Pytorch datatype/dimension confusion TypeError: 'Tensor' object is not callable - pytorch

This piece of code is originally written in numpy and I'm trying to utilise GPU computation by rewriting it in pytorch, but as I'm new to pytorch a lot of problems occured to me. Firstly I'm confused by the dimension of the tensors. Sometimes after operating on the tensors, only transposing the tensor would fix the problem, is there anyway I can stop doing .t()? The major problem here is that in the line ar = torch.stack ... the error "TypeError: 'Tensor' object is not callable " occurs. Any suggestion/correction would be appreciated. Thxxx
def vec_datastr(vector):
vector = vector.float()
# Find the indices corresponding to non-zero entries
index = torch.nonzero(vector)
index = index.t()
# Compute probability
prob = vector ** 2
if torch.sum(prob) == 0:
prob = 0
prob = prob / torch.sum(prob)
d = depth(vector)
CumProb = torch.ones((2**d-len(prob.t()),1), device ='cuda')
cp = torch.cumsum(prob, dim=0)
cp = cp.reshape((len(cp.t()),1))
CumProb =, CumProb),0)
vector = vector.t()
prob = prob.t()
ar = torch.stack((index, vector([index,1]), prob([index, 1]), CumProb([index, 1]))) # Problems occur here
ar = ar.reshape((len(index), 4))
# Store the data as a 4-dimensional array
output = dict()
output = {'index':ar[:,0], 'value': ar[:,1], 'prob':ar[:,2], 'CumProb': ar[:,3]}
return output

ar = torch.stack(
(index, vector([index, 1]), prob([index, 1]), CumProb([index, 1]))
) # Problems occur here
vector is of type torch.Tensor. It has no __call__ defined. You are going for vector(...) (vector([index,1])) while you should slice the data directly like this: vector[index, 1]. Same goes for prob and CumProb.
Somehow, you do it correctly for ar with ar[:,0] so it might be a typo


RuntimeError: 0D or 1D target tensor expected, multi-target not supported using nll_loss

Trying to calculate loss (using nll_loss) and confusion matrix, but I am getting the following error:
RuntimeError: 0D or 1D target tensor expected, multi-target not supported
I am aware that there are some suggestions online to solve my issue, but none has worked so far.
This is my code snippet:
def test_persionalized_model(self):
cTC = 0
cP = []
#test_acc = 0
for x, y in self.testloaderfull:
x, y =,
output = self.model(x)
#test_acc += (torch.sum(torch.argmax(output, dim=1) == y)).item()
cm = confusion_matrix(y, torch.argmax(output, dim=1))
TC = np.diag(cm)
cTC += np.sum(TC)
for i in range (0,len(cm[0])):
return cTC, np.sum(cm), cP
Line: 9
Error backtrace:
output shape: ([101705, 11])
y shape: ([101705, 11])
I am expecting the code snippet to calculate the confusion matrix and loss. I have tried reshaping, flatening, but none solved my issue.
"multi-target not supported" seems to refer to the target i.e y_true being in one-hot-encoding format while it is supposed to be in dense format. In other words a 1D tensor containing the true class indices. You could try something like:
cm = confusion_matrix(y.argmax(1), output.argmax(1))

Try to concatenate tensors of inconsistent batch size in tensorflow2

I trie to concatenate 2 tensors of different batch size within a function decorated with #tf.function. I tried 2 methods and the first one is listed as below:
import tensorflow as tf
#tf.function # indispensable
def fun1(tensors, indices):
results = []
for i in tf.range(2): # batch size = 2
pos = tf.where(indices==i)
emb = tf.gather_nd(tensors, pos)
# do something to emb, but do nothing here for simplicity.
results += [emb]
results = tf.concat(results, axis=0)
return results
tensors = tf.random.uniform((5, 2))
fun1(tensors, indices=[0, 0, 1, 1, 1])
But it raises errors as following:
TypeError: 'results' does not have the same nested structure after one iteration.
The two structures don't have the same nested structure.
First structure: type=list str=[]
Second structure: type=list str=[<tf.Tensor 'while/GatherNd:0' shape=(None, 2) dtype=float32>]
More specifically: The two structures don't have the same number of elements. First structure: type=list str=[]. Second structure: type=list str=[<tf.Tensor 'while/GatherNd:0' shape=(None, 2) dtype=float32>]
Entire first structure:
Entire second structure:
So I tried the second method:
import tensorflow as tf
#tf.function # indispensable
def fun2(tensors, indices):
results = tf.reshape(tf.constant([], dtype=tf.float32), (0, 2)) # make empty tensors
for i in tf.range(2): # batch size = 2
pos = tf.where(indices==i)
emb = tf.gather_nd(tensors, pos)
# do something to emb, but do nothing here for simplicity
results = tf.concat([results, emb], axis=0)
return results
tensors = tf.random.uniform((5, 2))
fun2(tensors, indices=[0, 0, 1, 1, 1])
But it raises errors:
ValueError: 'results' has shape (0, 2) before the loop, but shape (None, 2) after one iteration. Use tf.autograph.experimental.set_loop_options to set shape invariants.
How should I resolve the problems? Thanks
I found I could achieve it by adding one line of codes to the second method as following:
def fun2(tensors, indices):
results = tf.reshape(tf.constant([], dtype=tf.float32), (0, 2)) # make empty tensors
for i in tf.range(2): # batch size = 2
tf.autograph.experimental.set_loop_options(shape_invariants=[(results, tf.TensorShape([None, 2]))])
pos = tf.where(indices==i)
emb = tf.gather_nd(tensors, pos)
# do something to emb, but do nothing here for simplicity
results = tf.concat([results, emb], axis=0)
return results

