I'm using UbuntuĀ 16.04 (Xenial Xerus), and I try to install the youcompleteme plugin of Vim, but it shows this log error. How can I fix it?
"YouCompleteMe unavailable: invalid syntax (vimsupport.py, line 184) "
Line 184 of ycm/Vim support.py in YouCompleteMe uses an f-string, which is a feature introduced only on Python 3.6.
So you need Python 3.6 or newer for YouCompleteMe to work.
Ubuntu 16.04 is over 4.5 years old and there are two LTS versions of the OS available at this point. You should strongly consider upgrading to a more recent version of Ubuntu, not just for a newer Python version, but also Vim and everything else.
i'm unable to install YouAutoComplete on vim because he cannot link to python. i've installed python3.8 and 3.7 32bits but it don't change anything(i'm running on windows). And i changed pythonthreedll and pythonthreehome variable without any result.
I had the same problem in past. I download python-3.8.6-amd 64bit and gvim_8.2 64 bit. Maybe you test it with thiis one's. I had download the gvim from this page: https://github.com/vim/vim-win32-installer/releases
GVim must have python 3 support. You can test this in Vim with :py3 pass
I am new to Cassandra and trying to setup it on Linux version 2.6.18-404.el5 with Java 8 64 bit. I have tried Cassandra version 3.3. and 2.2.5 and getting an error:
File "./cqlsh.py", line 686
ssl_options=sslhandling.ssl_settings(hostname, CONFIG_FILE) if ssl else None, ^
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
It is reporting a syntax error on 'if'
You need to install python 2.7. Probably in parallel to your system installation so not to break your Linux distribution. For Centos 6.5 the instructions here worked like a charm for me. As Centos is a Redhat clone it should work for you as well.
Install dependencies
Download the python 2.7 sources.
Configure and build python; note that you have to make altinstall so not to mess with your system installation of python!
Verify the installation: try python2.7 --version, if everything worked out OK this will print the version info of your python 2.7 installation
Then edit the cqlsh shell script. It contains just one code line. At the start of that line replace python with python2.7, save the file, and now you should be able to run cqlsh.
I installed Vim 7.4 in a Windows 8 machine and it was working fine. After installing all plugins in my .vimrc, GVIM crashed and it wouldn't open again. I could manage to use VIM from cmd but not without some errors. My first try was to reeinstall GVIM completely. After reinstalling, it worked fine but if I also reinstall my plugins it would crash and not open again. What should I do?
I removed all plugins and installed one by one until I got the error, which was with the Ultisnips plugin. I happen to know that this plugin requires VIM with Python support, which my VIM probably wouldn't have. To test this, run vim --version and look for a +python (or run echo has("python") from inside GVIM and look for a output of 1). In my case, it was -python, which was confusing, since I have Python installed. According to this answer, you need to install Python after installing VIM, so I did it and it worked.
I have a error when i use vim. After I place this line in .vimrc
Plugin 'Valloric/YouCompleteMe'
YouCompleteMe unavailable:
My vim : VIM - Vi IMproved 7.3
Anyone's know how to fix it ?v
The :version command tells you the exact Vim version. If you grabbed the official installer from vim.org, you probably have 7.3.000. As Vim 7.4 has been released, it's the easiest to upgrade to that version.
If you have the problem with Homebrew version on Mac, try the following as officially documented. Please make sure you're running vim not vi on your mac.
cd ~/.vim/bundle/YouCompleteMe
I'm trying to install CommandT for Vim on Windows. My setup:
OS: Windows 7
Vim: Cream installation of Vim (Vim 7.3 plus ruby support)
Ruby: rubyinstaller-1.8.7-p334.exe
Ruby dev kit: DevKit-tdm-32-4.5.1-20101214-1400-sfx.exe
I followed this guide http://rfbrazier.posterous.com/installing-the-command-t-vim-plugin-on-window, as well as the official CommandT installation screen cast. I've installed ruby and the dev kit successfully, and have verified the dev kit installation by installing the discount gem.
My problem is that when I try to generate the CommandT makefile, I get an error saying the script can't find ruby.h: "checking for ruby.h... no". No makefile, no CommandT :(
Any advice?
I had this problem too. Download http://rubyforge.org/frs/download.php/66888/devkit-3.4.5r3-20091110.7z and install it according to INSTALL.txt from this 7z-file
If you are using gVim 7.2 on windows and want a Command-T bundle with the extension already compiled, get from the same source I use in my vimfiles repository: https://github.com/carlosedp/vimfiles/tree/master/bundle