For the below data
"name": "iPhone XR Black 64GB",
"color": "red"
"name": "iPhone XS Gold 64GB",
"color": "blue"
"name": "Galaxy Note9 Ocean Blue 128GB",
"name": "G7 ThinQ™ Platinum Gray 64GB",
"name": "Moto E5 Play 16GB",
If I filter color:red it should return the records matching the following criterias.
If the color attribute exists it should be red.
If the color attribute doesn't exist.
Output would be
"name": "iPhone XR Black 64GB",
"color": "red"
"name": "Galaxy Note9 Ocean Blue 128GB",
"name": "G7 ThinQ™ Platinum Gray 64GB",
"name": "Moto E5 Play 16GB",
Click here for flow chart
Algolia is a search engine, meaning that it returns matching records as is. It doesn't perform any transformations, and you can't inject logic into the engine's behavior.
With your above dataset, if you run an empty search ('') with a filter "color:red", Algolia will only return the following record:
"name": "iPhone XR Black 64GB",
"color": "red"
If you want all records (in the limit of 1,000 records), you need to perform an empty query with no filters.
For my teaching notes I am trying to implement this vega-lite example in Altair:
"data": {"url": "data/seattle-weather.csv"},
"layer": [{
"params": [{
"name": "brush",
"select": {"type": "interval", "encodings": ["x"]}
"mark": "bar",
"encoding": {
"x": {
"timeUnit": "month",
"field": "date",
"type": "ordinal"
"y": {
"aggregate": "mean",
"field": "precipitation",
"type": "quantitative"
"opacity": {
"condition": {
"param": "brush", "value": 1
"value": 0.7
}, {
"transform": [{
"filter": {"param": "brush"}
"mark": "rule",
"encoding": {
"y": {
"aggregate": "mean",
"field": "precipitation",
"type": "quantitative"
"color": {"value": "firebrick"},
"size": {"value": 3}
I getting the separate charts (bar and rule to work) was easy, but I run into issues in making mark_rule interactive.
import altair as alt
from vega_datasets import data
df = data.seattle_weather()
selection = alt.selection_interval(encodings=['x'])
base = alt.Chart(df).add_selection(selection)
bar_i = base.mark_bar().encode(
opacity=alt.condition(selection, alt.value(1.0), alt.value(0.7)))
rule_i = base.mark_rule().transform_filter(selection).encode(y="mean(precipitation):Q")
(bar_i + rule_i).properties(width=600)
The error reads
Javascript Error: Duplicate signal name: "selector013_scale_trigger"
This usually means there's a typo in your chart specification. See the javascript console for the full traceback.
It looks like the chart you're interested in creating is part of Altair's example gallery:
import altair as alt
from vega_datasets import data
source = data.seattle_weather()
brush = alt.selection(type='interval', encodings=['x'])
bars = alt.Chart(source).mark_bar().encode(
opacity=alt.condition(brush, alt.OpacityValue(1), alt.OpacityValue(0.7)),
line = alt.Chart(source).mark_rule(color='firebrick').encode(
bars + line
The error you're seeing comes from the fact that base includes the selection, and both layers are derived from base, so the same selection is declared twice within the single chart.
I am trying to develope a simple messagaging extension app for Microsoft Teams. With the use of Task Modules I can load a simple Adative Card. Works as designed. The only problem I have with it, is that my Adaptive Card has a color issue withing Microsoft Teams in Dark Mode.
Take a look at the image below. 1 shows a very simple Adaptive Card designed via (preview mode). 2 the very same Adaptive Card but now an actual snippet from Microsoft Teams. As you can see the card below has some color issues which makes the input hard to see.
Here is the code I've used:
public async handleTeamsMessagingExtensionFetchTask(
context: TurnContext,
action: any
): Promise<any> {
const adaptiveCard = CardFactory.adaptiveCard({
"type": "AdaptiveCard",
"body": [
"type": "TextBlock",
"size": "Medium",
"weight": "Bolder",
"text": "${title}"
"type": "Input.Text",
"placeholder": "Placeholder text"
"actions": [
"type": "Action.Submit",
"title": "Submit"
"$schema": "",
"version": "1.3"
return {
task: {
type: 'continue',
value: {
card: adaptiveCard,
height: 535,
title: '${title}',
url: null,
width: 500
There's not much that can be done about the input box itself in this case, but maybe try changing the colour of the label above it, something like this (I've changed some of your property names as well, as they were invalid case - things like "medium" instead of "Medium":
"size": "medium",
"weight": "bolder",
"text": "${title}",
"color": "good"
Color allows the following values:
If you nest your Text input into a Container, you are able change the Container's style to provide a coloured background upon which the Text input sits.
It's not necessarily right for your use case, but it could be a workaround of interest
Container Style colour options
"type": "Container",
"style": "emphasis",
"bleed": true,
"items": [
"type": "TextBlock",
"text": "Request New Ticket",
"wrap": true,
"fontType": "Default",
"style": "heading",
"size": "Large",
"color": "Good",
"weight": "Bolder",
"horizontalAlignment": "Center"
In documentation of VS Code Extensions, it is mentioned that you can define your own color:
How can I use this color in the Color Theme I create?
For example, I have the following in package.json
"contributes": {
"themes": [
"label": "My Color Theme",
"uiTheme": "vs-dark",
"path": "./themes/my-color-theme.json"
"colors": [
"id": "",
"description": "Gold",
"defaults": {
"dark": "#FFB71B",
"light": "#FFB71B",
"highContrast": "#FFB71B"
And the following in my-color-theme.json (I would like to use "gold" for one of the item but it does not work):
"name": "My Color Theme",
"type": "dark",
"colors": {
"editor.background": "#000000",
"editor.foreground": "#FFFFFF",
"sideBarTitle.foreground": "",
Color entries can only contain color values of the form #RGB, #RGBA, #RRGGBB or #RRGGBBAA, nothing else. No other color format (hsl etc.) or named color is supported. Hence "sideBarTitle.foreground": "" is an invalid entry.
