I'm using Liferay Portal 6, The .sprite file is not specified in the source code, however, it's included in the URL with a slash dot, then it's blocked by a security program.
When I delete those file in theme/docroot/images and I deploy the project, they are generated again.
I would like to know how to manage those files or rename them?
You can open those files: It's combined images - look up "CSS Sprite" for a thorough documentation. They're used to limit the number of requests that go back to the server. Without sprites, you'd have every theme image loaded individually. With them you only need the sprite once, resulting in a significant performance boost: You want to have as few http-requests per page as possible, and sprites are one automatically handled way to help you achieving this.
I'm encoding a video file using the built-in adaptive streaming transform. Once the file is successfully processed, an asset container is created with the below files:
Is it possible to provide custom file names at the time a job is created? It seems that the default behavior is to take a certain number of characters from the original file name and prepend them in the above file names. If possible, I'd like to configure this behavior.
P.S. I'm using the .NET SDK.
You can create a custom transform to output file names differently. On https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/media/transforms/createorupdate#definitions search for the Mp4Format section. In that you can specify the filenamePattern with certain macros like {Bitrate} and {Codec}.
See https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/media-services/latest/custom-preset-cli-howto for an example custom transform and the process by which to create it in Media Services.
I use the macros on my jobs, they work ok. I have a process that takes 3 videos (an intro section, the actual content, and the outro section) and encodes them as one single video. The issue I have with the macros is that it uses the file name of the first video in the inputs. So it ends up using the file name of the intro video which is a generic name. They need to have a way where we can have a little more control.
I suppose I could copy/rename the intro video to a desired name before I encode and it would pick it up, but that seems to be a little bit of overkill.
The Macros are good, but they could use some enhancements I think.
We have serveral microservices for which we have artifacts in GitLab. (like for example helm chart, valuesfiles...)
For better documentation we have a deployment.png that shows the deployment path. Like where we get the images from and how we import our helm-charts and how to access the Openshift-Cluster from the jumphost.
This diagram should be included in every microservice repo so that everybody who has to deal with the microservices sees the diagram.
Now I don't want to have duplicated code and don't want to check in and take care for the deployment.png and the Text below it in every microservice.
Is there a good solution for that usecase?
We thought about having an extra documentation-repo and pulling in the relevant Readme with the image as a link into the respective microservice-readmes in each microservice-repo...
Any idea or best practice?
If I'm understanding correctly, you want to have a way to reference the same image and text files for multiple documents. All you have to know is the url location to your image and it can be referenced/embedded.
For example, 
A statement such as this will embed a file or image in a markdown file. If we remove the ! from the front, it simply links to the file location as a hyperlink.
The same strategy goes for the text file.
I am relatively new to OpenCart and need help locating the right files on Cpanel to customize site, most especially the home page. How do I locate a file name using Google Chrome Inspect element on storefront and then find the same file on my Cpanel File Manager? I am most especially looking for the html file on file manager for the home page. I would appreciate any advice.
Let me tell you the correct way.
Lets say your store URL is
There are two parameters after route. They are
1st is folder
2nd is file
3rd is function
Since we know that this is the front end, so we will go in catalog folder in root. If you have to find the file in admin panel, you will check inside admin folder in root.
So http://demo.opencart.com/index.php?route=common/home is basically CATALOG FOLDER / common folder / home.php / function index().
If we have to search something in admin lets say http://demo.opencart.com/admin/index.php?route=catalog/category/add&token=43d61e31aa46a1e66b4bfe63181ebe85 so it is basically ADMIN FOLDER / catalog folder / category.php / function add().
Now if you go through the function, there will be a line at the end something like this.
$this->response->setOutput($this->load->view('common/dashboard.tpl', $data));
This is your tpl file. Go inside the views folder, templates, common, dashboard tpl. This is your desired file.
I know this is an old question, but sometimes it's harder to find what you are looking for in OpenCart.
I have been searching for someting for more than an hour. As it turns out, what I was looking for (PHP CODE), was written in DataBase for whatever reason in this oc_modification table as an XML-ish text.
So if you are having trouble finding some file, it actually might not be a file at all. Actual code snippet could be in DB.
I use opencart 3.x.
Easiest way to find something is by downloading whole project, opening it in notepad++ and using "Find in Files" tab. If you can't find it there, there is a big chance you find it in DB.
