unable link pyhton3 in gvim 8.2 - python-3.x

i'm unable to install YouAutoComplete on vim because he cannot link to python. i've installed python3.8 and 3.7 32bits but it don't change anything(i'm running on windows). And i changed pythonthreedll and pythonthreehome variable without any result.

I had the same problem in past. I download python-3.8.6-amd 64bit and gvim_8.2 64 bit. Maybe you test it with thiis one's. I had download the gvim from this page: https://github.com/vim/vim-win32-installer/releases
GVim must have python 3 support. You can test this in Vim with :py3 pass


Visual Code gives error that it cannot find Python on Mac Pro

I'm running a Mac Pro 2021 model version 12.6. For some reason, my vscode will not run Python anymore when I tried using a program. I switched over to the cloud-based version for a while and now switched back to the application. It says that it could not find Python in my files. I believe both VSCode and my Mac are updated up to date. I installed python 3.11.0 for Mac, but no progress. I also tried running the update shell.command and the certificate commands as a part of the download in the vscode terminal, but it did not help. I also reinstalled the Python
v2022.16.1 Vscode extension and restarted the program. I still get the same error.
Explained above.
Have you tried Shift + Command + P type "Python: Select interpreter" yet?
Usually, all installed Python interpreters show up here, and you can also enter a path to a Python interpreter on your system.

Issue on Installing Anaconda for Windows 10

I installed Anaconda 3 (Python 3.7.3 64-bit) from file Anaconda3-2019.03-Windows-x86_64.exe but I can't find Anaconda Navigator between my desktop apps. I followed some (very) similar questions on this forum but, e.g. after having opened the command terminal and dialed the command:
I obtained the error text:
'anaconda-navigator' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.
How do I fix this? Thank you!
I had the same problem on windows 10 64x, the only way to make it work was by uninstalling python and anaconda and installing the anaconda 86x.

How to use pip with Visual Studio Code

I have python 3.6 installed, I have a python extension installed on Visual Studio code but I still can't use pip on Visual Studio code. It says it is not a recognised command. Any help please?
Update: I tried installing pip manually but a file in python2.7 keeps stopping. What's bothersome is that I uninstalled python 2.7 ages ago and I've currently removed every folder with it but python-V still says I have python2.7.6 installed.
I'm on windows 10
I found some solution on this website:
If you use Visual Studio Code, you can type the following command:
C:\> py -m pip
If everything is alright, you should see the list of commands, which you can use. They are listed in your terminal, as per below.
I also would advise you to check/select the version of Python you are using:
VSCode: There is no Pip installer available in the selected environment
I am pretty sure your problems of VSCode not finding the correct version of Python will be resolved if you add your ( Python 3.6 installation ) location to the system path.

Installing KAA (python console editor) on Windows

I'm trying to install Kaa editor on Windows (it runs great on Linux).
It depends on Curses_ex, which must be compiled in Windows.
But I don't have a Visual Studio,
The only curses precompiled I found on the web is for Python 3.2 - http://www.lfd.uci.edu/~gohlke/pythonlibs/
Kaa requires Python 3.3+ http://www.lfd.uci.edu/~gohlke/pythonlibs/
Is there a solution to install kaa (or compile curses) without installing VS?
I'm an author of kaa.
I haven't try kaa in Windows yet, but I'm afraid kaa doesn't work in Windows out of box. PDCurses lacks some functionaries used by kaa(e.g, key_defined()), and console window doesn't support unicode character.
I expect we can run kaa in Cygwin version of Python on mintty, but Cygwin doesn't ship Python 3.3 yet.
I'll look into these issues later. So, for the meantime, please play kaa on Ubuntu or Mac.

Problem Installing CommandT for Vim on Windows (can't find ruby.h)

I'm trying to install CommandT for Vim on Windows. My setup:
OS: Windows 7
Vim: Cream installation of Vim (Vim 7.3 plus ruby support)
Ruby: rubyinstaller-1.8.7-p334.exe
Ruby dev kit: DevKit-tdm-32-4.5.1-20101214-1400-sfx.exe
I followed this guide http://rfbrazier.posterous.com/installing-the-command-t-vim-plugin-on-window, as well as the official CommandT installation screen cast. I've installed ruby and the dev kit successfully, and have verified the dev kit installation by installing the discount gem.
My problem is that when I try to generate the CommandT makefile, I get an error saying the script can't find ruby.h: "checking for ruby.h... no". No makefile, no CommandT :(
Any advice?
I had this problem too. Download http://rubyforge.org/frs/download.php/66888/devkit-3.4.5r3-20091110.7z and install it according to INSTALL.txt from this 7z-file
If you are using gVim 7.2 on windows and want a Command-T bundle with the extension already compiled, get from the same source I use in my vimfiles repository: https://github.com/carlosedp/vimfiles/tree/master/bundle