How do I create a wordcloud with Altair?
Vega and vega-lite provide wordcloud functionality which I have used succesfully in the past.
Therefore it should be possible to access it from Altair if I understand correctly and
I would prefer to prefer to express the visualizations in Python rather than embedded JSON.
All the examples for Altair I have seen involve standard chart types like
scatter plots and bar graphs.
I have not seen any involving wordclouds, networks, treemaps, etc.
More specifically how would I express or at least approximate the following Vega visualization in Altair?
def wc(pages, width=2**10.5, height=2**9.5):
return {
"$schema": "",
"name": "wordcloud",
"width": width,
"height": height,
"padding": 0,
"data" : [
'name' : 'table',
'values' : [{'text': pg.title, 'definition': pg.defn, 'count': pg.count} for pg in pages)]
"scales": [
"name": "color",
"type": "ordinal",
"range": ["#d5a928", "#652c90", "#939597"]
"marks": [
"type": "text",
"from": {"data": "table"},
"encode": {
"enter": {
"text": {"field": "text"},
"align": {"value": "center"},
"baseline": {"value": "alphabetic"},
"fill": {"scale": "color", "field": "text"},
"tooltip": {"field": "definition", "type": "nominal", 'fontSize': 32}
"update": {
"fillOpacity": {"value": 1}
"transform": [
"type": "wordcloud",
"size": [width, height],
"text": {"field": "text"},
#"rotate": {"field": "datum.angle"},
"font": "Helvetica Neue, Arial",
"fontSize": {"field": "datum.count"},
#"fontWeight": {"field": "datum.weight"},
"fontSizeRange": [2**4, 2**6],
"padding": 2**4
Altair's API is built on the Vega-Lite grammar, which includes only a subset of the plot types available in Vega. Word clouds cannot be created in Vega-Lite, so they cannot be created in Altair.
With mad respect to #jakevdp, you can construct a word cloud (or something word cloud-like) in altair by recognizing that the elements of a word cloud chart involve:
a dataset of words and their respective quantities
text_marks encoded with each word, and optionally size and or color based on quantity
"randomly" distributing the text_marks in 2d space.
One simple option to distribute marks is to add an additional 'x' and 'y' column to data, each element being a random sample from the range of your chosen x and y domain:
import random
def shuffled_range(n): return random.sample(range(n), k=n)
n = len(words_and_counts) # words_and_counts: a pandas data frame
x = shuffled_range(n)
y = shuffled_range(n)
data = words_and_counts.assign(x=x, y=y)
This isn't perfect as it doesn't explicitly prevent word overlap, but you can play with n and do a few runs of random number generation until you find a layout that's pleasing.
Having thus prepared your data you may specify the word cloud elements like so:
base = alt.Chart(data).encode(
x=alt.X('x:O', axis=None),
y=alt.Y('y:O', axis=None)
).configure_view(strokeWidth=0) # remove border
word_cloud = base.mark_text(baseline='middle').encode(
color=alt.Color('count:Q', scale=alt.Scale(scheme='goldred')),
size=alt.Size('count:Q', legend=None)
Here's the result applied to the same dataset used in the Vega docs:
In Vega Lite, is it possible to use one field of the data values as the axis value, and another field as the label?
If this is my vega lite spec, then the graph works correctly, but shows the dates on the x-axis. How can I show the day names on the x-axis instead?
"$schema": "",
"description": "basic line graph",
"data": {
"values": [
{"date":"2017-08-15", "dayName":"Tue","item":"foo","count":"0"},
{"date":"2017-08-16", "dayName":"Wed","item":"foo","count":"11"},
{"date":"2017-08-17", "dayName":"Thu","item":"foo","count":"7"},
{"date":"2017-08-18", "dayName":"Fri","item":"foo","count":"28"},
{"date":"2017-08-19", "dayName":"Sat","item":"foo","count":"0"},
{"date":"2017-08-20", "dayName":"Sun","item":"foo","count":"0"},
{"date":"2017-08-21", "dayName":"Mon","item":"foo","count":"0"}
"mark": {
"type": "line",
"interpolate": "monotone"
"encoding": {
"x": {"field": "date", "type": "temporal"},
"y": {"field": "count", "type": "quantitative"}
It shows the date field, August 16, August 17 on the x-axis. How can I make it show the dayName field instead? It should show Tue, Wed, and so on.
You can use timeUnit.
"$schema": "",
"description": "basic line graph",
"data": {
"values": [
{"date":"2017-08-15", "dayName":"Tue","item":"foo","count":"0"},
{"date":"2017-08-16", "dayName":"Wed","item":"foo","count":"11"},
{"date":"2017-08-17", "dayName":"Thu","item":"foo","count":"7"},
{"date":"2017-08-18", "dayName":"Fri","item":"foo","count":"28"},
{"date":"2017-08-19", "dayName":"Sat","item":"foo","count":"0"},
{"date":"2017-08-20", "dayName":"Sun","item":"foo","count":"0"},
{"date":"2017-08-21", "dayName":"Mon","item":"foo","count":"0"}
"mark": {
"type": "line",
"interpolate": "monotone"
"encoding": {
"x": {
"timeUnit": "day",
"field": "date",
"type": "temporal"
"y": {"field": "count", "type": "quantitative"}
If you want to customize the label format, you can add axis format, as well