Ocelot API Gateway implementation in AKS - azure

I'm creating AKS cluster, and I want to use API gateway (Ocelot ) to route, and authenticate requests towards containers(microservices) behind the gateway. My question is how to achieve this? I know I must deploy ocelot API gateway inside node, but I don't know how will I configure all traffic to go through API gateway. Can't find an example or directions that could help me. What steps do I need to take? Or is there maybe a better way of accomplishing the desired scenario?

If you use Ocelot as an API Gateway, you must create a .NET project with a configuration file for the routes you want to use. You then deploy this with a Deployment inside your cluster along with the containers running your APIs and front your API Gateway with a ClusterIP service. At this point, you should test internally if the calls are routed properly from the ClusterIP to the API Gateway and to your APIs. You can then expose your API Gateway on the Internet using either a Load Balancer service, an Ingress controller or Azure Application Gateway.
Another way is not to use an Ocelot API Gateway at all by using an Ingress controller and configuring the routes directly in it.


How do make my microservices only accessible by the api gateway

I would like to know how I can protect my Nodejs microservices so only the API gateway can access it. Currently the microservices are exposed on a unique port on my machine and can be access directly without passing through the gateway. That defeats the purpose of the gateway to serve as the only entry point in the system for secure and authorized information exchange.
The microservices and the gateway are currently built with Nodejs and express.
The plan is to eventually deploy it on the cloud (digital ocean). I'd appreciate any response. Thanks.
Kubernetes can solve this problem.
Kubernetes manages containers where each container can be a micro service.
While connecting your micro services to your gateway server, you can choose to only allow foreign connections to your gateway server. You would have a load balancer / nginx in your kubernetes cluster that redirects request to your gateway server.
Kubernetes has many other features such as:
service discovery: each of your micro service's IP could potentially change on restart/deployment unless you have static IP for all ur services. service discovery solves this problem.
high availability & horizontal scaling & zero downtime: you can configure to have several replicas for each of your service. So when one of the service goes down there still are other replicas alive to deal with the remaining requests. This also helps with CICD. With something like github action, you can make a smooth CICD pipeline. When you deploy a new docker image(update a micro service), kubernetes will launch a new container first and then kill the old container. So you have zero down time.
If you are working with micro services, you should definitely have a deep dive into kubernetes.

Azure Application Gateway with Api AppService without API gateway

How do i use Application gateway with API in Backend pool. Please note we do not want to use API Gateway due to cost and very few APIs.
I know how to configure Application gateway with WebApp but not sure how I can use it with an Api. Please give me some links/ references where similar design is available.
Many thanks
When we deploy API in Web App Service then apiname.azurewebsites.net does not work give any probes to application gateway and treat unhealthy. API works like xxx.azurewebsites.net/api/values and Application Gateway treat xxx.azurewebsites.net as unhealthy. We have to put /api/values in override backend path of http settings. Same have to do in health probes.
For more details, you could refer to this similar SO thread.

How to make a call from angular application to .net core web api in kubernetes

I have created docker image for angular and .net core api and deployed in the azure kubernetes. I have used Ingress controller for angular to expose outside of the cluster. I would like to know how to make a http call from angular app to core api which is exposed as ClusterIP service(Without exposing outside).
For Example: http://xxxxxxxxxx/api/test (from angular app)
here what is the value of xxxxxxxxxxx.?
Or How can we make a call.?
Could you please suggest with example.?
Every service you create in kubernetes has a dns name (two actually):
they will always resolve to the proper ip address to talk to your service (as long as kubernetes functions properly).
so just create a service for your api and use this notation to access it.
Reading: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/services-networking/service/

kubernetes cluster secure entry point for api

I built a kubernetes cluster witch contain a ui app, worker, mongo, MySQL, elasticsearch and exposes 2 routs with ingress and there is also an ssl certificate on top of the cluster static ip. Utilizing pub/sub and storage.
All looks fine.
Now I’m looking for a secure way to expose
An endpoint to an external service
Use case:
A remote app wishes to access my cloud app with a video guid in the payload in a secure manner and get a url to a video in the bucket
I looked at google endpoints service but couldn’t get it to work with kubernetes.
There is more services that will need an access point to the app.
What is the best way for me to solve this problem.
Solve it by simply adding an endpoint to the ingress controlling the app, and protect it with SSL and JWT. Use this and this guides to add the ingress controller.
This tutorial shows how to integrate Kubernetes with Google Cloud Endpoint

Secure access to backend services in Hybrid Cloud

I have some doubts about which is the most appropiate way to allow access to my company backend services from public Clouds like AWS or Azure, and viceversa. In our case, we need an AWS app to invoke some HTTP Rest Services exposed in our backend.
I came out with at least two options:
The first one is to setup an AWS Virtual Private Cloud between the app and our backend and route all traffic through it.
The second option is to expose the HTTP service through a reverse proxy and setup IP filtering in the proxy to allow only income connections from AWS. We don´t want the HTTP Service to be public accesible from the Internet and I think this is satisfied whether we choose one option or another. Also we will likely need to integrate more services (TCP/UDP) between AWS and our backend, like FTP transfers, monitoring, etc.
My main goal is to setup a standard way to accomplish this integration, so we don't need to use different configurations depending on the kind of service or application.
I think this is a very common need in hybrid cloud scenarios so I would just like to embrace the best practices.
I would very much appreciate it any kind of advice from you.
Your option #2 seems good. Since you have a AWS VPC, you can get an IP to whitelist by your reverse proxy.
There is another approach. That is, expose your backends as APIs which are secured with Oauth tokens. You need some sort of an API Management solution for this. Then your Node.js app can invoke those APIs with the token.
WSO2 API Cloud allows your to create these APIs in the cloud and run the api gateway in your datacenter. Then the Node.js api calls will hit the on-prem gateway and it will validate the token and let the request go to the backend. You will not need to expose the backend service to the internet. See this blog post.
