Play each track at specific time position from a playlist - jplayer

I want users to be able, to continue a track from where they paused or stopped it last time. I save a users key into a cookie, and store the chosen tracks and elapsed times into db. Then before a activated song is going to play the current time should be set at the retrieven elapsed time:
ie. User lately ilstened to these two songs
song1.mp3n, stopped at 2 sec
song3.mp3 stopped at 100 sec
I found some information at.
Play song at specific time position from a playlist
I came up with the following code:
$jplay= <<<EOD
var jp = $('#jquery_jplayer_1pl');
jp.on($.jPlayer.event.setmedia, function(e){
// For first track (0) - 2 sec, second track (1) - 3 sec, etc.
//var time = myPlaylist.current + {$time_elapsed};
var time = {$time_elapsed};
// Jump to desired time
jp.jPlayer( "play", time);
}, 100);
But this only works with single player version, unless the last track, the user listended to, could be activated or played automatically. Otherwise every song strts at the same time position.
Therefore I think I could use ";" or ";", but I cannot find out how.
To be more precise, I want to start several tracks at different elapsed time positions, when they are activated.

To make this work for the playlist player version of jplayer, after days I found out the following solution myself, based on jquery and ajax.
$("#jquery_jplayer_1pl").bind($.jPlayer.event.setmedia, function(event) {
type: "GET",
url: 'media-progress-ajax-funcs1.php',
data: {
guid: myPlaylist.playlist[myPlaylist.current].mp3,
bkmk_key: '<?php echo $bkmk_key; ?>',
contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
dataType: "json",
success: function(response) {
function playtrack(elapsed) {
if (elapsed) {
var jp = $('#jquery_jplayer_1pl');
var time = parseInt(elapsed);
// Jump to desired time
jp.jPlayer( "pause", time);
}, 100);
data: {
guid: myPlaylist.playlist[myPlaylist.current].mp3,
bkmk_key: '<?php echo $bkmk_key; ?>',
The variable bkmk_key is derived from a cookie and unique for a cetain user. The ajax function script 'media-progress-ajax-funcs1.php' is searching for the userkey and corresponding media filename (guid) the user has paused after a certain time (elapsed time from event.jPlayer.status.currentTime) and returns the elapsed time value if the media is set (event:setmedia). It will start playing by clicking play from the latest position, so the user has not to search for it.
I do not mention howto get the elapsed time, after the player is paused, and store it into the database. If you are interested in this part of my code you will have to ask.
I hope that someone finds this helpful.


Chrome Extension | Multiple alarms going off at once

I am creating a task reminder extension. The user has an option to keep adding tasks and set reminders for each task.
I am using to store these tasks and using onChanged listener on storage to create an alarm for each task added to the storage.
But the issue is that if I set a reminder of 2 mins for a task and 3 mins for another task. Then at the end of 2 mins I am getting notification for both the tasks and at the end of 3mins I again get notifications for both the tasks.
background.js, namespace) {
let id = (changes.tasks.newValue.length)-1
let data = changes.tasks.newValue[id]
if(data.task && data.hrs && data.min){
let totalMins = (parseInt(data.hrs*60))+parseInt(data.min)
let alarmTime = 60*1000*totalMins
chrome.alarms.create("remind"+id,{ + alarmTime})
let notifObj = {
type: "basic",
title: "Time to complete you task",
message: data.task
chrome.notifications.create('remindNotif'+id, notifObj)
let hrs = document.querySelector("#time-hrs")
let min = document.querySelector("#time-min")
let submitBtn = document.querySelector("#submitBtn")
let task = document.querySelector("#task")
hrs.value = 0;
min.value = 1
if (hrs.value < 0){
hrs.value =0;
if (min.value < 1){
min.value = 1;
submitBtn.addEventListener("click", ()=>{
let taskArr = item.tasks ? item.tasks : []
linkArr.push({task:task.value, hrs:hrs.value, min:min.value}){ 'tasks' : taskArr })
"name" : "Link Snooze",
"description" : "This extension reminds you to open your saved links",
"permissions":["storage", "notifications","alarms"],
"background" : {
"scripts": ["background.js"],
"persistent" : false
You register a new onAlarms listener when the storage changes in addition to the old listeners. All of them run each time one alarm is triggered.
When using a non-persistent background script, all API listeners must be registered just once for the same function and it must be done synchronously, not inside an asynchronous callback or await or then(), otherwise the event will be lost when the background script auto-terminates and then wakes up for this event. The convention is to do it at the beginning of the script. The reason it worked for you until now is that the background script is kept alive while the popup is open or while devtools for the background script was open.
Such listeners evidently won't be able to use the variables from an asynchronous callback directly like data.task in your code. The solution is to use a different method of attaching data to an event, for example, create the alarm with a name that already contains the data, specifically data.task.
chrome.alarms.create(data.task, {delayInMinutes: hrs * 60 + min});
onAlarm event provides the alarm as a parameter so you can use its name, see the documentation.
Random hints:
An object can be used as an alarm name if you call JSON.stringify(obj) when creating and JSON.parse( in onAlarm.
In the popup, instead of manually adjusting out-of-range values, use a number input in html:
<input id="time-min" type=number min=0 max=59 step=1>
Then read it as a number: document.querySelector("#time-min").valueAsNumber || 0

