We have serveral microservices for which we have artifacts in GitLab. (like for example helm chart, valuesfiles...)
For better documentation we have a deployment.png that shows the deployment path. Like where we get the images from and how we import our helm-charts and how to access the Openshift-Cluster from the jumphost.
This diagram should be included in every microservice repo so that everybody who has to deal with the microservices sees the diagram.
Now I don't want to have duplicated code and don't want to check in and take care for the deployment.png and the Text below it in every microservice.
Is there a good solution for that usecase?
We thought about having an extra documentation-repo and pulling in the relevant Readme with the image as a link into the respective microservice-readmes in each microservice-repo...
Any idea or best practice?
If I'm understanding correctly, you want to have a way to reference the same image and text files for multiple documents. All you have to know is the url location to your image and it can be referenced/embedded.
For example, 
A statement such as this will embed a file or image in a markdown file. If we remove the ! from the front, it simply links to the file location as a hyperlink.
The same strategy goes for the text file.
I have put the jar file inside the library of my magnolia(https://nexus.magnolia-cms.com/#nexus-search;classname~ImagingServlet), but when I invoke the url to return the cropped image, I get an error, if someone can help me.
[this is what appears to me1
I would guess that you are either missing the destinations folder or user has no access to it. Alternatively you are missing imaging support for DAM - see more at various additional jars you might need in documentation.
Also it seems you just copied thumbnail link from the admincentral, so perhaps you might want to read more on using themes and predefined image variations.
Project Environment
The environment we are currently developing is using Windows 10. nodejs 10.16.0, express web framework. The actual environment being deployed is the Linux Ubuntu server and the rest is the same.
What technology do you want to implement?
The technology that I want to implement is the information that I entered when I joined the membership. For example, I want to automatically put it in the input text box using my name, age, address, phone number, etc. so that the user only needs to fill in the remaining information in the PDF. (PDF is on some of the webpages.)
If all the information is entered, the PDF is saved and the document is sent to another vendor, which is the end.
Current Problems
We looked at about four days for PDFs, and we tried to create PDFs when we implemented the outline, structure, and code, just like it was on this site at https://web.archive.org/web/20141010035745/http://gnupdf.org/Introduction_to_PDF
However, most PDFs seem to be compressed into flatDecode rather than this simple. So I also looked at Data extraction from /Filter /FlateDecode PDF stream in PHP and tried to decompress it using QPDF.
Unzip it for now.Well, I thought it would be easy to find out the difference compared to the PDF without Kim after putting it in the first name.
However, there is too much difference even though only three characters are added... And the PDF structure itself is more difficult and complex to proceed with.
Note : https://www.adobe.com/content/dam/acom/en/devnet/pdf/pdfs/PDF32000_2008.pdf (PDF official document in English)
Is there a way to solve the problem now?
It sounds like you want to create a PDF from scratch and possibly extract data from it and you are finding this a more difficult prospect than you first imagined.
Check out my answer here on why PDF creation and reading is non-trivial and why you should reach for a tool you help you do this:
I have been able to successfully run the pre-trained model of TextSum (Tensorflow 1.2.1). The output consists of summaries of CNN & Dailymail articles (which are chuncked into bin format prior to testing).
I have also been able to create the aforementioned bin format test data for CNN/Dailymail articles & vocab file (per instructions here). However, I am not able to create my own test data to check how good the summary is. I have tried modifying the make_datafiles.py code to remove had coded values. I am able to create tokenized files, but the next step seems to be failing. It'll be great if someone can help me understand what url_lists is being used for. Per the github readme -
"For each of the url lists all_train.txt, all_val.txt and all_test.txt, the corresponding tokenized stories are read from file, lowercased and written to serialized binary files train.bin, val.bin and test.bin. These will be placed in the newly-created finished_files directory."
How is a URL such as http://web.archive.org/web/20150401100102id_/http://www.cnn.com/2015/04/01/europe/france-germanwings-plane-crash-main/ being mapped to the corresponding story in my data folder? If someone has had success with this, please do let me know how to go about this. Thanks in advance!
Update: I was able to figure out how to use own data to create bin files for testing (and avoid using url_lists altogether).
This will be helpful - https://github.com/dondon2475848/make_datafiles_for_pgn
Will update answer once I figure out how to fix ROGUE scoring for this.
I'm using Liferay Portal 6, The .sprite file is not specified in the source code, however, it's included in the URL with a slash dot, then it's blocked by a security program.
When I delete those file in theme/docroot/images and I deploy the project, they are generated again.
I would like to know how to manage those files or rename them?
You can open those files: It's combined images - look up "CSS Sprite" for a thorough documentation. They're used to limit the number of requests that go back to the server. Without sprites, you'd have every theme image loaded individually. With them you only need the sprite once, resulting in a significant performance boost: You want to have as few http-requests per page as possible, and sprites are one automatically handled way to help you achieving this.
I'm using the Node.js version of TiddlyWiki, and I'd like to link to images on my filesystem.
The documentation listed here doesn't work; in the [img[path]] tag, for the path part I put something like /Users/documents/ken/path_to_image.jpg yet nothing shows up in the tiddler.
My wiki exists in /Users/documents/ken/wiki.
I know this is an old post, but zacts stated that you can use a macro plugin or simply use the [img] tag to point to the relative path of the image from the tiddlywiki.html file, but the op is using the node.js version, and zacts apparently didn't read that. There is no tiddlywiki.html file for TiddlyWiki on node.js. That only works with the static .html version of tiddlywiki, not the node.js version.
Currently there is no way to point to a local file through the node.js version of Tiddlywiki as node.js is not a webserver, therefore it does not see subfolders like /images/ off of the root url. The only way is to run a parallel web server on the same machine and use the full web url to the images served up from the web server.
In case someone else stumbles across this problem:
I could not find this documented anywhere, but what seems to work is to just copy the image in the tiddlers directory, then restart the nodejs server, and search for the image title from tiddlywiki. There will be a tiddler that contains that image, that you can edit at your leisure.
Alternatively, copy the image as image_name.png (or image_name.jpg) into the tiddlers directory, and create a image_name.png.meta text file with the following contents:
title: image_name
type: image/jpeg
Upon restart of the tiddlywiki nodejs server, a tiddler with title image_name which contains the image will be there.
If you are using the Node.js version, you can simply put it in the ./files folder, and then use [img[. /files/xxx.jpg]] to reference it.
I had this same issue recently, and I found a neat little solution for it. Let me send you the links, and I'll post the snippets here.
I happened to stumble across this tiddlywiki image gallery homepage that linked to a macro plugin that lets you link in local images. Here is the link to the tiddler for the plugin: http://www.richshumaker.com/tw5/tw-photo.html#External%20Image%20Path. Here is the original TiddlyWiki google groups post of the plugin for this: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!msg/tiddlywiki/ChRV6sjQpn4/bCm35_XhGmkJ.
I hope this helps! =) (note: when I get more time I may clean up the formatting of this post).
It is very simple, you use _canonical_uri field
_canonical_uri field
The field value is something like "./wiki/path_to_image.jpg" (mine is "./files") in the same level as the tiddlers folder. I did not experimented with files outside the root folder of the wiki. The dot in the path might be ommited.
The content type might be "audio/mp3" "image/jpg" look at the "parser" shadow tiddlers. Your Browser might support more content types like "audio/wav" but you would have to add this line to "$:/core/modules/parsers/audioparser.js" For example. Might be the same thing for images. Check your browser support.
I really do not know why this fact is so obscure, but it work wonders.