how to display multiple arraylist - android-studio

How can you remove these unwanted characters? I have tried to use the remove method as in the following but it does not work:
My view:


How can I add attributes to the codesample pre block that is created by tinymce

I have a TLDR switch on my blog.
This switch is a javascript that hides any element with the class="tldr" attribute attached to it, or unhides it.
I've created custom block_formats in TinyMCE for Paragraphs that will let me create a Paragraph with the TLDR class attached.
However, when I insert a codesample using that plugin it will generate a pre block that I can not format afterward.
I've already tried to create a custom PRE block with the TLDR class but TinyMCE won't let me apply this format to the code sample block that has been created.
Does anyone have another solution for my problem or can you see if I'm doing anything wrong?
Is there another way in TinyMCE to add attributes to elements that have been added to the code already?
I've tried the code viewer but that doesn't allow me to modify the generated HTML code.
You can use formats and style_formats to customize the styling options available to users and how they operate.
To add a custom pre block with class="tldr", you can add this config to TinyMCE:
style_formats: [
// Adds a pre format to style_formats that applies a 'tldr' class
{ title: 'TLDR', block: 'pre', classes: 'tldr' }
See this TinyMCE fiddle:
On its own, this will override the default style formats, but you can add them back in and position the new TLDR option within the Blocks submenu as shown here:

verify heading text in css selector

This is my xpath "//div[#class='city']/h4[text()='Newyork']"
xpaths I can use in Geb but I want to write similar expression in CSS or better Groovy-ish, Gebish locator.
I have tried
but none worked.
I have referred
Geb has an ability to further filter down the elements matched using a CSS selector by passing a map of element attributes to its methods together with that selector. It also introduces a special attribute for matching text of a node. Your selector would look like this:
$(' > h4', text: 'Newyork')
Please note that this works by fetching text for every matched element and checking it against the provided value, that is it does the work on the JVM side and not in the browser, which means that you want your css selector to be as specific as possible and match as little elements as possible otherwise the selector will be very slow.

TinyMCE and SVG

I'm using the latest/current TinyMCE editor (<script type="text/javascript" src=''></script>) and it doesn't seem capable of displaying <svg>. I have some HTML saved in a database which contains some <svg>. When loaded in TinyMCE, it doesn't display.
Is this a known issue (I've searched and haven't found much)? Any workarounds?
TinyMCE strips empty and invalid tags. You can solve it by
Adding '&nbsp' to each empty element:
svg.find('*').each(function() {
if (!$(this).html()) {
$(this).text(' ');
here svg is your jQuery wrapped svg element.
Extending the valid elements according to the svg element reference*
extended_valid_elements: "svg[*],defs[*],pattern[*],desc[*],metadata[*],g[*],mask[*],path[*],line[*],marker[*],rect[*],circle[*],ellipse[*],polygon[*],polyline[*],linearGradient[*],radialGradient[*],stop[*],image[*],view[*],text[*],textPath[*],title[*],tspan[*],glyph[*],symbol[*],switch[*],use[*]"
*Note I added only the elements relevant for my case.
I tried Koen's first suggestion and it worked for existing SVG content (I added this in the setup callback). However it still filtered the SVG tags out when pasting HTML into the source code editor and then confirming the dialog.
After digging a bit into TinyMCE's source code to see where those elements are actually removed (it's in the DomParser class) I found an undocumented editor setting for the Schema class that specifies tags that are allowed to be empty without being removed. The only annoying thing is that you can't use it to add to the existing list, you can only override it. So when setting it you have to list the tags it has in there by default as well. Use this in the settings that you provide to TinyMCE when initialising it:
// First the list of tags that it normally knows about by default:
non_empty_elements: "td,th,iframe,video,audio,object,script,pre,code,area,base,basefont,br,col,frame,hr,img,input,isindex,link,meta,param,embed,source,wbr,track"
// Now we add tags related to SVGs that it doesn't normally know about:
+ "svg,defs,pattern,desc,metadata,g,mask,path,line,marker,rect,circle,ellipse,polygon,polyline,linearGradient,radialGradient,stop,image,view,text,textPath,title,tspan,glyph,symbol,switch,use",
This way these SVG tags should never be filtered out because they are empty - as long as they are also valid in general, e.g. by setting the extended_valid_elements as Koen suggested above or by allowing all elements (not recommended as it leaves you vulnerable to XSS attacks):
extended_valid_elements: "*[*]"
Please note that this worked for my version 4.5.8 of TinyMCE. Since this setting is undocumented it might not work anymore in current or future versions. Also they might've adjusted the default list that I'm overriding here in later versions. Find nonEmptyElementsMap and shortEndedElementsMap in Schema.js in their source code to find the default list in your version (the two lists get combined) and note that in there the tags are separated by spaces but when you supply a list yourself the list is separated by commas (for whatever reason).
Seams to be TinyMCE that removes it because it is an empty tag:
You might be able to use this inside the init:
extended_valid_elements : "svg[*]",
It works with other empty tags etc, but have never tried with SVG.
From the forum post I linked to:
ok,I did some debugging into TinyMCE and the problem seems to be that
the svg element is detected as being empty and therefor removed.
Unfortunatley there is no config way to change this behavior but there
are some workarounds.
Always have a name attibute for the svg element: <svg name="something"
Always have a data-mce attribute for the svg element: <svg data-mce-something="something"
Include some text content within the svg element: <svg> </svg> Using these techniques i could succesfully store
inline svg in an xhtml property
I made it work by adding all valid SVG elements to the extended_valid_elements property of the settings object while initializing TinyMCE, no other action was needed
For your convenience here's the full list of SVG elements I used

Passing entry_ids to channel:entries tag with low variables entries select

I'm trying to pass entry_ids to a channel entries tag using low variables entry_select. When i place the following tag by itself in a template it outputs a list of 3 pipe separated entry_ids: {exp:low_variables:single var='lv-home-groups'}
however when I add the same code to the following channel:entries tag nothing is output.
{exp:channel:entries channel="groups" entry_id="{exp:low_variables:single var='lv-home-groups'}" disable="category_fields|pagination"}
code here
I've tried early and late parsing but can't get it to work. If i manually place the entry_ids it works fine. I'm trying to avoid using an embedded template for performance reasons.
Here's how: make sure early parsing is enabled for that variable, and then use the variable syntax instead of the tag syntax:
{exp:channel:entries channel="groups" entry_id="{lv-home-groups}"}
code here

Symfony TinyMCE Implementation

I have a small issue implementing TinyMCE into a Symfony project. I get the text editor to come up and save rich text to a database field. But when I go to "echo" it on a page, I get all the HTML tags instead of the rich text itself. Is there a special way that I need to "echo" this so that it parses the html? I also want it so that when people manually type in html tags, that they are displayed as regular text (to avoid people people adding hyperlinks and other unwanted things to their posts). Here is what displays:
<p>Test</p> <p><strong>Bold Test</strong></p> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><strong>Underline Text</strong></span></p>
Instead of this:
Test Bold Test Underline Text
Symfony2 uses output escaping for security. You can read about it here:
To echo a variable without escaping it you can do this:
{{ article.body|raw }}
In order to clean up and restrict which tags can be used you will want to use HTMLPurifier which has a bundle here:
For Symfony 1.4
Symfony 1.4 has similar output escaping. You can get the raw data with:
or if it's a method on an object you can add ESC_RAW as a parameter to the method call (warning: symfony will do some magic here)
more on 1.4 output escaping here