Logistic regression cost function returning nan

I learnt logistic regression recently, and I wanted to practice it. I am currently using this dataset from kaggle. I tried to define a cost function in this manner (I made all necessary imports):
# Defining the hypothesis
sigmoid = lambda x: 1 / (1 + np.exp(-x))
predict = lambda trainset, parameters: sigmoid(trainset # parameters)
# Defining the cost
def cost(theta):
#print(X.shape, y.shape, theta.shape)
preds = predict(X, theta.T)
errors = (-y * np.log(preds)) - ((1-y)*np.log(1-preds))
return np.mean(errors)
theta = []
for i in range(13):
theta = np.array([theta])
and when I run this cell I get:
/opt/venv/lib/python3.7/site-packages/ RuntimeWarning: divide by zero encountered in log
if __name__ == '__main__':
/opt/venv/lib/python3.7/site-packages/ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in multiply
if __name__ == '__main__':
When I searched online, I got the advice to normalise the data and then try it. So this is how I did it:
df = pd.read_csv("/home/jovyan/work/heart.csv")
# The dataset is 303x14 in size (using df.shape)
length = df.shape[0]
# Output vector
y = df['target'].values
y = np.array([y]).T
# We name trainingset as X for convenience
trainingset = df.drop(['target'], axis = 1)
#trainingset = df.insert(0, 'bias', 1)
minmax_normal_trainset = (trainingset - trainingset.min())/(trainingset.max() - trainingset.min())
X = trainingset.values
I really don't know where the division by zero error is occurring and how to fix it. If I made any mistakes in this implementation please correct me. I am sorry if this has been asked before, but all I could find was the tip to normalise the data. Thanks in advance!
np.log(0) raises a divide by zero error. So it's this part that's causing the problems:
errors = (-y * np.log(preds)) - ((1 - y) * np.log(1 - preds))
############## #################
preds can be 0 or 1 when the absolute value of x is greater than 709 (because of floating point math, at least on my machine), which is why normalizing x to be between 0 and 1 solves the problem.
You may want to normalize to a larger range than (0, 1) - your sigmoid function as currently set is pretty much linear in that range. Maybe use:
minmax_normal_trainset = c * (trainingset - trainingset.mean())/(trainingset.stdev())
And tune c for better convergence.

