How to copy a visidata cell to system clipboard on mac? - visidata

I tried adding to configuration ~/.visidatarc
options.clipboard_copy_cmd = 'pbcopy w'
but when I copy then with y from visidata nothing is copied to system clipboard on mac.
How to copy to system clipboard on mac?

One can use the shortcut Shift+Y for copying data from visidata (as of version 2.5) to system clipboard on macOS.
In detail:
Table Action
Copy single cell (of current row and current column)
z Shift+Y
Copy selected cell(s) (of current column)
g z Shift+Y
Copy single row
Copy selected row(s)
g Shift+Y
When copying rows, one has to confirm the format (e.g. csv or tsv).
There is no need to set up visidata options.


Copy paste from excel to notepad++ issue

I am trying to copy data from excel and paste it in Notepad++.
When pasting in NPP, it is automatically inserting carriage return and the cursor goes on to the next line.
Is there any way to avoid this ? I want the cursor to remain at the end of the text after pasting.
If you are copying data from a single cell, you could do one of the following:
Double-click on the cell and then copy its contents.
Select the cell you wish to copy from, and copy its contents from the Formula Bar.
If this does not solve your problem and removing the new line after every paste is annoying you, you could also consider switching to Google Sheets or Excel Online and copying data from there. They do not seem to add a new line.

Problem copying and pasting non-contiguous Excel columns using ActiveX

I want to open and process a number of Excel files using Matlab. The task is to copy and paste an area to a new sheet in a new Excel workbook. The area is defined by a contiguous selection of rows (e.g. rows 1 to 3) but a possibly non-contiguous selection of columns (e.g. columns 1 and 3). A requirement is that the copying-and-pasting operation should preserve comments.
The requirement that comments are to be preserved led me to the use of ActiveX as opposed to xlsread and xlswrite. I am able to open, select and paste a contiguous selection to a new file and save that file but I fail to make the selection non-contiguous.
The following lines are key:
DataRange ='A1:C3'; % Select contiguous selection.
Sheet1.Range(DataRange).Copy; % Select the columns to copy.
Sheet2.Range('A1').PasteSpecial(13); % Paste, including comments.
All is well so far and the code behaves as intended.
I then try to modify the code to cope with non-contiguous columns as follows:
DataRange = 'A1:A3, C1:C3'; % Only select first and third columns.
Matlab returns with an opaque error message (Object returned error code 0x800A03EC) rather than reaching the intended outcome where the contents of rows 1 to 3 and columns A and C are selected and copied.
Unfortunately my VBA skills are non-existent and I do not know how to proceed. I would appreciate if someone could point me in the right direction using this simple example.

Copy and Paste Excel Formatted Data within sheet without formulla

I want to copy my data which i have carefully formatted and designed , and paste it on another location of same worksheet but i want to pasted data to retain formatting and formula must be removed only value remain in their place.
what could be workaround to do the above mentioned task in excel 2013/2010 ?
Do it in two steps
copy formatting with one of the following methods
select the source and press the bruch icon, then click the left upper corner of the destination
simply copy the source onto the destination, knowing that you will overwrite the formulas in the next step.
z. copy values
select the source again and press the copy item (or faster: press [CTRL]-C), then right- click the left upper corner of the destination and select the numbers icon.
in older versoins of excel, this is an ootion in edit _ copy special

how to copy one column(only single column) at a time into another sheet of same excel workbook

According to requirement I need to copy few columns like A1 S1 K1 from one excel sheet to another in the same excel workbook.
Select a cell in the column you wish to copy.
Press Ctrl+space (as in the space bar!). This selects the entire column.
Press Ctrl+C. This is the keyboard shortcut for Copy.
Move to the other sheet. Select a cell IN ROW ONE where you want the copied data to appear.
Press Ctrl+V. This is the keyboard shortcut for Paste.
I feel quite certain that this is not what you need. However, it answers the question you asked.

Copy excel 2010 sheet to another workbook

I have two copies of an Excel 2010 spreadsheet, my copy for editing and the master. I have created a new sheet in my copy which acts as a statistics page, totaling up totals from all other sheets. I wish to transfer this into the master copy. If I use standard copy and paste or the Excel 'Move Sheet' function the formulae copy over but still reference my version of the spreadsheet.
Spreadsheet1 => =sum('sheet1'!A:A)
Spreadsheet2 => =sum('[Spreadsheet1.xlsx]sheet1'!A:A)
Without having to manually go through the master version and edit each field can anyone suggest a way to copy this over without it trying to refer back to the original spreadsheet?
An easy solution (quick n dirty): after copy and paste, replace "[Spreadsheet1.xlsx]" in the new sheet by an empty string