How can i run some code at an exact timestamp?

I have a REST API in a backend with an array of objects with a timestamp (time when something happens in-game) and a value.
How can i do run something when time is equals to that timestamp ?
I presume that timestamps are in msec. Probably this should do the trick:
let diffMsec = obj.timestamp - new Date().getTime();
if (diffMsec > 0) {
setTimeout(function() {
/* do your stuff */
}, diffMsec);
Keep in mind though, that it is not guaranteed that timeout will be invoked at the exact time.

How to split text depending on word count

I am trying to make a lyric project using discord.js, cheerio and the website called
I have successfully found a way to scrape the lyrics from the website, I am onto the part where I need to split it because discord has a max word limit of 2000.
I can check how many characters/words are in the overall lyrics by doing lyrics.length, I just need to find a way to split the string and send both, in the future I might implement richEmbeds to make it more stylish but for now I'm focusing on the basics.
var request = require('request');
var cheerio = require('cheerio');
This is a project for my discord bot, the reason for the 2000 word limit is because
discords character limit is currently set to 2000, this means that i will have to add
a function to split the lyrics and send each part
//Define the URL that we are going to be scraping the data from
var UR_L = "";
//send a request to the website and return the contents of the website
request(UR_L, function(err, resp, body) {
//load the website using cheerio
$ = cheerio.load(body);
//define lyrics as the selector to text form
var lyrics = $('p').text();
if (lyrics.length > "2000" && lyrics.length < "4000") {
} else if (lyrics.length > "4000" && lyrics.length < "6000") {
} else {
//send the lyrics as one message
You can find a live version running here on
You don't need to use any fancy function, that function is already built in discord.js: you can attach some options to a message, and MessageOptions.split is what you're searching for. When you want to send the text, do it like this:
channel.send(lyrics, { split: true });
If lyrics.length is greater that the limit, discord.js will cut your messages and send them one after the other, making it seem like it's only one.
channel is the TextChannel you want to send the messages to.
Discord has a 2000 characters limit not a 2000 words limit.
One solution to your problem could be this:
// This will result in an array with strings of max 2000 length
const lyricsArr = lyrics.match(/.{1,2000}/g);
lyricsArr.forEach(chunk => sendMessage(chunk))
Given the async nature of sending messages, you might want to look into modules like p-iteration to ensure the chunks arrive in the correct order.
That being said, there exists APIs for getting lyrics of songs, which I would recommend instead of scraping. See apiseeds lyrics API as an example.
const lyrics = 'These are my lyrics';
const lyricsArr = lyrics.match(/.{1,8}/g);
console.log(lyricsArr); // [ 'These ar', 'e my lyr', 'ics' ]
lyricsArr.forEach((chunk, i) => {
// Break if this is the last chunk.
if (i == lyricsArr.length -1) {
// If last character is not a space, we split a word in two.
// Add additional non-wordbreaking symbols between the slashes (in the regex) if needed.
if (!chunk[chunk.length - 1].match(/[ ,.!]/)) {
const lastWord = chunk.match(/\s([^ .]+)$/)
lyricsArr[i + 1] = lastWord[1] + lyricsArr[i + 1];
lyricsArr[i] = lyricsArr[i].split(/\s[^ .]*$/)[0];
console.log(lyricsArr) // [ 'These', 'are my', 'lyrics' ]
Updated as per the comments.
This is some crude code that i did not spend much time on, but it does the job.
Some info when using this approach:
You need to add any symbols that should not be considered wordbreaking to the regex in the second if
This has not been tested thoroughly, so use at your own risk.
It will definitely break if you have a word in the lyrics longer than the chunk size. Since this is around 2000, I imagine it will not be problem.
This will no longer ensure that the chunk length is below the limit, so change the limit to around 1900 to be safe
You can use .split( ) Javascript function.
word_list = lyrics.split(" ")
And word_list.length to access the number of words in your message and word_list[0] to select the first word for instance.