Loop over tensor dimension 0 (NoneType) with second tensor values

I have a tensor a, I'd like to loop over the rows and index values based on another tensor l. i.e. l suggests the length of the vector I need.
sess = tf.InteractiveSession()
a = tf.constant(np.random.rand(3,4)) # shape=(3,4)
array([[0.35879311, 0.35347166, 0.31525201, 0.24089784],
[0.47296348, 0.96773956, 0.61336239, 0.6093023 ],
[0.42492552, 0.2556728 , 0.86135674, 0.86679779]])
l = tf.constant(np.array([3,2,4])) # shape=(3,)
array([3, 2, 4])
Expected output:
[array([0.35879311, 0.35347166, 0.31525201]),
array([0.47296348, 0.96773956]),
array([0.42492552, 0.2556728 , 0.86135674, 0.86679779])]
The tricky part is the fact that a could have None as first dimension since it's what is usually defined as batch size through placeholder.
I can not just use mask and condition as below since I need to compute the variance of each row individually.
condition = tf.sequence_mask(l, tf.reduce_max(l))
a_true = tf.boolean_mask(a, condition)
array([0.35879311, 0.35347166, 0.31525201, 0.47296348, 0.96773956,
0.42492552, 0.2556728 , 0.86135674, 0.86679779])
I also tried to use tf.map_fn but can't get it to work.
elems = (a, l)
tf.map_fn(lambda x: x[0][:x[1]], elems)
Any help will be highly appreciated!
TensorArray object can store tensors of different shapes. However, it is still not that simple. Take a look at this example that does what you want using tf.while_loop() with tf.TensorArray and tf.slice() function:
import tensorflow as tf
import numpy as np
batch_data = np.array([[0.35879311, 0.35347166, 0.31525201, 0.24089784],
[0.47296348, 0.96773956, 0.61336239, 0.6093023 ],
[0.42492552, 0.2556728 , 0.86135674, 0.86679779]])
batch_idx = np.array([3, 2, 4]).reshape(-1, 1)
x = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=(None, 4))
idx = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, shape=(None, 1))
n_items = tf.shape(x)[0]
init_ary = tf.TensorArray(dtype=tf.float32,
def _first_n(i, ta):
ta = ta.write(i, tf.slice(input_=x[i],
begin=tf.convert_to_tensor([0], tf.int32),
return i+1, ta
_, first_n = tf.while_loop(lambda i, ta: i < n_items,
[0, init_ary])
first_n = [ # <-- extracts the tensors
for i in range(batch_data.shape[0])] # that you're looking for
with tf.Session() as sess:
res =, feed_dict={x:batch_data, idx:batch_idx})
# [array([0.3587931 , 0.35347167, 0.315252 ], dtype=float32),
# array([0.47296348, 0.9677396 ], dtype=float32),
# array([0.4249255 , 0.2556728 , 0.86135674, 0.8667978 ], dtype=float32)]
We still had to use batch_size to extract elements one by one from first_n TensorArray using read() method. We can't use any other method that returns Tensor because we have rows of different sizes (except TensorArray.concat method but it will return all elements stacked in one dimension).
If TensorArray will have less elements than index you pass to you will get InvalidArgumentError.
You can't use tf.map_fn because it returns a tensor that must have all elements of the same shape.
The task is simpler if you only need to compute variances of the first n elements of each row (without actually gather elements of different sizes together). In this case we could directly compute variance of sliced tensor, put it to TensorArray and then stack it to tensor:
n_items = tf.shape(x)[0]
init_ary = tf.TensorArray(dtype=tf.float32,
def _variances(i, ta, begin=tf.convert_to_tensor([0], tf.int32)):
mean, varian = tf.nn.moments(
tf.slice(input_=x[i], begin=begin, size=idx[i]),
axes=[0]) # <-- compute variance
ta = ta.write(i, varian) # <-- write variance of each row to `TensorArray`
return i+1, ta
_, variances = tf.while_loop(lambda i, ta: i < n_items,
[ 0, init_ary])
variances = variances.stack() # <-- read from `TensorArray` to `Tensor`
with tf.Session() as sess:
res =, feed_dict={x:batch_data, idx:batch_idx})
print(res) # [0.0003761 0.06120085 0.07217039]

PySpark LinearRegressionWithSGD, model predict dimensions mismatch

I've come across the following error:
AssertionError: dimension mismatch
I've trained a linear regression model using PySpark's LinearRegressionWithSGD.
However when I try to make a prediction on the training set, I get "dimension mismatch" error.
Worth mentioning:
Data was scaled using StandardScaler, but the predicted value was not.
As can be seen in code the features used for training were generated by PCA.
Some code:
pca_transformed = pca_model.transform(data_std)
X = x: (x[0], x[1]))
data =
labeled_data = x : LabeledPoint(x[0], x[1:]))
linear_regression_model = LinearRegressionWithSGD.train(labeled_data, iterations=10)
The prediction is the source of the error, and these are the variations I tried:
pred = linear_regression_model.predict(pca_transformed.collect())
pred = linear_regression_model.predict([pca_transformed.collect()])
pred = linear_regression_model.predict(X.collect())
pred = linear_regression_model.predict([X.collect()])
The regression weights:
DenseVector([1.8509, 81435.7615])
The vectors used:
[DenseVector([-0.1745, -1.8936])]
[(-0.17449817243564397, -1.8935926689554488)]
[LabeledPoint(22221.0, [-0.174498172436,-1.89359266896])]
This worked:
pred = linear_regression_model.predict(pca_transformed)
pca_transformed is of type RDD.
The function handles RDD's and arrays differently:
def predict(self, x):
Predict the value of the dependent variable given a vector or
an RDD of vectors containing values for the independent variables.
if isinstance(x, RDD):
x = _convert_to_vector(x)
return + self.intercept
When a simple array is used, there might be a dimension mismatch issue (like the error in the question above).
As can be seen, if x is not an RDD, it's being converted to a vector. The thing is the dot product will not work unless you take x[0].
Here is the error reproduced:
j = _convert_to_vector(pca_transformed.take(1)) + linear_regression_model.intercept
This works just fine:
j = _convert_to_vector(pca_transformed.take(1))[0]) + linear_regression_model.intercept
