Azure Application Gateway with Api AppService without API gateway - azure

How do i use Application gateway with API in Backend pool. Please note we do not want to use API Gateway due to cost and very few APIs.
I know how to configure Application gateway with WebApp but not sure how I can use it with an Api. Please give me some links/ references where similar design is available.
Many thanks

When we deploy API in Web App Service then does not work give any probes to application gateway and treat unhealthy. API works like and Application Gateway treat as unhealthy. We have to put /api/values in override backend path of http settings. Same have to do in health probes.
For more details, you could refer to this similar SO thread.


An attempt was made to access a socket in a way forbidden by its access permissions. (localhost:5001)

I'm facing issue with my multiple project solution in .net core webAPI. I've gatewayAPI which internally makes call to different microservices via http call.
Gateway API URI exposed to outer world which has domain as azure app name but the internal calls from gateway to microservices are configured with http://localhost:5001/{apiEndPoint} which is working fine in my local machine but after deploying it on azure app service I'm getting below error:
PostToServer call URL:'http://localhost:5001/api/authservice/authenticate' with Exception message An attempt was made to access a socket in a way forbidden by its access permissions. (localhost:5001).
Can someone please help me with this, I'm new to azure and learning on my own but could not find any solution for this yet.
PS: After going through some YouTube videos and blogs I got to know we have to use AKS but I'm not confident in that.
Would really appreciate any help on this issue.
The Gateway API you deployed to azure app service, it doesn't support custom port usage for 5001. Azure App Service only supports port 80|443(HTTP|HTTPS).
If you must use multiple ports in your actual project, then it is recommended to check whether Azure Cloud Service meets your needs. But it not the best choice.
The Best Practice:
Microservices architecture design
In short,create a Azure Gateway service, and your other microservice can be deployed in any where.(azure app service, vm or aks)
You just make sure you can access your microservices in your internal or public network environment.
If you're just learning, or the app isn't actually used by a lot of users, you can try the following suggestions:
Use SignalR (not azure signalr) to replace the websocket in your current project.
You have on azure app service, you can deploy your Gateway API Application to app service, and your other microservices can be deployed to Virtual Application in azure app service.

Ocelot API Gateway implementation in AKS

I'm creating AKS cluster, and I want to use API gateway (Ocelot ) to route, and authenticate requests towards containers(microservices) behind the gateway. My question is how to achieve this? I know I must deploy ocelot API gateway inside node, but I don't know how will I configure all traffic to go through API gateway. Can't find an example or directions that could help me. What steps do I need to take? Or is there maybe a better way of accomplishing the desired scenario?
If you use Ocelot as an API Gateway, you must create a .NET project with a configuration file for the routes you want to use. You then deploy this with a Deployment inside your cluster along with the containers running your APIs and front your API Gateway with a ClusterIP service. At this point, you should test internally if the calls are routed properly from the ClusterIP to the API Gateway and to your APIs. You can then expose your API Gateway on the Internet using either a Load Balancer service, an Ingress controller or Azure Application Gateway.
Another way is not to use an Ocelot API Gateway at all by using an Ingress controller and configuring the routes directly in it.

Can you tell if an API request hasn't come through Azure API Management?

I have an API that runs on an Azure app service which is exposed through Azure API Management. Is there a way to tell if any requests are hitting the app service URL directly without going through the API Management service?
In my opinion, apim can't record those requests which hitting the app service url directly because these requests have no relationship with apim. If you want to record these requests, you need to modify the api in your code.
For example, you can add a parameter with a specific value in api management and when your code recieve this parameter, you can check the value to know if it comes from apim.
I assume that you want to prevent calling the app service url directly. So I suggest you adding White list on your server so that only apim request can visit your server.
For adding access restriction, if you're using azure app service, you can learn about this ms document.
I believe if you were to enabled Application Insights on both the API Management and APP Service you can view the requests on Application Insights for the APP Service to tell which ones were direct calls and which ones came from API Management.

How do requests from clients to an API get routed through the gateway hosted on Azure?

I'm not entirely new to MS Azure, but I am new to its API Management Service. I am trying to get an understanding of how the routing works between the client, the APIMS, and the backend APIs, but somehow can't seem to find what I'm looking for within Microsoft's documentation.
So here's what we have and what I understand:
We have multiple APIs that we host on Azure as App Services. And those APIs are added to the APIMS, which we are using as a gateway. The APIMS's Inbound policies on each API specifies the backend service as that App. But that's all I know.
So when a client, say an application running on someone's computer, sends a request to one of those APIs, how does its request URL end up routing through the gateway? And how does that all relate?
the request URL is made up as follows:
[name of your APIM service][name of api]/[api method]/[querystring]

Azure - Connecting multiple app service containers with custom domain and ssl

I am getting to the point of my project where I am ready to deploy it online with my custom domain via Azure once I make the upgrade from my Free Subscription.
So a little context, I have 1 web app service and 4 api services and each one is hosted in a separate app service such as:
And the above web app communicates to all 4 api's and some api's may or may not talk to another. (Would have loved an application gateway so hopefully I'll be changing this architecture later down the road).
So as I get ready to associate my domain to the services, the web container seems pretty straight forward to me as it just becomes, but I am a little confused about the api services. The way I am thinking about this is that each api service will be in it's own subdomain, such as:
where I believe I can register my SSL and domain to each app service somehow, but this leaves me with a few questions.
Do I host each api in a subdomain using the same domain as the web
app, or is there a different way preferred like where I host them
all on the same domain with different exposed ports per API and web
listening 80/443, or maybe just use the IP address of the api app
service and allow as the origin for CORS?
I am assuming that since I am associating my SSL cert to the web
service, I will need to do the following on the api services?
Would it be better (and still affordable) if I just had a VNET
associated to the app services and the domain only registered with
the web app?
Any insight into this would be greatly appreciated on how I can establish communication between my app services with my custom domain and SSL as I am fairly new to this part of the stack, but excited about learning!
As I known, on Azure cloud, there are two services can help to manage your APIs deployed on multiple app service containers: API Management and Application Gateway.
The Premium tier of API Management has the feature for multiple custom domain names, please see the offical document Feature-based comparison of the Azure API Management tiers as the figure below.
You can refer to the quick start tutorial of Create a new Azure API Management service instance and other related documents to kown how to.
"Azure Application Gateway is a web traffic load balancer that enables you to manage traffic to your web applications." said in the introduce What is Azure Application Gateway?. And as the figure of its architecture below, "With Application Gateway, you can make routing decisions based on additional attributes of an HTTP request, such as URI path or host headers. For example, you can route traffic based on the incoming URL. So if /images is in the incoming URL, you can route traffic to a specific set of servers (known as a pool) configured for images. If /video is in the URL, that traffic is routed to another pool that's optimized for videos."
I recommended to use Azure Application Gateway which be a good choice to manage multiple app services and expose the unified urls of APIs.