Open PhpMyadmin, go to current database for your project, press SEARCH button on top, put wildcard like '%YOURTEXT%', make sure to select "ALL TABLES" and click GO.
I have a directory structure with files under directory 'web', which represents a white-label web site (html files, images, js etc.).
I also have some twenty different 'brands' let's call them 'web-1', 'web-2' etc. each containing specific files that should override the files in 'web' for a specific brand.
Apache is configured to find the files for each virtual site i in document root 'website-i'.
In order for each 'website-i' to contain content like 'web' with the overrides for brand 'web-i', my build script first copies all of 'web' to 'website-i' and then overrides it with the source files from 'web-i'.
There several problems with this approach:
It takes time to copy the files.
It takes a lot of disk space
Adding a new brand requires adding to the script.
Is there a best practice for doing this in a way that does not require duplicating files?
(with Apache and Linux)
Well, the best solution is with pretty simple server-side code but I'm going to assume you've already rejected that, maybe because you haven't permission to run code on the server (although if your hacking the config then you probably do).
A solution just in config could be to make it serve from the default root but rewrite the url if the file exists in the proper dir ...
RewriteCond /web-1/a_file -f
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ /web/$1
But you'd have to do this for every file in every brand. You might be able to be more clever about it if the files are stored in a dir that's the same as the hostname but that's getting too complex for me.
Seriously, server-side code is the way to go on this...
Strangely enough, a work colleague was in pretty much exactly the same situation a couple of weeks ago and he eventually rewrote it as PHP. Each site is a row in a database, one page which pulls out the changed text and urls for images, etc. and falls back to a default if there's nothing there.
Having said all that. Using links, as you say above, solves problem 2, probably much of 1 and I don't think there's a way around 3 any way.
I have an existing site in a path, and I've pointed the DreamWeaver site to it.
Under \templates there is a master.dwt file. But whenever I save this file, none of the html files which should make use of it change. What do I need to do to get DW to update the html files that make use of it? And how does DW know which files should be updated based on the template changing? Does it use an internal store or something because every time I copy the site to another machine, I'll need to link up all the pages to the relevant templates again.
I've tried going into Modify | Templates | Apply, but no templates are listed. I have a .dwt file in the path so why isn't it picking it up??
There's several possible issues in play here:
For Dreamweaver to properly recognize the existence of the template, the folder in the root of the site should be Templates and not templates.
Once Dreamweaver "sees" the Template properly you then need to make sure that the proper code is present in the child HTML files so Dreamweaver knows which files to update via the template. This code takes the form of HTML comments scattered throughout the page. You will always have the following line after the <html> tag:
<!-- InstanceBegin template="/Templates/TemplateName.dwt" codeOutsideHTMLIsLocked="false" -->
After that, editable regions are delineated with code that will look like this:
<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="someregion" -->
stuff you can edit
<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->
Without the above, the child pages will not respond to the template.
Now for the real bad news. Unless the existing pages match up with the template exactly, you are going to have all kinds of problems getting the template to play nicely with the existing content. Doing Modify | Template | Apply Template to the page when the page is already fully formed will generate a dialog box that asks you map the content to the editable regions in the template. But if the rest of the design elements vary from what the template contains, Dreamweaver will preserve those tags alongside what the template will introduce which usually creates a ton of duplicated tags and broken layouts.
You would be FAR better off creating new, blank pages from the Dreamweaver Template and copy/pasting the contents into the editable area and then overwriting the "old" pages with the Save As command.
I just encountered this issue myself. I realize this original question was posted some time ago, but for anyone who might encounter this problem in the future, I am posting my solution.
If the only changes made to the template relate to one or more elements contained in an attached/linked file (such as a CSS style sheet or JS file), which changes Dreamweaver allows directly from the .dwt template itself, using the style boxes at the side/bottom, then Dreamweaver does not perceive any change to the actual .dwt file itself. If you want those changes to "take effect" and apply them to all pages, you might type a change to the .dwt file itself, click "save all" - undo the change and click "save all" again. This step is really not entirely necessary, as the changes to dependent files can be affected to the website by putting the dependent file to the website.
Also, Dreamweaver will apply changes to CSS/JS dependent files, across the board, but may continue to use a cache, until closed and reopened.