Make update loop in sync with music and notes in Phaser

I'm trying to make some notes appearing when the music hits a certain time in Phaser, but when I log the "hit times" in the console, it only show up sometimes.
I have an object of "notes", the key being the time I expect the note to show :
1377: {
jam: 1,
duration: 0.40
with 1464 notes.
But, in the update loop, if I do something like this :
update () {
if (music && music.currentTime) {
if (notes[music.currentTime]) {
console.log('notes[music.currentTime].jam', notes[music.currentTime].jam)
It logs only some of the notes, randomly.
Do you have any idea why ?
This is probably because music.currentTime is incrementing by ~16 ms on each update, so it can skip specific time keys from your notes object. Other than that I believe that the time can also be a floating point value, so it won't exactly match your keys in the notes variable.
An alternate way to implement what you want would be to change format of the notes variable to an array so it could be accessed later in a different manner:
var notes = [
{'start': 1377, 'jam': 1, 'duration': 0.40},
{'start': 2456, 'jam': 1, 'duration': 0.30},
// Index of the first note that will be played.
// Will be incremented by 1 or more with some update() calls,
// depending on the time that passed.
var nextNote = 0;
function update() {
// Process all notes that are now in the past
// compared to the current time of the playing music,
// but skip notes that have been already played before.
while (music && nextNote < notes.length && notes[nextNote].start <= music.currentTime) {
nextNote += 1;
For this method to work, the notes array must hold start times in an ascending order.

How to specify different delays between slides in bxslider

Ran across the following problem in bxslider- how can you apply different delays between slides in the auto show?
I came up with the following solution which I will show here:
in the jquery.bxslider.js replace:
el.startAuto = function(preventControlUpdate){
// if an interval already exists, disregard call
if(slider.interval) return;
// create an interval
slider.interval = setInterval(function(){
slider.settings.autoDirection == 'next' ? el.goToNextSlide() : el.goToPrevSlide();
}, slider.settings.pause);
// if auto controls are displayed and preventControlUpdate is not true
if (slider.settings.autoControls && preventControlUpdate != true) updateAutoControls('stop');
/**EDITS: By CRB - techdude **/
el.startAuto = function(preventControlUpdate){
el.continueAuto = function(){
//get how long the current slide should stay
var duration = slider.children.eq(parseInt("duration");
if(duration == ""){
duration = slider.settings.pause;
} else {
duration = parseInt(duration);
// create a timeout
slider.timer = setTimeout(function(){
slider.settings.autoDirection == 'next' ? el.goToNextSlide() : el.goToPrevSlide();
}, duration);
// if auto controls are displayed and preventControlUpdate is not true
if (slider.settings.autoControls && preventControlUpdate != true) updateAutoControls('stop');
//*End Edits*/
Then to change the duration of a slide, simply give its li tag a duration attribute like this:
where duration is the number of milliseconds for the slide to pause.
To set the default duration, simply use the pause: option in the settings:
pause: 4000
Hope this helps. Maybe bx slider will even add it to a future version. :)
What are the you're using to pick this up? Any way you can put up a gist of it working?
Perhaps this will help clarify:
In principle, the way this works is I change the setInterval with a setTimeout so the interval can be changed each time.
The key to getting multiple elements to work on a page is to not use the slider.timer object, but probably to use the el.timer object so the line would read something like,
el.timer = setTimeout(function(){
slider.settings.autoDirection == 'next' ? el.goToNextSlide() : el.goToPrevSlide();
}, duration);
Instead of
slider.timer = setTimeout(function(){
slider.settings.autoDirection == 'next' ? el.goToNextSlide() : el.goToPrevSlide();
}, duration);
I haven't tested it with multiple sliders, but let me know if this works. That is the principle anyway. The only problem with this, however, is that I believe that you would need to modify the el.pause method to use the el.timer as well, otherwise the slideshow can't be paused. I think that was the reason I did it the way I did. However, it was a long time ago.
