-things... (RSA, ...)
would be secure
but only binary data
Add a signature
We are not the first ones with that idea ( )
DotNet supports that ( System.Security.Cryptography.HMACSHA256 )
Key must be stored somewhere ... in source
Even with obfuscation: not possible to do so securely
Trusted Timestamping
again: we are not first ( )
needs connection to "trusted third party" (means: a web service)
Build Hash + TimeStamp -> send to third party -> sign the data (public-private-key stuff) -> send back
Best option so far
Add a signature with HMAC
Store the key in native code (not THAT easy to extract)
Get code obfuscation running and build some extra loops in C#
Every once in a while (5min?) put a signature into log AND into windows application log
application log is at least basically secured against modification (read only)
and it's collected by the our error report
easy to oversee by customer (evil grin)
